
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs


Wednesday was a lovely day. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. Even the air caused one to feel cool and refreshed when breathing.

However, even though the situation outside was all beds and roses, inside Tejumole's house, around the dining table, the atmosphere of the three people present was strange and somewhat ominous.

"Ha. Finally, I'm finished."

Tejumole said and dragged out a chair to sit with Ikenna and Haoyu who returned just ten minutes ago.

She placed a deep plate at the centre and watched the two with bright eyes.

"Well." She urged the two, who looked at her then at each other before looking at the "food".

Ikenna appeared very unwilling to move, but Haoyu picked up a spoon and started to fill up his plate.

The dining table had a round shape with a medium circumference and six chairs placed around it. Haoyu sat next to Tejumole while Ikenna sat opposite them.

"Go on, little one. Try it. What do you think?" Haoyu glanced at the usually stoic professor, who was looking at him with twinkling eyes. Her brown eyes were so beautiful. She was so close to him, that he could smell her calming scent.

He took a deep breath and looked away a little hurriedly before raising his spoon to put a yellowish substance in his mouth.

'Ah, the professor is so cute!… What am I eating?'

"Is it good?" Tejumole leaned closer to him and asked with her breath fanning his ear.

"Delicious! It's the best meal I've ever had. You must have been blessed by the heavens to create such a masterpiece!" His praise was loud and a little over the top, however, Tejumole felt pleased with his words.

"Really? I'm glad you like it." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, allowing Haoyu to release the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Is it that good." Ikenna questioned while turning what he thought to be rice. He was present when Tejumole made the dish. But he had no idea how it turned out this way.

Originally, she had planned to make something different. Egusi soup and pounded yam.

However, that…ended horrifically.

Undaunted, Tejumole tried cooking something else, but the result was the same. Her case was that of the mind being willing but the body vehemently refusing to do as instructed.

Seeing her make a mess out of the kitchen, Ikenna offered to help, but she rejected his offer instantly.

Therefore, he could only watch her pace around the kitchen, carrying pots and mixing ingredients, as he sat on a stool by the counter with bated breath.

The meal on his plate was supposed to be white rice, but instead of being white, the rice was a greenish-yellow colour.

Ikenna glanced at the two people in front of him. To be honest, he had no appetite. Not for this concoction, at least.

"Didn't you hear him say the food is delicious? Try it for yourself. If you won't eat, you can leave."

Tejumole carried a plate and began to serve herself. Her attitude towards the two men was so different and from her words, it was obvious that she couldn't be bothered with Ikenna, the freeloader who still had the cheek to complain.

"Tsk." Ikenna rolled his eyes and lowered his head to look at his plate.

'Trying to kick me out? You biased little girl can keep dreaming.'

Glancing at Ikenna from the corner of his eye, Haoyu placed a glass on his lips and slowly sipped the content inside. Aside from the first spoon, he hadn't taken any more than five spoonfuls from his plate. He was really curious to see how Ikenna would react. This will be fun.

Ikenna brought his spoon to his mouth and clamped his mouth over it.

'Maybe it tastes better than it looks…'

Seconds passed.




After three seconds, Ikenna's spoon dropped on the table and made a loud, clanking sound. He hastily took a napkin from the side and placed it over his mouth.

"The heck! Putui! Cough, cough…"

" What's wrong with you?" Tejumole asked with a raised brow.

"This is terrible, baby face! I should have known you hadn't improved your kitchen skills! Ah, I'm going to faint…" Ikenna leaned back on his chair with a pale face and a despondent expression. He looked like someone on the verge of kicking the bucket.

"Nonsense. There must be something wrong with your tongue. My child said the food tastes great. Right?" She turned to Haoyu.

"Hmm. Of course. Whatever you make is delicious."


Ikenna looked at the two and spoke weakly.

"Ha! The boy just couldn't bear to say it out. If you don't believe me, try it yourself… oh, I can see the light…" He panted with his head raised to the ceiling. Ikenna's actions were exaggeratedly animated at this point. Tejumole ignored him and picked up her spoon, while Haoyu had a slight smile tugging on his lips that seemed to be mocking the feeble doctor.


Tejumole placed a spoonful of rice in her mouth and chewed for a moment before halting.

The two men looked at her as she suddenly went quiet. She was unmoving, almost frozen. After a while, she snapped out of her daze and glanced at the food. Then she calmly stretched her hand to take a napkin and spat out the content in her mouth.

"…you're right. This is terrible."

She planned to make a simple meal of white rice and stew. It wasn't her first option, but the other dishes didn't make it to finality.

The rice was sticky and greenish. She wasn't sure what she added, but she made sure to follow the instructions. And even though she wondered why the colour had changed, she figured it was because she was using a different brand from the UTuber's.

Besides, all the powders in the kitchen were edible, right?

For the stew, the colour was spot on, being all red and delectable.

However, it wasn't spicy in the least. The stew had a strange sour and sweet taste that she really couldn't swallow down.

If she found the meal so… special, then Haoyu probably did too.

"See, I didn't lie."

"Hmm. When are you leaving?"

Tejumole asked him while cleaning her mouth and dragging Haoyu's plate away.

"There's no need… Okay, fine." Haoyu relented and let Tejumole take the plate away after receiving a glare from her.

"Are you chasing me away, baby face? This is no way to treat someone so dear to you." Ikenna had regained a little strength.

"I won't see you out." She stood up and carried the food away. Walking into the kitchen without saying more.

'So much for the surprise…'

The two men watched her back silently. It was then that Ikenna knew he had pissed off the professor.

"Still want to freeload, doc?" Haoyu placed a hand under his chin, tilting his head as he spoke. He looked at Ikenna with his dark fox eyes. His pointed stare caused the doctor to feel pressured; however, he quickly cast that feeling aside.

"Kid, I don't think I've ever done you wrong. Why are you so against me?"

"Am I? Hadn't noticed." Haoyu grinned. His smile wasn't quite one. It was a fake expression that held a warning.

"Ha. Look at you. You're even more territorial than a lion in heat."

Ikenna got up and adjusted his clothes. Haoyu followed suit and the two stared at each other in silence.

"The way you're acting, I hope it's just a child feeling protective over their parent. Don't forget that baby face was the one who took you in when no one would. Don't have any ideas you shouldn't have. I won't spare you if you cause her harm, even if she forgives you." Ikenna warned seriously. His tone was cold, however inside he felt worried. Worried about Tejumole. He had known her for a long time, therefore he knew she wasn't as alright as she appeared.

And now that she had a strange kid living with her, he was even more worried

"There's no need to worry about any of that. It's none of your business. Besides, do you think you can control me…or the professor? Doctor?" Haoyu said with a scoff.

"This is a warning, little boy. Moreover, as her friend and personal consultant, Baby face's affairs are MY business."

Haoyu didn't reply, but his eyes narrowed dangerously as his smile became even more sinister. Especially after hearing Ikenna use such an intimate nickname to address Tejumole.

"Baby face, I'm leaving. And even though you've been a bad hostess, tossing me out like an unwanted shoe, sigh… It was nice seeing you again. I'll visit you soon."

Ikenna raised his voice for Tejumole in the kitchen to hear. She walked out and leaned against the counter, gazing at the two.

"I didn't hate seeing your face. Bye." She replied plainly. Obviously, she still held a grudge.

Ikenna smiled at her and nodded at Haoyu before turning and walking away from them. Not long after, they heard the sound of the door closing.

Haoyu turned and noticed Tejumole watching him with her hands folded.

"Dear professor, why are you staring at me so intently?"


Long ago,somewhere in medieval Africa.Three hunters stalk a grazing buffalo.

Aanu:Let's go kill it!

Ikenna: be patient. We can't alarm the beast. If we fail again, we'll be the one's turned to dinner instead.

Ranta/wild dog:what do we do?

Ikenna ponders and gets an idea.

Ikenna:I've got it.

He brings out a wrapped package from his bag,which they all recognise as the princesses(Tejumole) cooking.

They throw the weapon(mini bomb) and make a run for it...

Tonight the tribe will hold a feast!

Scarletwaves18creators' thoughts