
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chased by a chicken

The Next Day

The dark skies had receded, and the moon had retired to rest, leaving the yellow sun to man the day.

The gentle rays of the morning sun dispelled the night cold, and awakened the diurnal creatures from their peaceful slumber.

It was Saturday, and although most people had limited spheres of activity this weekend, the streets were bustling with people, and the vehicles were trapped in heavy traffic.

In a private duplex, away from the early morning commotion, was Daniel, who lay on his mattress with his eyes shut.

On the floor was a thick blanket that was spread like a flowing ravine. And Daniel's figure spread across all sides of the bed like a sacrifice to the heavens.

The disorderly bedroom had blue curtains that were slightly open, and allowed light to sneak in through the gaps.

However, the gentle invading rays of light caused him to turn away in irritation when they landed on his face.

Daniel lay in place for a few more minutes, with his eyes trembling periodically, before a familiar ringing broke his connection to dreamland.

Ring. Ring.

The afro beat music blasting from his speakers roused Daniel from his slumber, and he turned to the direction of the noise.

Rubbing his face, Daniel sat up, and picked up the phone from the bedside table before placing it invertedly above his ears.

"Hello." He uttered drowsily with his eyes half-open, but the ringing hadn't stopped.

Aware that he hadn't answered the phone, Daniel lowered his hand and brought the device to his face. But, the ringing had stopped, and the call now registered as unanswered.

Glancing at the screen, Daniel contemplated between returning the call and going back to sleep, and chose the latter option.

After an agonizing week, Daniel had finally gotten the chance to have a good night's rest and was currently feeling extremely reluctant to move.

His system felt sluggish, and his limbs felt like lead, and therefore he was more than happy to continue sleeping.

But things never go as planned. Just as the weary detective closed his eyes, his phone rang again. Further, disturbing his rest.

"Urgh…!" Daniel groaned loudly. The song that was supposed to be his favourite now sounded like the most annoying noise on the planet. He sat up and grabbed the phone in annoyance before swiping the screen without looking.

"Who is it?" He uttered coldly, but after hearing the voice on the other side, his sleepiness vanished completely.

"Chinyere Nneka Jasmine." Came the intricate reply of a childish voice.

The room turned silent, and it took a few seconds before Daniel spoke again. His voice was a little abashed.

"Jasmine. My favourite daughter. How are you? Is something wrong? Why'd you call so early?" Daniel questioned the child and scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm your only daughter." Jasmine's voice was displeased as she spoke.

"Can't I call my own father? Since you forgot about your daughter's existence, I could only reach out to you to maintain the blood relationship we share." She continued with obvious discontent towards her irresponsible parent.

Daniel chuckled awkwardly. With all the backbreaking and unending events happening in the city, he hardly had time for other matters unrelated to work.

And among those matters was his daughter, who appeared to have slipped his mind.

"Ahem…of course you can." Daniel coughed, then continued.

"Baby girl, don't be upset. Daddy always has you in his mind and heart." Daniel coaxed the child as he rested his back on the headboard.

The line turned silent, and it took a while before the child spoke again. This time in a doleful voice.

"You haven't visited me in more than a week…" Jasmine said quietly.

Daniel lowered his eyelids as he listened to his daughter's complaints. He pursed his lips and his expression gradually turned bitter as he thought about his negligence.

Jasmine was still such a young child, only five years old. And apart from living away from her immediate family, she also had to deal with a father who ignored her.

He didn't do it deliberately; however, he could have handled his affairs properly.

Thinking of this, Daniel's heart turned gloomy. He sighed before speaking.

"Forgive me, baby. Daddy has been very busy taking care of bad guys. They've been so naughty recently… What do you say if I come over later today? We can go to all your favourite places and do anything you want. Hmm? Princess Jassy…?" He let out softly, trying to pacify the child with her pet name.

A few seconds passed before the young voice sounded again.

"Okay." Jasmine spoke, and this time her voice carried a hint of a smile. It seemed the child's anger was just as short-lived as a match stick.

Daniel smiled at her answer, and the father-daughter pair conversed for the next few minutes.

Jasmine told him about the happenings in her primary school and about other things.

Her voice gradually turned chirpy, and when he listened to the part where she was chased by a chicken, Daniel couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped his lips.

"Daddy, don't laugh! I'm telling you that chicken was being ridiculous. All I wanted to do was touch the babies. Just a little pinch. But it started chasing me instead!"

"Hahahaha…" In response, Daniel laughed harder until his stomach began to hurt. He swore he wasn't taking joy in her suffering, he just couldn't help it.

Imagining the child running around and screaming for help tickled him immensely, and brought back some distant, closely related memories.

He seemed to have experienced the same as a child.

Their conversation progressed for about thirty minutes, and listening to his daughter's pure voice gave him the solace he craved.

How he wanted to give her a hug.

"Daddy…I have to go now. Aunty is calling me." Jasmine spoke with obvious reluctance.

Knowing that she was unwilling to end the call, Daniel pacified the child and told her not to worry. He would visit her later today as promised.

These words appeased the child, who loudly bid him farewell, but failed to cut the line.

All he heard were her little legs thumping away and his sister's voice asking, "what did he say?"

"Ha…" Daniel chuckled and ended the call. His mood after talking to his daughter could be described simply as bright and cheerful.

He came down from the bed and carried a few items like his phone and a towel before walking into the bathroom. His earlier sleepiness was nowhere in sight.

Taking off his underwear, Daniel's sculptured figure stepped under the shower, and he hummed in satisfaction when the warm water touched his skin.

As the water trickled down his figure, Daniel closed his eyes as his thoughts shifted to his child… and his dead wife. His beautiful Patricia.

Gbenro Patricia was a bright, brave and beautiful woman with a welcoming ambiance.

She and Daniel encountered one another in the police force, and soon became partners who solved cases together.

Time passed, and their relationship changed from mere acquaintances to partners to slightly friends and then to good buddies.

Over time and after much interaction, Daniel became certain that she was the one.

This understanding lit a fire in his heart from within and out, and Daniel became a full-blown Romeo. He practically used every trick in the book.

From surprising her with a bouquet every time they met, to buying her unexpected gifts, and doing things he thought women would love.

Those were the days. When he was young and still had a flair for romance in his bones.

Unfortunately, she was pretty resistant to his courting and this made him quite helpless.

It came to a point when he resolved to give up after experiencing multiple failures. He could only end his pursuit and try to forget his one-sided love.

However, she called him out, scolded him and asked how he could give up just like that. He should be more persistent, she said.

Scarlet: ╥﹏╥ has anyone else experienced being pursued by a mother hen? I have. It was horrific*pats chest*

Hmm, so Daniel is married and with a child. Gasp…I had no idea*fake surprise*

He-he, thanks for reading and have a lovely day. Mwah~~

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