
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

There's been a murder.

However, she called him out, scolded him and asked how he could give up just like that. He should be more persistent, she said.

Her reasoning was quite unreasonable and also comical. It left him wide-eyed and mouth opened.

But thereafter, their relationship evolved until the point when they got married and formed a little family.

Patricia was diligent in everything she did, and he had never met anyone who loved and respected the uniform as much as her. Saving lives is our utmost duty, she would always say.

Daniel smiled as he remembered her devout expression whenever she declared this.

Often times he wondered just how exactly she could juggle both police work and family duties, along with other extracurriculars, without burning up.

She always made it look so easy.

As a law enforcer, she was calm, brave, and accountable. They worked so well together as partners. Even better than an oiled machine. And they never charged into a dangerous place without a failsafe.

Especially since they had a little one waiting for them at home. Extra care was of absolute importance.

Daniel ran his hands across the side of his head as his thoughts progressed. His wife's every smile, frown, and tantrums were deeply imprinted in his heart. He couldn't and didn't want to forget.

But as his thoughts wandered, Daniel's face darkened, and his breathing turned laborious when he remembered the nightmare that destroyed those blissful times.

Two years ago, a police investigation unearthed the location of a group of bandits after much background work.

These criminals were primarily responsible for the kidnapping and murder of adolescents for profits.

The mission was a very delicate one which involved various parties. There were parents who waited anxiously for their ward's safe return and children still held captive.

Therefore, they had to tread carefully. A single misstep would lead to disastrous consequences.

The night of the operation, his team made a long-awaited breakthrough in the case and hurried to the site.

After a one-sided tussle, they finally disarmed and captured the bandits, and consequently rescued the traumatized juveniles.

At the time, Daniel breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help but feel that things were too easy.

They listened to the confessions of the convicts and the statements of the victims. From their words, they understood that there were still six missing children and an abductor in hiding.

Patricia and another colleague offered to enter the building and rescue the remaining children, while Daniel stayed back to support them from below, and to prevent any problem from arising.

However, as he checked the surrounding area for any possible threat, Daniel raised his head and saw a male figure watching them from a window.

Getting his attention, the figure waved at him, and it was then that Daniel noticed the object in the person's hand.

The gesture and subsequent understanding alarmed him and caused his body to tremble in terror.

It was then that he realized they had fallen into a trap.

Terrified, Daniel informed the two people in the building and ran towards it anxiously. He wanted to get them out.

Unfortunately, he was too late.

The building exploded and in no time it was covered in flames. The shock wave from the explosion was so strong that it knocked Daniel several feet away and caused him to pass out directly with heavy injuries.

Before he lost consciousness, he seemed to have seen his wife smiling at him before vanishing.

When he awoke in the hospital, he received the news of the passing of nine people. Among them… was his Patricia.

Daniel closed his eyes and clenched his fists on the uneven ceramic tiles.

If he could turn back time, he would never let her go into that building. But there were no 'if's' in the world. Only past regrets that haunted us forever.

Daniel rested his forehead on his hands as the water flowed down his back. He flexed his shoulders and tried to shake off his depressing emotions.

Unfortunately, this proved difficult as his breathing gradually turned heavier.

It had been two years, but the pain still felt fresh. It was like a deep wound that was left uncared for and exposed to the air for bacteria to thrive. Thus making it fester and rot.

That tragedy was deeply imprinted in his mind, body, and heart. He had never felt so powerless. And regardless of what he did, he couldn't get rid of the pain of losing Patricia. Much less bring her back.

Her death changed so many things and made him understand just how fragile human life was.

A single bomb had taken his wife away from his daughter and himself. They were left all alone before they could even react.

He often wondered what would have happened if he went into the building instead of Patricia.

The result was obvious, but at least she would take better care of their daughter. She wouldn't be as negligent.

He couldn't even have her under the same roof for fear of having his daughter targeted by his numerous enemies.

'What a good father.' Daniel uttered flatly in a voice laced with sarcasm. The falling water made it hard to know whether the liquid flowing down his face were tears or not.

After a while, Daniel peeled his eyelids and turned off the shower. He steadied his emotions as his conviction strengthened.

He couldn't protect his wife because they missed a bandit. Daniel would never let that incident repeat itself.

He would rid this state, this country, of every criminal and let them rot behind prison bars. There was no room for impunity.

Even if not for the citizens, he had to do so for his daughter. He needed her to grow up safe.

Daniel understood that this dream was quite unrealistic. Evil would never completely disappear from the world.

But he wouldn't give up. His daughter's safety was a treasure worth fighting for.

Daniel stepped out of the shower and tied a towel to his waist. He walked out of the bathroom with remnant water crawling down his dark skin.

He had just reached his bedside and carried a hairbrush when he felt the phone in his hand vibrate.

At first, he thought it was his little girl calling and revealed an indulgent smile. However, his lips returned to normal after seeing Amanda's name flashing on the screen. He was a bit disappointed.

"Hello, missy." He began lightly, but Amanda wasn't in the mood for his games.

"Daniel, where are you?"

"Not even a good morning? Where has human civility gone?" He pursed his lips before continuing.

"I'm home." He responded, glancing at the time. However, Amanda's next words caused him to take a sharp breath as his eyes narrowed.

"Come to Ibidare now. To the commercial streets. There's been a murder."

Extra chap. for Monday~~


We've got a case to solve people. Let's get to cracking (~‾▿‾)~

We're in chapter 40 peeps!!*confetti bazooka*

This level of persistence feels nice and foreign. Oh, I'm gonna cry*dabs face*

Scarletwaves18creators' thoughts