
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs

Chapter Thirty Six: The Unwelcomed Hero

Penny struggled in her bindings. She had never encounter a material as strong as this and she was finding it increasingly difficult to break free. " I know that you are probably wondering how to get yourself free" The Knight mocked. " But you cannot. These bindings are enchanted" The Knight laughed.

" Enchanted? And you call me a sorceress " Penny rolled her eyes as she continued struggling.

" You will not break free. Of that I can promise you " The Knight laughed again, his tone only angering Penny by the second.

" You will- " The Knight was interupted by a sudden gushing sound. Penny looked over to see that a hand, was perteuding through the Knights chest. Once the hand was pulled back, the Knights body collapsed and standing there, was Ember.

" I thought you could use some help" Ember shrugged as the bindings released their grip on Penny and she fell to the ground.

Now Ember turned her attention to the King who was shivering in fear of what might happen to him.

" I could've done it myself " Penny groaned as she made it back to her feet.

" Well, forgive me for trying to help" Ember replied as she walked over to the King and knocked his crown down to the ground with a rather hard smack to the Kings head.

" You are not a King. You are barely even a man" Ember demeaned the trembling shell of a King.

" I will do anything you want. Please just let me go" The King pleaded for his life.

" Don't trust him. The Last two ended up being stronger than they led you to believe" Penny warned but Ember didn't seem to concerned.

" Noooo, this guy wouldn't hurt a fly.." Ember wrapped her hand tightly around the man's throat, and began squeezing.

" I want to make this very clear. You are going to leave this village. You are never going to come back. And if you should ever cross paths with my friend again. You will run away, less you stain her gaze with your pathetic excuse for an exisistence" Ember threatened and the King nodded as best as he could before Ember released her grip, dropping him to the ground.

The King ran away as Penny walked up behind Ember who watched the King run.

" I thank you for the help, but I could have handled it" Penny again, tried to be polite but was still bothered by the unwelcomed aid.

" I know. But someone has to have your back.." Ember explained.

" Yeah. Someone has too.." Penny looked down to the ground as Ember turned around.

" I am sorry about before, I didn't mean to cross any lines" Ember apologized.

Penny shook her head " No its fine. It's just one big mess" Penny folded her arms together. " I don't like the way things have gone either. And I wish I could change it every single day. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything. But I have always appreciated you.." Penny confessed.

" I appreciate you too.." Ember looked deep into Penny's eyes and her heart began to pump faster and faster by the second.

But suddenly, Penny heard footsteps in the distance and Penny recognized that it was Keera who always somehow had perfect timing.

" I have to go" And before Penny could say a single word, Ember vanished.

" Heeeeey! There you are! " Keera called out as Penny stared at the place where Ember once stood.

" I have alot to tell you so you are gonna have to sit down for this one because it's about to get wild " Keera noticed the Penny seemed distant.

" Is everything okay? " Keera inquired as Penny continued staring into the distance.

" Yeah..everything is fine. Everything is good..I just..it doesn't matter" Penny turns away from Embers former direction.

" Well come with me, we have to talk " Keera smiled and Penny followed.