
My Mother's Past

The flash of light opened up into a silver and gold portal, I walked into the portal and it led me to a room named "The room of memories" the room showed several images of my mother like her 1'st birthday, her dad going to war , her celebrating her sweet 16 and memories of her having me . But in that memory I had Galaxy hair that had silver & gold sparkles in it that shined like the moon & sun mixed together . Then it showed me a memory of my mom dying my hair blonde, with a fade of light brown wich is my hair color now !? All this time my mom kept this a secret from me ,now she shows me ? I was really angry, but I understood why she didn't tell me ,It was because I was too young at the time, and I could've just told everyone about my role as "The Queen" I quickly try and run back through the portal, but someone's hand pulls me back.

Hey guys I hope u like part soon part 3 will be out just be patient and read other people's stories, have a good day baii !!! 🤭🤭🤭