
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Lonely Old Man

"Are you listening?" Tejumole asked the quiet girl as she cut a piece from the cake that just arrived.

It was a gorgeous white cake with velvet and chocolate flavouring.

What? She had a sweet tooth.

Ifeoluwa snapped out of her daze and instantly replied. She felt a bit sorry for those men and couldn't help but shiver at the memory of their one-sided beating. It made her feel…


Looking at Tejumole's current actions, the teenager temporarily forgot about her fears.

The lady who was like a rabid beast just a few minutes ago currently had her head buried in a cake.

She ate like a starved wolf, viciously tearing the dessert apart, but somehow her motions still appeared clean and elegant. Just like a feline.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to harm you." Tejumole spoke and dabbed her face with a napkin. She placed it down when she was done, but Ifeoluwa noticed that she missed some frosting at the corner of her lips.

"Okay…you have something…" She gestured towards the white cream on Tejumole's lips.

The professor nodded in thanks before she licked the place clean. Her movements were slow and strangely attractive, and caused Ifeoluwa to look away, somewhat embarrassed.

'… How beautiful …' Even though she only just met this lady and also witnessed her… terrifying actions, Ifeoluwa wasn't uncomfortable in her presence.

Maybe because of what happened earlier, she even felt…safe?

Just then, they heard a helpless male voice speaking from above them.

"Baby face. Pray tell, why did you call me so late at night? I was…in the middle of something…"

The two girls turned to the person who approached their table.

A weary Ikenna dressed in nighttime clothes. He took a seat next to Ifeoluwa after they acknowledged one another.

Tejumole brought a fork to her mouth and savoured the delightful flavour blanketing her taste buds.

She almost drowned in the sweetness and felt a sudden urge to buy another whole cake.

But noticing Ikenna and Ifeoluwa's weird gazes, she placed the utensil down and reluctantly averted her eyes from her sugary prize.

"I got you a new roommate." She calmly answered Ikenna's query.

He raised an eyebrow at her words. Was she kidding?

"I never said I needed a roommate, baby face." He leaned into the seat and glanced briefly at Ifeoluwa who seemed a bit off.

How would he know that the teenager wasn't paying attention to their words, but mentally calculating how much money she would have left if she ordered a meal?

Not much by her analysis.

"You don't need to say anything. Didn't you say we're friends? As a friend, I know what you need before you even think it. That's why I recognize that you're a lonely old man who requires company. You're welcome." Tejumole sipped her juice after spouting such shameless words.

Her words caused Ikenna to watch her in disbelief before he chuckled at her unabashed expression.

So, now they were friends?

This little girl actually called him so late at night to bless him with a companion. Didn't she feel her teeth hurt after saying such things?

Tsk, he knew something was wrong when he saw her name flash on his phone screen.

At the time, he just came out of the shower when he heard his phone ring. Then, recognizing the name flashing on the screen, he was surprised and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. However, after the third ring, the words 'Baby face' were still proudly flickering on his phone screen.

He hurriedly answered the call, but he couldn't even get a word in, as Tejumole just gave him an address and asked to meet. Then she hung up.

Long story short, he came as quickly as he could, worried that she was in some kind of trouble. However…

Glancing at the lady before him, Ikenna asked.

"Is my roommate this child? You haven't introduced us." He turned to the absent-minded teenager who seemed to be in a world of her own.

"Oh." Tejumole began.

"Ikem Ikenna meet Olubimo Ifeoluwa abracadabra… you are now roommates."

"W-what?" Ifeoluwa snapped out of her thoughts after hearing her name.

Did she hear correctly? Roommates?

"Nice to meet you, little miss." Ikenna stretched a hand to the teenager, who nervously reciprocated.

"Nice to meet you too…sir." Ifeoluwa wasn't sure how to address the man before her. If she had to describe him simply, she would call him a black Adonis.

His hair was plaited into cornrows that brought out the handsome contours of his face. He had bright, observant eyes, a moderately sized nose, nicely shaped lips and a good figure to boot.

She could tell even under his big shirt.

Ifeoluwa was nervous under his observant gaze, but she didn't shy away.

Mother told her to always look people in the eye. The eyes are the window to a person's soul, she said. Therefore, even if there was a gun pointed at her head, she must maintain eye contact. She could be scared, but never cowardly.

'Interesting.' Ikenna hooked his lips after seeing her attitude. She was one of the unique people he had ever met.

As a psychologist, his sharp eyes took in all of her small movements. From his observations, she was a withdrawn and timid individual. Usually, people like this tended to hide in their shells, to avoid others.

But this girl, who was obviously nervous about meeting a stranger, went against her instincts by meeting his gaze head-on.

This made her personality even more complex.

It wasn't clear to him why but, Ikenna felt her reaction was like a conditioned reflex where she was trained to do the opposite of what she was feeling.

It was really intriguing.

Turning to Tejumole who was preoccupied with the cake, Ikenna sighed.

'Ah… why do I sense that that cake is more important than I am?'

"Baby face, I'll do you this favour…excuse me…" Ikenna moved to cover Ifeoluwa's ears, so he could speak to Tejumole 'privately'.

Ifeoluwa: I can still hear you.

Although she thought so, she didn't struggle as there was no ill intent in his actions.

Strangely, she didn't find these strangers strange.

"What are you up to? What do you have to do with this kid?" Ikenna questioned Tejumole with a thoughtful look.

For her to reach out to him, she must be planning something.

He knew she wouldn't tell him the whole story, but he needed some kind of reassurance.

The repeat from four years ago…he couldn't deal with it again. Ikenna thought, and a flash of pain briefly crossed his eyes.

It was subtle enough for Tejumole to miss it and associate his expression to concern.

Tejumole was silent as she gazed at Ikenna. She saw the concern in his eyes and told him the reason for her sudden request.

"I found her being mistreated by some men and brought her here after we escaped. She has no home, and she's still too young. It won't be good to leave her alone. And since I found her, I should take responsibility… I would take her with me, but I have my child at home. You were the next best thing. Besides, you're a psychologist. You can help with any trauma she might have developed." She said sincerely, speaking half-truths and half-lies.

Her words made her seem like a kind Samaritan who wanted to help someone in need. But, she couldn't possibly tell Ikenna that she required a safe place to keep the 'piece'.

At least, before she found a use for her.

Her words sounded honest but unbelievable, and Ikenna thought the same.

He didn't believe her.

The Tejumole he knew was not so compassionate. At least, not to strangers.

Ikenna narrowed his eyes and released a breath after a moment.

Sighing helplessly, he chose to cease his questioning. Tejumole wouldn't tell him anything anyway.

"Will you be safe, baby face?" This was his concern. Whatever she wanted to do, he could only wish her safety.

Tejumole lowered her eyes and played with the silverware.

"Yeah. I won't die."

"Alright." It was settled. Ikenna would agree to her request. Those firm words were enough for him because he knew she could take care of herself.

"Since that's settled, and you forced me out of bed, how about I have a bit from…ouch! Hey!" Ikenna took his hands from Ifeoluwa's ears and wanted to try a bit from the tempting cake, but Tejumole swatted his invading palms just as they advanced.

"This is mine. Order yours." Tejumole dragged the cake over to herself and shielded it from Ikenna. Her eyes watched his movements warily.

Ikenna felt his lips twitch as he rubbed his throbbing hand.

"Okay, fine. How stingy…"

Ifeoluwa giggled at their interaction and wondered about the kind of relationship between them.

They didn't seem like lovers.

Ruminating, she felt they looked more like…siblings?

She wasn't quite sure. However, she could see that they had a decent relationship.

Being around each other was easy for them. Unlike she and…

"Hey kid, why are you spacing out? You've got a new roomie. You should be honoured because I don't accept just anyone." Ikenna brought her out of her thoughts, but Ifeoluwa felt his words a bit too presumptuous.

"If that's all, baby face, I'll be leaving. I have a busy day tomorrow." He uttered lightly.

"I remember you taking a two-week leave." Tejumole glanced at him and calmly exposed his lie.

"That doesn't mean I can't do anything else." Ikenna rolled his eyes and got to his feet.

"I'll be off then. Goodnight baby face. Don't call me so suddenly again. I almost had a heart attack." Saying this, Ikenna turned and walked away from the table.

After a few steps, he stopped and questioned the teenager who remained sitting.

"Aren't you coming, roomie? Or have you been charmed by that cheeky brat? I wouldn't advise it, kiddo. That one there is a heartbreaker." He placed a hand in his pocket and teased, looking at Tejumole smugly. But she was more preoccupied with her cake.

"No-no. G-good night miss." Ifeoluwa replied and quickly carried her guitar case. The backpack hanging from her shoulders had never once left its position.

"Good night." Tejumole replied and continued eating her cake. She faintly heard Ikenna asking Ifeoluwa if she was any good with the guitar as they walked away.

"Host, are we leaving now?" Ranta appeared by her side and swiped the cake frosting before Tejumole could react.

He didn't question her actions because he knew better than anyone else that his host was always a step ahead.

Therefore, right now, what he was most concerned about was staying out of her reach.

His rat-chopped tail told the tale of his earlier sufferings.

Taking a bit from the cake was the least he could do after the trauma he experienced!

She looked at him momentarily, but decided to leave him be. She might love cake, but she couldn't possibly finish it alone.

'I'll get this wrapped… and maybe buy another one…just so I won't have to come out for another. The little one might want some.' Tejumole convinced herself and answered the S.A.I's question.

"Not yet. Let's take a look at the store…"

"Alright~" Ranta nodded. It looks like the host has gotten over the previous matter.

This extra chapter is my way of celebrating independence day!!

Happy Independence Day Nigeria.

She is 62 years old today! *confetti cannon*

Dear, lovely readers he-he. Thank you for staying till this point in the story and beyond. o((*^▽^*))o

And if you really want to make this author happy, please leave a comment and drop those shiny power stones ಥ_ಥ

Thank you~~~

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