
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Snack Junkie

Placing the bottle down, Tejumole gazed impassively at the words on the screen.

The words "Welcome to The Punisher System" were written in blood-red letters that were sinister and unnerving, however, to Tejumole who saw these words every day for several years, it was nothing special.


She said this in a small voice and instantly, the welcome page changed to that of her user profile.


Host: Babalola Tejumole Ibironke

Race: Human



<Justice points:16

<Strength -45/100

<Stamina -47/100

<Agility -50/100

<Dexterity- 52/100


(Steady bones Lv3 JP 49/60), (Inspired cognition Lv2 JP 26/40), (Medusa's gift Lv:MAX), (Lucid Fantasm Lv2 JP 28/40), (Teleportation Lv 2 JP 37/40), (The Enforcer's Tongue Lv1 JP 18/20),(Judgement day Lv2 JP 38/40)]

"See, I didn't lie to you. Host, have more faith in me, okay? You won't go wrong in trusting me." Ranta patted his chest and raised his head as he said this.

His red face held an expression that read, "this monkey master is completely honest".

Tejumole glanced at Ranta before turning back to the screen.

She chose to focus on other matters, as even if the system had an ulterior motive for awarding this many points, she wouldn't be able to do anything except go with the flow.

With her justice points, she would be able to improve two more skills and unlock more items in the shop.

Seeing everything in order, she checked the mission page, where she saw several congratulatory messages.

Some from completing the main mission's side quest and others from completing her daily missions.

Fortunately, she could turn off the alert tones else, with so many 'Dings' sounding in her head, she was certain her ears would be ringing nonstop for a few days.

{<Daily Quest: Run Two Kilometres has been completed. You've been rewarded 0.25EXP points.

<Daily Quest: Do fifty push-ups has been completed. You've been rewarded 0.25EXP points.

<Daily Quest: Do fifty squats has been completed. You've been rewarded 0.25EXP points.>}

Although she was accustomed to this scene, Tejumole was still amazed by how stingy the system was.

The points for completing the daily quests didn't even add up to a single digit!

"Ranta, how come you're becoming even stingier? Do you even have a conscience?"

She was normally a very composed person, but Tejumole really couldn't keep her usual cool. She found it a little difficult to deal with such a frugal system.

"Host, this isn't my fault. Every point goes through a complicated series of contemplation before being awarded. I'm only here to guide you in your missions. The main system is responsible for this!"

Ranta said in a miserable voice. He really wasn't the culprit.

"Besides…" He looked to the side as he said;

"Why are you stressing over a single point when you have so many? Points don't grow on trees, you know. We're running a business here." Ranta refused to look into Tejumole's judgy eyes.

He hopped onto her shoulder as he attempted to change the topic.

"Hey, look at this. For stealthily infiltrating the hideout and capturing the targets, you got one hundred and twenty points. And take a look at these…"

Tejumole rolled her eyes at the guilty monkey, and then directed her attention to the screen.

Lucky for Ranta, who heaved a secret sigh of relief, she no longer questioned him.

On the page, it read;

[Grade: 2.5stars

(Mission: Dethrone the King- 40% completion.

For four decades, the southwest has been terrorised and pillaged. The people have lived in anxiety and their hearts are filled with horror. The sinners are beyond redemption. To be saved, guide them into the circle of reincarnation. Cleanse the lands of the filth and be rewarded as your actions befit.

Clue- Destroy the Erujeje group within ten days. Failure to complete the mission will result in severe punishment and point deduction by seventy percent.)

(Side mission: Capture the leader

Number of leaders caught: 1/3

<Congratulations to host Babalola Tejumole for capturing the Ruthless Herdsman. For delivering justice and eradicating evil, you have been rewarded 150 points.

<For eliminating the minions, you've received 600 points. A hundred points for each minion.

<For completing the quest stealthily, you've received 120 points.

<For using creative methods of punishment and boosting your reputation, you've received 30 points.)]

Seeing is believing. Since she had suddenly received so many points, Tejumole temporarily chose to cast her doubts aside. There was no use in worrying anyway.

"How is it? You like?"

Ranta extended his body till his face was right in front of Tejumole's.

He was in an awkward angle, but he didn't seem uncomfortable. Ranta suggestively wiggled his brows and there was a silly grin on his small red face.

"Of course I do. Do you even need to ask?" Tejumole used her palm to push his face away, causing the startled monkey to lose his grip on Tejumole's shoulder.

He slipped to the ground and landed on his feet, then he moved towards her. This time sitting obediently on the ground.

" Host, let's go shopping! You have so many points now, so you'll be able to get something good!"

"Alright…" After a pause, she continued;

"Hopefully, they won't be… like the others."

She was now on her feet and she kicked her legs out before walking to the sofa.

She plopped down and then grabbed a bag of popcorn before placing one in her mouth.

Ranta followed in her footsteps and held a bag in his hands.

A few years ago, he hadn't been able to touch anything else apart from his host.

In those dark times, he spent countless days living in misery, as he watched Tejumole devour food like an endless pit.

She ate so much junk food that Ranta went from worrying about her health to wondering how good they tasted.

Eventually, he was converted to a snack junkie, which was just a nicer term for glutton, and became Tejumole's junk food crony.

During those dark times, Ranta wasn't certain if she did it deliberately, but his host always seemed to eat whenever he was around.

And all his favourite foods at that!

But considering Tejumole's temperament, she wouldn't go out of her way to taunt a poor S.A.I.


"Nah, the host wouldn't do that…."

"What was that?" Tejumole was focused on the cat and mouse on the TV screen, so she didn't catch what Ranta had said.

She thought she heard him call for her.

"Oh, nothing..." Ranta waved his hands, and then joined Tejumole in watching the show.

Though, if Tejumole heard what Ranta said, she may or may not be haunted by a guilty conscience.


The two focused their attention on the screen. Both of them munching on a few snacks.

The human and monkey duo, at the moment, seemed like two children who wanted nothing more than to watch their favourite show.

Even though in actual fact, one of them was a lady in her early twenties and the other was a sophisticated S.A.I whose real age was unknown.

Q and A

Dear reader, what's your take on junk food?

A) Junk food is the best! Lemme have em!

B)Isn't it just something to put in your mouth? Nothing special.

C)Bad! They're very bad for your health. Eat vegetables instead.

D)I think —

Scarletwaves18creators' thoughts