
The Psychopaths Of Tensura

ElectroZ_GamerZ · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

C01 Reincarnation of a Psychopath

It was a sunny day, the sky was blue and the clouds were like portraits in the sky.


The only thing making the nice atmosphere bad was the horns of the cars on the road.

Tall buildings everywhere you see in the city. Pretty much a normal day if it wasn't for me. I was on top of a rooftop far from the reiling for now. I had locked the door through which we can enter the rooftop.

Wearing a headphone on my ears to talk with my friends. Three people were with me on the call. Two of the videos were blacked while the last one was not showing the person but the sky.

"Hello? Hello! Can you all hear me? It was too noisy down the building so I came up."

I said to my friends on the call. The noise down the building, I couldn't hear it anymore but the honking of the cars are disturbing me now.

"Not a problem. Tell me how's the thing going on there, Osaki?"

My name's Osaki Katsumi if you don't know.

"Nothing much everything as usu-"




Three gunshots were heard as some people wearing dark blue vest and white T-shirt with a tie and a cap with a badge entered.


A policeman shouted as the others were aiming their guns at me.

"Hm? It looks like the police has came here." I said as I cut the call.


(This is what Osaki looks like)

"OSAKI!!!!" A person came running behind the policemen.

It was the detective Masaki. He was on the case of catching me.

"Oh. Masaki, do you see the blue sky today?" I said in a friendly manner. I headed near the reiling and pointed at the sky. I had known Masaki for a long time because he has been trying to catch me to no avail.

"WHERE IS MY SISTER!!!!!?" Ignoring my words, he asked me.

"She? Ah! That blondie? Her dead body's over there with the rest of the people. Do you know, when I blasted the cylinder, she somehow managed to survive. Ah... I cant forget those screams." I said as I looked at my hands.


"She screamed so much that I had to put a knife inside her mouth to stop her screaming." I said as I licked some blood from the knife which I had took out from my pocket.

Yeah, I am technically a psychopath. I like to kill people. Why? Don't ask, it's pretty boring anyway without the killing.

Today, on 17th December, I had brought a cylinder to the reception area of a hotel where the sister of Detective Masaki worked. I had dressed myself as an employee of the hotel so nobody would recognize me until I enter the hotel and... it worked! It was so fun!

I opened the cap of the cylinder and got away from it and threw a matchstick on it from faraway. Ah... I can't forget the faces of the people who were at the reception area. At first, surprise, then despair and then finally the blood curling screams. It was such a pleasure for me to hear those. My heart was blooming with joy.

After exploding the cylinder, I headed to the rooftop which was luckily opened. I changed to a better looking clothes there and talk to my friends who were serial killers.

Okay! Now back to the present!

"HOW DARE YOU!!! OSAKI!!!" Masaki shouted as he took out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at me.


The loud bang was heard for some seconds.

A bullet was shot at my arm.

A police officer stopped Masaki from shooting again after he fired a bullet.

As for my hand, it didn't hurt because I was suffering from a disease due to which I couldn't feel pain since birth.

But, if I take more shots, I would lose consciousness due to the blood loss or even die but that isn't a concern for me because I had already decided to die this day.

I holded my right hand with my other hand and then said.

"See? I can't feel the pain here."

I could see Masaki gritting his teeth after I said that as he pushed the officer holding him and aimed his gun at me again.

"Your chance is gone now, you know?"

I said as I quickly took out a gun from my pocket with my left hand.


I shot Masaki directly at the heart. There's no way he can survive after that.


The police officers shot me bullets one after the other. The shots hit my chest, stomach and arms.

"Kheeuk" I vomited blood from my mouth and stumbled back. My leg hitted the reiling. I began to lose my consciousness and also my footing.

I was falling from the building and some thoughts came inside my mind.

"My boring life is finally over. I wish I can have some fun killing people in my next life. Although, I will probably be sent to Hell."

I thought in mind as the time seemed slower around me as I was living my final moments before my death.


<The request from the user has been granted.>


(A/N- This is not voice of the world and also this is a normal system and not like my previous fanfics.)

<Generating body that the user would require.>



"What is this voice? Shut up or I'll kill you."


<Success. Acquired Unique Skill Heaven and Hell's Judgement>

"Heaven? He'll? Judgement? Am I being judged whether I will go in hell or heaven?"


<Success. Acquired Ultimate Skill Psychotic God Jack>

"Psychotic God? Jack? In anyway, by Jack do you mean Jack the Ripper?"

I thought in mind waiting for an answer which I never got.


<Transferring soul to Tensura.>