
The unspoken addiction of being close

The biggest mistake I could of made is saving the proper rich class President , from different regions it oh mostly looked like I was doing the complete opposite, But surely if I wasn't at that spot in that moment, I could of advold the hellish nightmares I included with her blackmailing me to make her mine bff now, Why is that you would asked her bullying me for being unable to stick to staying with the incrowd or realized I stoled class President first kiss from her whatever how it happened it wasn't on purpose, I was only saving her from a moving car now which why I wished maybe I haven't I won't had messing up for togia or me to began with, What a unfair chain of events, I assume this is the issue with her turning down every guy love confession and so many excuses with no answers but whenever I ask her I get a whole new answer without any excuses instead a question of asking if mine boyfriend treating me right afterwards I give tongia the usually but she had a jealous look my Way, This is starting seemed stupid why bother with me or whatever my life should matter to began with, Right she's acting strange like the ice cold person she is the only difference now , She keeps craving mine attention every enduring moment.i wake up , This must be punishment for mixing up someone feeling ,Well I soon learned the hard way that'll a girl that's lovestuck is nevertheless the same she turns psycho for only you and no one else, Today was my boyfriend new cafe job so he'll be really busy, And I who's short. with brown hair. is nothing compared to tongia she has everything originally has given to her on a sliver. platter , It's only been two weeks unfortunately she's following me now , Tongia why are you stalking me, very funny this gotta be payback for not hearing what you're had to say , Well now.Tongia