

A pyscho falls in love with a girl. As he kills a gang in train brutally for misbehaving with her , she gets frightened. One fine day The pyscho kidnaps her . She trys to escape from him many times, but she couldn't succeed. After few months, she come to know his love was true, she fells for the pyscho. They both will be soo deep in love. She gets engaged to him , have kids & lead a rich life....

Agnes_katam · สมจริง
8 Chs



HAAA its morning again i gotta go to my collage..So i wokeup slowly, got shower & went to eat my breakfast . My mom came to me telling ..That today driver will not be avalible , because he is going with my dad ..as dad is going out of town ..so my mom wanted me to take a subway while coming to home..i said okay ..after finishing my breakfast i went up to my room & started doing my makeup like always, took my backpack 🎒& sat in the car ...i always listen to music 🎶coz my college takes 1 whole hour to go...

Again like yesterday all my periods are completed, i said to my friends that today am taking subway, coz my dad took our car out of town. One of my friend is also taking subway everyday . So i decided to go with her . It was finally 4.00pm my classes are completed.

Me & my friend are on the way to subway..

She thought me how to take a subway coz i never been in subway before...

We Reached subway & sat ...after 2 minutes the train 🚆started moving...

Me & my friend are chitchatting...meanwhile I've seen a guy sitting in front of me . He was very Tall & Attractive, even though i didn't care a much..But he was seeing me all time...like he is not even moving his eyes away from me...Its uncomfortable actually..My friend also noticed him & said me that he might be into me...it was half an hour....He came to me & said "Hi", i jest smiled but dint replay... he said "HI" again , I said " hi, but i don't talk to strangers soo.." He smiled at me and went back to his seat. I was god damn nervous he looked like he was a creep...To be honest i am scared ...But i dint show up. Than after 3 minutes my friend's stop is here & she said me to be careful & left the train...But thanks to god there were still people in the train.. I took my phone 📱out started listening to songs pretending not to panic....Thank god he did talk to me again, my stop came , so i took a taxi & went to my home....i seriously dint see him at the time i was getting out of train..

Than i came to my home...my mom asked me how was my first trip in subway..i said my friend accompanied me so it not bad...

Than i did all my study work , ate , watched TV 📺 & finally off to 🛌bed ..Telling my mom " good night mommm" coz my dad is out of town.....



I woke up at 6.00am to find the girl, she looked like she is in college, so gotta get up early & waited on the same road i saw her yesterday, i saw the same car going on , so i quickly started my 🚗 car & followed her car...Now i came to know where she is studying...I waited till she came out...Again started following her , she went to subway so i followed her to subway, i handed my car to my friend. I dint miss her , i sat infrount of her , she looked soo lovely ...i could take off my eyes from her...I went to her & said "hi" she dint reply, i was kinda happy because she might have done the same to other guy...so i said Hi again..this time she replayed me hi..

I can feel that she is a lot tensed , so i dint talk to her again, damnnn she is sacred of me , but pretending like she isn't....Later she left the train, Even i did, but she dint notice me...My friend handoverd my car key to me so i followed her she took Taxi 🚕 . I was following her till she reached her home home 🏡.. Because i gotta make sure that my girl 👧 safe...So now i know where she lives...am happy 😊....But things i gotta know is her Name & about her....no doubt i will know everything about her real soon...