
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs

Chapter Thirty Nine: The Warm Welcome

The Child followed the King, into Gabriel's Chambers where he layed, in his crib, inoccent and full of all the promise of days to come.

The Child approached Gabriel's crib, cautiously, as though they were nervous at what they would see when they peered down. But there he layed, completely helpless.

" You are so tiny now.." The child smiled at the sight of him. " I remember it as though it were yesterday. You grew into such a proud Lycan. One that had so much promise over the land. One that should have been the answer to all of worries..but you weren't. " The Child whispered under her breath.

" I am going to correct this.." The Child Promises as the King approached.

" What are you saying? " The King had overheard very little of the conversation but knew that something was amiss. Though, as he approached the Child, she quickly turned and sliced his throat with hee now elongated nails which were more like claws.

The King fell to his knees, staring up at the child before collapsing to the floor in a pool of his own blood. " You were so trusting" The child smirked as she looked down at the fallen King. " I am going to do something that you and your family were far too scared to ever do " The Child turned back to Gabriel, and picked him up so that he rested in her arms. " Come now Little one, we have much to do" and with that, both The Child and Gabriel disappeared.

Guards ran into the room just as the Child had made her escape and find that their King is now dead. They quickly run to the Queen and inform her of all that had just occured and the Queen placed the entire Kingdom Under lockdown. Whomever the Killer was, they would not escape.

" I don't understand who could have done this " The Nobles cried out as the Queen paced around the room. " I don't know, But we will find the Killer and Gabriel's kidnapper. We must check every house and leave no stone unturned" The Queen dismissed the guards who made their way into town.

" It had to be that girl.." The Queen remembered the Lycan stranger who appeared before all this had occured. She was certain that this woman was responsible for her husband's death as well as her sons disappearance.

The queen gave the best description that she possibly could to every guard and every noble in the area. No one had recognized her as she was completely new to the Kingdom. Noone was sure why a Lycan would do something so horrific but the Queen suspected there other motives at play. I cannot be certain, but that woman who wishes her daughter to marry my son. She may know something. Bring her to me" The Queen demmanded.

After a short time, the Mother was brought before the Queen and questioned at great length though the Queen found nothing menacing in her answers. " Do you know of anyone who would try to capture Gabriel? Anyone who would want my husband dead? " The Queen inquired.

" No, your highness. But, I would imagine that if anyone had something to gain, it would be the other Kingdoms" The Mother answered.

As much as she hated to admit it, The mother had a good point.. Only the other kingdoms would stand again anything by the king's death and by the prince's dissapearence. They too, would have to be questioned but this could lead to conflict in the end. However, the Queen would not care if war was to come, she would not stand for this atrocity.