
The Purpose Of My Existence

> 2 Chapters in a day Temporary

Charlottes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Unexpected Meeting

After Mark enslaved Melascula, he let her go, actually he doesn't have the motivation to fight her anymore, especially when she acted like a little girl who lost her candy, thought it's undeniable that she tried to suck his soul.

That made him a little annoyed, thought thanks to her that, he got to know that his soul was protected he punished her a little.

After that, Mark acted like nothing happened, the 2 girls didn't know what he did, of course there is exception for everything Daine naturally knows about it and said " Your a big meanie. "

" And your serious gonna say that on my face? I'm the victim and all I did was self-defense " Mark fought in his innocence.

" If you just punished her a little bit then it's okay, but you actually enslaved her. " Daine stated the facts.

Mark changed the subject " So, where is Merlin? I need her to teach me something. "

Daine face twitchs and thought ' This guy....he is changing the subject! plus what do he need from Merlin?! he already mastered all the spells that Merlin has shown yesterday. ' but she still answered " She is in the forest with Mari, they wanted to get some ingredients. "

" Huh? why do they need to do that? besides why didn't you stop them? " said Mark while he was blaming Daine for it.

Daine said " They insisted, not my fault. "

Mark sigh, he needed to find them, he felt that something unexpected is going to happen today.

But then Mark thought ' Well, I guess it's a normal thing now, to be in an unexpected situation...first a looking Eren Titan red demon, meeting Merlin, encountering Melascula and ensla- cough punishing her, what's gonna happen next? '


Merlin and Mari is exploring the forest, they had the necessary things to survive if someone strong attacks them.

Merlin already made an emergency, teleportion and it's not random like before, she confident that they can even escape from a Ten Commandments rank demon.

Suddenly Mari shouted " Merlin! I think I saw two figures running that way! "

" So? what are we going to do Onee-chan? don't tell me we are going to follow them? " said Merlin she knew that her Mari Onee-chan once she is interested in something she wouldn't stop unless it's dangerous.

Mari grinned " Yes! don't worry Onee-chan will protect you if they are evil! "

Merlin face was twitching and shouted in her mind ' If anyone who should be protected, then it's you Onee-chan! ' to her Mari might be a monster in learning but she had a huge flaw, she isn't used to battles, she could even defeat her in a simple strategy, she is simply too inexperience.

Before could Merlin stop her, Mari already flys toward the direction where she saw the figures, Merlin had no choice but to follow her.


Elizabeth and Meliodas was the figures that Mari had seen, Elizabeth was exhausted and injured and so is Meliodas.

Meliodas found a cave within the forest, he decided to rest there he looked at Elizabeth " We should rest in the cave for a while, and slowly heal our injury. "

Elizabeth agreed, they arrived in the cave and rested there, the cave wasn't very deep, as Elizabeth sits down, Meliodas walked toward her and holds both of her hands, and said " I'm sorry Elizabeth that it has come to this! "

Meliodas gritted his teeth, and Elizabeth just smiled " Mhm..you don't have to blame yourself for it, you only did it for us. "

Meliodas mood turned brightly, he feels lucky to have her, he suddenly hugs Elizabeth and said " I'm glad I met you ..I love you. "

" En, me too Meliodas I'm glad I met you I love you too. " said Elizabeth who was really happy despite being injured.

Love was a complicated thing, you would never understand it.

As they were in their own world, suddenly Meliodas noticed that 2 presence was getting near them, and the figure Mana wasn't any ordinary, thought it was lacking compared to the Ten commandments it's just a little lower of their level.

Meliodas eyes glints " Elizabeth! stay here, I'm gonna see if those people are enemy or not. "

" No! I'm coming with you, I might not be a good fighter but I can help you even if it's a little. " Said Elizabeth, she doesn't want Meliodas to always protect her.

Meliodas accepted it, since he knew, he couldn't stop his lover, and they both goes outside the cave waiting for those people to arrived.


Mari was getting near, to those figures she saw, while Merlin was chasing her she shouted " Onee-chan! stop! you shouldn't go any further, I can feel a demon presence and it's a high Ranking one! it's the second strongest demon that I had ever encountered! "

Naturally the strongest demon, that Merlin met is Mark, Mari was even more curious, if it's a high ranking demon, plus Merlin said second strongest she had encountered she thought ' It should be one of ten commandments! I wanna see one personally, we can just use the emergency teleportation if it's really dangerous. '

Her curiousity was getting ahead of her and finally she arrived at the place, and Merlin is now too late to stop her.

Mari saw, a handsome blonde haired teenager boy with a black eyes and a strange tattoo in his forehead, and the other one is a extremely beautiful woman, who has a silver hair that is almost sparkling and has golden eyes with a weird shape inside it and has a beautiful white wings in her back.

At this moment Mari knew she froze, she recognized them, she even had a several poster of them back to Earth! she wanted to shout they're names so badly, but she suddenly remembers Mark not to shout their names so she shouted in her mind instead ' MELIODAS AND ELIZABETH OMG! THE REAL ONES!! '

Her body was trembling, not because she was nervous but because she was so excited! Merlin also arrived and she saw her Onee-chan was trembling, she thought that she was scared and is ready to protect her.

Meliodas was surprised that those figures were a woman and a little girl, and Elizabeth sigh in relief that they don't have to fight.

Elizabeth gently said " You childrens, what are you doing here? "

Her words pulled Mari into reality, she said " Uhmm, we simply got curious because we saw you fled in a fast pace. "

Merlin shouted in her mind ' Onee-chan idiot! don't use " we " because it's just you! who insisted following them! '

Meliodas finally calm down, and reverted into his normal state, he asked " So you basically, followed us because you were curious? aren't you afraid? "

Meliodas intentionally leaks his demon aura so they would know that his a demon, but the reaction that he was expecting didn't happen, instead Mari said " Your a demon? that's cool! you don't seem to be evil! and also the goddess is really beautiful! "

Elizabeth smiled, she was happy of being praised " Thank you, Meliodas they seem harmless. "

Meliodas sigh " Yeah, we should continue to rest, also the name is Meliodas a demon. "

Elizabeth introduce herself " I'm Elizabeth a goddess, call me Onee-san you want. " she smiled gently at them.

Merlin knew that they weren't a bad people, so she let her guard down, and Mari excitedly say " Okay Elizabeth Onee-san! I'll introduce myself my name is Mari, as for what I am, I'm a human! I guess? "

Meliodas and Elizabeth " You guess? "

Mari started to use her fruit ability and she started to grow several tails and a fox like ears, which surprised the couple.

Elizabeth " I never knew, that kind of race exist! I can feel that the nature loves you, it's the same level as the fairies! "

Meliodas was also surprised at Mari's transformation, he looked at Merlin and said " Little girl you are? "

Merlin looked at him nervously " It's Merlin... "

She told him, her human name not her real name, Meliodas grinned " I see! nice meeting you Merlin and you too Mari, let's talk inside the cave. " he walked inside the cave and so Elizabeth.

Merlin was hesitant, but Mari agreed without a doubt, Mari knew they are good since, she had watched the anime after all, Merlin finally stopped hesitating and followed Mari inside the cave.


Mark is nearby, he could feel Mari and Merlin's presence base on their Mana, but he couldn't recognize the other two.

But his guts is telling him that, they are safe but he still rushes toward their direction, he just wanted to be sure.

( END- )

Next chapter is " The Fateful Meeting of the two boob lovers " lol

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DROP A STONE? and again I say Please do real other Fanfic called " Your Lie In April ( Restart ) " ??? and it's for those who doesn't like harem, cause it's romance.

Charlottescreators' thoughts