
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Can I…?

He huddled himself tightly while looking at her with an innocent gaze, hoping she wouldn't turn him down.

"No. You have your own room. If you can't fall asleep, drink some milk." Contrary to Haoyu's wishes, the professor turned him down mercilessly.

'Hmm, she's pretty upset…' Haoyu thought with a pout.

Tejumole took out a cloth hanger and fitted the towel into it.

After doing so, she shook her head from side to side to see if her hair was dry enough. She didn't feel like using a hair dryer.

As her head wobbled, the four shoulder-length twists swished gently from left to right.

'So cute!' Seeing her actions, Haoyu's eyes curved fondly before he opened his mouth.

"That won't work." Haoyu spoke and shrunk himself under the covers.

He looked away from the professor and donned a pitiful expression on his face.

Then speaking softly he said;

"Or do you not want me here? It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before. You always let me stay with you as a child. Do you now find me bothersome?" He gazed at Tejumole like she had abandoned him, and it caused her cold face to soften.

Haoyu's words made her remember that when they started living together, they had shared the same bed for close to a year.

With this in mind, Tejumole lightly glanced at the child and figured she could let him stay.

Perhaps he had a nightmare and was feeling too embarrassed to tell her about it. Why else would he want to stay here?

"Alright, you can stay." Tejumole uttered with a yawn and dimmed the lights before walking to her bed.

Her day had been hectic. All the running around and fighting left her feeling exhausted and now all she wanted was to go to sleep.

Besides, with the little one here, she wouldn't need to toss around before falling asleep. He was her own personal narcoleptic.

Looking at the professor who joined him on the bed, Haoyu's eyes flickered, and he removed the covers from his face.

He was about to say something when Tejumole placed a pillow between them.

"Behave." She said simply, glancing at him with her brown eyes.

Just because she allowed Haoyu to stay didn't mean she had forgotten what happened downstairs.

She still perfectly remembered how weird Haoyu behaved tonight.

The feeling he gave at that moment was a suppressive kind that numbed her senses and caused her to remain rooted in place.

Having him so close to her with such an overwhelming aura, Tejumole felt an emotion that she couldn't explain. It was different, foreign and made her quite anxious.

If Haoyu weren't her little one, she would either avoid him or get rid of him. Reasoning that a person who made her feel so stifled was better off wiped from existence.

And to think the child even bit her, he needs discipline. She thought as waves of drowsiness hit her. She gazed at the child sleepily before closing her eyes.

'I'm the adult…' She chanted in her mind. Tejumole refused to admit that she felt nervous earlier. As an elder, she must show strength.

Haoyu's lips twitched when he heard her warning. Grinning, he moved and rested his face on the soft partition before gazing at the professor.

"I've always been a good boy professor. Don't you trust me?" Haoyu uttered, gazing at her with an impish smile. But, Tejumole didn't respond.

"Professor?" He called out to her lightly, but her eyes remained closed. She had fallen asleep.

Haoyu stopped talking and watched the person next to him. He listened to her soft breathing and observed the gentle movements of her body.

'You fell asleep so quickly. Are you tired, or do you trust me enough not to do anything?'

Haoyu turned and lay on his back, gazing at the ceiling. He had thrown the pillow separating them to who knows where and closed his eyes to sleep.

However, sleep eluded him, and he turned to face Tejumole instead. Her breathing was light, and she looked so ethereal under the dim nightlight.

She had naturally soft facial features, but her sleeping face looked even more delicate. Like a thinly frozen lake that would shatter at the slightest touch.

Haoyu stretched his hand after a thought and touched one of her twists gently. It felt puffy and a bit cold.

Haoyu gazed at Tejumole completely wrapped in the sheets and slowly approached. He moved closer until their foreheads touched and their breaths mixed.

He moved again, and his lips were barely a few centimetres from hers.

'Can I…?' Haoyu whispered, but quickly turned away before he surrendered to his urges. It took him his all to rein in his impulses.

'What's wrong with me?' He lay on his back and dragged his hand across his face while chiding himself.

Just now he wanted to kiss the professor. But he shouldn't. They didn't have that kind of relationship.

Haoyu turned once again and lay on his side, facing Tejumole directly.

Although he condemned himself, Haoyu failed to find the regret he should feel at wanting to do such a thing to the professor.

Things change and as Haoyu looked at the professor he thought;

"Maybe this can change…"


That same night.

In an upscale apartment.

Salami Michael sat behind his desk with a hand holding his face and his livid gaze trained on the four men before him.

His hands moved to cover his face before sliding them down in exasperation.

Gritting his teeth, he spoke to the men who stood silently with battered bodies.

"A girl did this?" He questioned.

"Yes, boss." James answered with difficulty. His face was all bashed up and his clothes were in tatters. The open areas of his clothes showed the disorienting bruises on his skin.

His lips were busted, and standing at attention took all the willpower he had. However, his leg still trembled from the obvious discomfort he was feeling.

And not just James. Among the four burly bodyguards, only Abraham looked human.

Folu was in a similar condition with James; however, Dare had to accept the support of Abraham because his injuries were the worst.

Apparently, after passing out, Dare awoke to his comrades being bullied by the freakishly strong lady. Enraged at the mistreatment of his brothers, he moved his weary body and joined the fight. He planned to take the woman by surprise; however, she caught him just as he moved and got beaten up instead.

Abraham looked at the miserable men and gulped in fright. Luckily, thank the heavenly stars, that he didn't go with them.

They all looked like they were run over by a truck, which was then pummelled by a falling building and destroyed by a tornado.

He shivered at the thought of what kind of monster was capable of doing this and wiped his clammy hands on his trousers.

"And you say she's that singer's sister." Michael continued, tapping his fingers on his lap.

"Yes, boss. That's what she claimed." James replied curtly, furrowing his brows at the pain in his mouth. Had he lost a tooth?

"Ha-ha, to think the people responsible for my safety were beaten to this state by a little girl. How can I entrust my well-being in your hands if you can't even take care of a girl?! Useless!" Michael gave a mocking laugh and spoke in a voice that got louder after every word.

Listening to their story, and about how they were dominated, he couldn't believe it. But knowing James, it was probably the truth.

"Fine, fine. Getting angry won't solve this." He waved his hands and placed them on the desk.

Then, looking at the men in the room, he continued.

"At least something good came out of this situation. Since you know what they look like, we'll be visiting our dear treasure soon. And if they refuse to be nice, we can sue them for damages. Tsk, just look at you all. Get out of my sight."

"Yes, boss." The four men responded and wobbled out of the study. They paused slightly when they heard Michael's voice.

"And get someone to change the carpet. The blood on it is sickening."

They responded before limping out the door, leaving Michael to his thoughts.

Salami Michael owned an Entertainment Company with the name, Rebel Studios.

His company handled various projects every year and most of them brought in substantial revenue.

The actors, actresses, and artists under him were talented and a handful of them had gained International recognition.

Michael may not be as influential as the top dogs in the industry. However, his Rebel studios wasn't that far off.

He just needed a single piece, an opportunity, to finally be on par with the giants of the industry. But finding such an important element proved difficult.

That was until tonight.

That singer was the key to his meteoric rise. He was certain. Just listening to her voice fascinated the hardly impressed man to the point of bewitchment.

If he could utilize the singer and her voice properly, then he could project the company to a higher level. He would achieve his dream and even more. Therefore, letting her off the hook was impossible. He must have her.

Michael's eyes narrowed as he caressed the ring on his wedding finger.

His lips pulled up to show a proud smile before saying.

"My dear wife, just wait. I will take you down your high horse and elevate myself even higher." He gazed at the ring with a mixture of emotions. These emotions ranged from affection to determination to discontent and then vanity.

It was uncertain which emotion outweighed the other; however, his gaze gradually leaned towards vanity and conquest as he thought of his prospects.

Phew, what a long night. He-he, get ready for some mystery solving folks ;-)

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