
Chapter thirty one: Rude awakening

For the first time since her nightmare began Salsa had a very pleasant sleep. She dreamt that she was somewhere very beautiful, sunbathing in the sun, she and the Queen, there was no slave nor Queen there. Everything was fine and fun.

With the taste of her dream lingering in her mouth, and a smile of happiness coating her lips Salsa's eyes fluttered open slowly like the beating wings of a bird.

She expected the delicious warmth of the Queen's body that cocooned her all through the night after the Queen was done having her way with her but all she felt was coldness and emptiness.

A little disappointed she turned around on the bed to seek out the Queen but the space beside her was empty. That struck a hard note to her chest. She had wanted some explanation as to what yesterday was all about. Her body still trembles when she recalls all the things the Queen did to her and commanded her to do?

Was she now her majesty's doll. Will she from now be her pleasure slave. It has never been heard in their kingdom that a woman had a female slave so she was confused about how whatever between them was going to continue but it seems all her questions and confusion is going to be deferred till a later date, if it ever comes.

A sad sigh slipped uncontrolled from her lips.

" What happened to your neck? " The Queen's voice sounded soundly into the room.

Salsa jumped out of her skin before turning to face in the direction the voice was coming from, her heart racing in her chest.

The Queen was standing near the window with her back to her fully dressed in her clothes for the day.

Salsa frowned a little wondering when the other servants came in to dress the Queen. Then she realized something and gasped in shock and fear. Did the servants see her naked in the Queen's bed. Did they know what transpired last night.

Were they going to tell everyone what they saw.

Her heart nearly jumped out of her throat at the thought of Mei having this knowledge about what happened between her and the Queen. She remembered what the servant said to her last night when she had her neck in her clutches.

Without meaning to, her hand crept up to her neck to feel it, her body shivering at the terrifying memory of her life being choked out of her.

" I asked you a question? " Onyx repeated when her servant didn't say anything.

Last night while taking the girl she had noticed the mark on her, she had wanted to question her about it but didn't want anything to spoil the mood last night. Now she wanted to know.

Salsa jumped at the Queen's cold voice. Why was the Queen speaking to her like she was a stranger. She abandoned that line of questioning as soon as it hit her mind to answer her question.

" No one, " she said softly looking down to the rumpled white sheets on the bed. She hated lying to the Queen but she couldn't in her good conscience get Mei in trouble.

Onyx took another look into the morning darkness, the sun was still behind the sky, merely peeping from it, and then turned to face her servant.

She slowly walked toward her, forcing her body not to react when the blonde's green eyes slowly lifted up to watch her as she approach. She had expected those emeralds to loose all their innocence after last night but that wasn't the case and having one taste wasn't enough to satiate her hunger.

When she got to the girl she bent until she was at eye level with her.

" Are you lying to me Salsa, " she purred moving her hand along the girl's pale smooth leg.

Salsa gasped as her body flooded with desire, her green eyes grew darker, glowing like the jade stones. Salsa swallowed with some difficulty as she battled to resist the Queen's touch, and keep her lips sealed.

A dark smirk curved Onyx lips as the blonde tried to resist her. A challenge, she smirked feeling a slow burn of desire erupt between her legs. Her hand which was stroking the blonde's leg slowly crept up toward her inner thigh.

" Who tried to harm you my pet? " she asked again her voice low and husky, her eyes growing darker as she watched the blonde response to her touch. The girl's breathing was coming faster and her chest rose and fell deeply causing the white sheets covering her nakedness to slip down a little laying open her pale cleavage for the her hungry eyes.

Between her legs were aching for the Queen's touch, her body crying out for more of the pleasure that the Queen subjected it to. Salsa wondered if she answers will the Queen stop what she was doing.

So great was her desire to have the Queen fill her emptiness once again that she kept quiet just for the fun of it.

Catching on to the blonde's plot Onyx decided to oblige her. Even without her keeping quiet she was still going to fuck her but now she was going to have the pleasure of getting the words out of the blonde.

She moved her fingers closer, a cocky smile tugged her lips when she encountered the wetness between the blonde's legs.

" I see someone woke up hungry for my touch, " she teased moving another finger breath closer to the blonde's burning heat.

" Please, my Queen, " Salsa begged moving her hips downward to get it closer to what she desires most.

" Ah Ah! not until you answer me, " Onyx moved her fingers away, watching with a gleam in her eyes as the blonde's face twisted as if she was in pain from being denied her touch. The sheets slipped again exposing her little firm breast and Onyx pounced on it.

She moved her other hand to cradle one of them in her palm. Her fingers caressed and stroked the pale flesh, while she teased the blonde again with the fingers between her legs.

The pleasure overload was just too much for Salsa to bear. She wanted the Queen's touch so bad she felt as if she will die if she didn't get it.

" It was Mei. She was angry at me for being close to you and wanted me to stay away from you, " she answered in one breath, barely stopping to breath.

Now the Queen can touch her and grant her sweet release. Her body almost combusted just imagining what will happen next.

As soon as the blonde gave her what she wanted Onyx withdrew her hands from her body and got to her feet. " Thanks for being, honest, now get dressed Mei and Sally will be here any minute, " she said in a flat tone, her voice devoid of any of the feelings there were there few seconds ago.

The Queen's cold attitude threw Salsa for the loop making her feel confused.

" What! " she gasped for lack of better response to the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Her body still crying out for the Queen's touch.

Onyx acted as if she couldn't hear the girl's confusion. Her heart twisted in pain at what she was about to do but she has no choice. If she wanted the girl safe it will mean she has to keep her away from her.

She made her way to her dressing table and sat down with her back to the blonde. She tried to keep herself occupied by fiddling around with the jewelries on the table while she stole glances at the blonde through the mirror, not that the blonde noticed.

* Sally has found you a room with the other servants, you will be going there when the day fully breaks and I don't want to see you until I send for you, " she said looking at the blonde through the mirror.

Her heart clenched tightly in her chest at the sight of pain that fleeted across the blonde's face but this was better for them both.

If someone shoots an arrow straight to her heart Salsa doubts it will hurt as much as it was hurting this moment. It was as if she was watching helplessly as her heart cracks into pieces. She was confused by how much she was hurting from the Queen's behavior. Why does it feel as if her heart is being turn into two.

The Queen was right, she is well now and can go back to the servant's quarters where she belongs, and from her tone it seems that whatever happened between them was over. What had she expected.

Instead protesting further Salsa got out of bed and reached for her gown and began to dress. As she dressed she looked toward the Queen wishing she would turn around and look at her but the Queen kept her back to her as if she couldn't be bothered with her.

After she was done dressing Salsa stood awkwardly in the middle of the room wondering what next.

As if in answer to her question the door opened and Mei and Sally made their way inside.

They both drew up shot at the sight of their mistress already dressed, along with the blonde servant.

" Your highness, " they both greeted at once curtseying.

Onyx dragged her attention away from the jewelry she was fiddling with and turned to address her servants.

" Sally you take back Salsa to the servants' quarters, " she instructed the girl.

Sally eyes immediately flew to the blonde. The younger girl looked as if she just lost her most valuable possession. Was her neck still hurting, is that why she looks so much in pain.

Maybe she will take her to the palace physician to have it looked at.

" Come, " she said gently to the blonde as she helped her with her little bag.

Salsa didn't want to leave not with the Queen acting as if this was the end. What was going to happen to her now?

She looked toward the Queen to see if she could catch a glimpse of the warmth that had been on her face all through the night, but there wasn't a trace, all she found was bone chilling coldness.

Resigned that whatever was going on between them must have been one sided, Salsa picked up the shattered pieces of her heart from the ground and followed Sally out of the room without another backward glance.

Mei eyes moved from the departing the blonde to the Queen and her chest tightened with jealousy as she watched the play of emotions on her face while she watched the blonde leave. Mei have always had the suspicious that Queen cares more for the blonde than that of a mistress servant relationship and watching the Queen watch the blonde it couldn't have been more obvious.

Hatred like none she has ever felt filled her heart toward the blonde. She hated her for bewitching the Queen with wiles and beauty. If the Queen continues to associate with the blonde it is only going to bring about her ruin and she wasn't going to let that happen, she loves the Queen so much to let anything bad happen to her.

Onyx finally pulled her eyes away from the departing blonde, telling herself that it was for the best even though her heart was aching with loneliness and missing the blonde already.

Her attention returned to the only servant remaining in the room and her eyes darkened in fury at what the other servant did to the blonde. She raised her hand and slapped the girl so hard that the sound echoed all over the room.

" Your highness, " Mei gasped in painful shock, grabbing her cheeks. She looked up at the Queen with terror and questions in her eyes.

In response, Onyx slapped her again and then another sending the girl down to the ground. She was so angry at the girl for laying hands on the blonde that she was tempted to have her flogged and the only reason she wasn't doing that was because the girl has been with her for so long.

" Get up! " she commanded the girl coldly, watching her with furious eyes.

Mei felt tears run down her cheeks as she slowly picked herself up from the ground. She wondered why her mistress was lashing out at her. The young Queen has never treated her this harshly before.

Onyx closed the gap between them and leaned down to whisper her words into her ear.

" The next time you lay your hand on her, I will have it cut off, do you understand me? " she growled.

Mei nodded terrified by the look in the Queen's eyes. She couldn't believe that the Queen struck her because of the blonde. Her eyes narrowed in anger toward the blonde. It was all her fault that the Queen is angry with her and she was going to get back at her even if it is the last thing she does.
