
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Yes, I am obsessed!!

"You're giving me a headache… We've been on this topic for so long already. Arguing over the same issue every time won't change my mind. Daniel, you have to relax a bit. No one likes a persistent cop."

"But chief, this is a serial killer we're talking about. One that could lead this state to ruin. It's been four years, but no one in this force seems to take their actions seriously!"

"Don't forget who you're speaking to, detective."

Detective Daniel gritted his teeth and remained silent. He stared at his chief sitting in front of him and looked away before getting up in frustration.

Daniel felt indignant about the situation at hand, and he let off steam by pacing around the room.

Captain Ida Johnson was a fifty-year-old man with an upright appearance. He was the officer in charge of the affairs of this unit, and thanks to Daniel's persistence, he had started to grow premature grey hairs.

Even his eyelashes were turning grey!

Captain Johnson ran a hand over his head and hooked his fingers under his chin.

Then, gazing at his most promising officer pacing anxiously in the room, he spoke;

"Daniel, look at you. You've become obsessed with this case, and you're losing track of what being a homicide detective really means."

"Obsessed?" Daniel stopped moving and faced his captain.

"I'm obsessed? If being bothered about the fact that an elusive serial murderer is out on the loose, being bothered about how their actions has negatively affected the public and how to nab this self-acclaimed punisher finally is being obsessed. Then yes, I am obsessed!!"

"Boy…" Captain Johnson began with a sigh, but was cut off by an unsettled Daniel.

"Forgive me Chief, but with all due respect, you and the higher ups are not treating this person with the kind of gravity that you should. The punisher has far too much freedom in this state. There's no pressure from the police, who should be doing all they can to nab this criminal!" Daniel was a straightforward man who liked things done as they should. He was an excellent detective with exceptional skills, and what he couldn't stand was the lack lustre response of the higher-ups to the punisher's actions.

"It's been four years already but apart from discovering that the punisher is a vigilante who works alone, with little assistance, we've discovered nothing else. Do you really want to let this criminal go unpunished?"

"Of course not. But we can't do anything if the bosses what us to take this slow. There are rules to be obeyed in the force, and orders we must follow without complain."

Captain Johnson placed his police cap on his head before continuing seriously.

"Daniel, boy, you're the best detective I've seen in all my twenty-five years in the force. You have a lot of potential.

I see it, and even the bosses see it. Don't let your chances at getting promoted be ruined over a case that everyone, apart from you, find beneficial to the station."

Captain Johnson stood up from his chair and came to stand in front of Daniel. He placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke to him after a sigh.

"I know that even after all I've said you'll still continue investigating. I don't want to jinx your operation, but I doubt you'll find anything worthwhile. We've been chasing this killer for four years now and yet, we don't even know whether they're a man or a goat.

Don't forget your duty. The massacre from last week is not the only murder case we've had reported to the station. Why don't you take on one of those cases? Take the time to rest while you're at it. Besides, the force can catch a break with the punisher taking out these criminals."

"So we should just sit by and let this person do what they want without obstruction? Might I remind you that they're wantonly taking human lives?" Daniel shrugged Captain Johnson's hand off his shoulder and distanced himself.

"The lives of criminals who have committed atrocious deeds." The captain added.

"Letting the criminals kill each other is the best thing that could happen at this point. But that doesn't mean I won't arrest the criminal when they're found. On the contrary, I'll make sure they get the maximum sentence and even more. Something I'm sure every self-respecting officer of the law will do. Nonetheless, for now, since we can't find them, let this punisher punish the sinners. So far, they haven't harmed the civilians, so stop chasing a dead-end, boy."

Detective Daniel listened to his chief speak. There were some truths to his words, however he couldn't agree with the notion.

A criminal was a criminal, regardless of their intentions. They must be made to face the brunt of the law and thrown behind bars.

Daniel adjusted his clothes and walked away, heading towards the door. He paused after turning the doorknob.

"This might be a dead end, but I won't stop chasing this killer. Someone has to, since no one finds it pressing. Goodbye chief."

With that, Daniel slammed the door and left Captain Johnson alone in his office.

"Sigh… good luck, boy. You'll need it…" He shook his head and returned to his seat, just in time to answer a call from the telephone.



Daniel walked out of the room and noticed a couple of officers staring in his direction. When they made eye contact with him, they quickly averted their gaze and pretended to work.

"Tsk…" Detective Daniel hissed in annoyance and walked away from the place.

Occasionally, he would respond to a few greetings, but overall, he was taciturn as he headed to the forensic department, carrying a choppy aura around him.

"Oh. And what's got you in such a foul mood?"

Ogunsola Amanda questioned when she saw an irritated Detective walk into the laboratory.

She was a forensic medical examiner in the force and currently, she was working on a cadaver on the dissecting table. She wore a white lab coat and held a scalpel with her stained gloves.

"I'm not upset." Daniel responded grumpily and stood at the side, giving Amanda space to continue her work.

"Really? I don't believe you. You only ever have that look on your face when something is bothering you, and Daniel…" Amanda looked at him briefly before continuing.

"There's always something bothering you."

Daniel watched the lady in silence. He couldn't refute her words. It seems there was always something that irked him these days, and he was starting to feel the stress weigh on him.

The station received multiple homicide cases daily, but none of those cases managed to incite him as much as the punisher's actions. He had solved every case brought to his desk except the killings related to this vigilante.

Just thinking about it made him furious.

"If you continue acting like a pufferfish, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I came to work today on an empty stomach, and it's way past launch time already."

Amanda finished with the cadaver, and rolled it towards a refrigerator unit before placing it inside. She proceeded to untie her robe from the back then hung it carefully before taking off her gloves.

Finally, she was finished with her work for the day.

Scarlet: Ohohoho....

Q and A

What do you think? Do you agree with Daniel's point of view?

A) Yes, she should be brought to justice!

B) No, Tejumole is doing the society a favour.

C) There's no right or wrong when deciding things like this.

D) I don't care just let her best all the bad guys!!

E) I think____

Scarletwaves18creators' thoughts