
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs

Chapter Ten: The Forgotten Remainder

Kara had accomplished what she had wanted for the time being. Deep down, Gabriel of course would not wish to be returned to her, as he had made his choice though Kara also knew that by having their child, she would be able to bring forth a being into the world who could truly make a change. However, this change, would not be for the benefit of the Underworld.

" So you really went through with this? " Gabriel questioned as he walked alongside of Kara. He was nothing but a figment of her imagination, and yet his words, his thoughts and feelings resonated within Kara as though he were still here.

" Of course I am. We owe this world nothing" Kara placed her hand on her stomach, as she continued to walk.

Gabriel lept in front of Kara in an attempt to slow her down for a brief moment. " The world is something we fought extremely hard to protect. Something that we gave our entire lives to do. There are so many people and so many friends that we have had and lost along the way. And you're really willing to give all of that up?"

" You are correct. We have given our entire lives to this world and yet nothing is changed. So I have plans to make changes that I believe are going to actually do something. If this world cannot be saved then this world should not exist" Kara continued walking forward, passing through Gabriel's body completely unhindered.

" This world has to exist! That is why the reset has happened..that is why everything has happened! You have changed..and not for the better" Gabriel walked behind Kara, as though he had no choice but to follow.

" There were so many times when I thought you were selfish. So many times where I thought you were amazing. And so many times that I thought we just somehow..got caught in this horrible situation together and were trying to find our way through it. But it was never about saving the world for you..was it? " Gabriel's question stopped Kara dead in her tracks.

She looked down at her stomach and refused to turn around and face her lover.

" No..it was about you. It always was and always will be. You were never just my protector. And you were never just someone who a part of my destiny. You were..my everything. You still are..my everything. But I can't have you..this world ruined that..." a single tear fell down Kara's cheek.

" And so what?You plan to make the entire world suffer because we couldn't be together question? Mark do you realize how insane that is?" Gabriel was completely baffled by what he was hearing from his mate.

" I don't think you could ever understand what it's like to lose everything Gabriel.." Kara tried to wipe her tear away.

" Really? Because the last time I checked..I'm dead.." Gabriel growled.

" Yes. Yes you are. And you don't have to continue existing in a world without you in it. You don't have to face each and every single day without the love of your life. You at least have some peace now..but for me..I have to be here.." Kara cried.

" I don't understand how you escaped being erased" Gabriel had suffered from the reset and yet Kara had not, and this made little sense to him.

" I don't know..I don't remember how I survived it.." Kara answered as she tried her best to regain her composure.

" How do you not remember? You were there! You have to know something! " Gabriel demmanded answers that Kara simply did not have.

" I honestly don't know.. But I do know that you are gone now. And I have to find a way to heal my pain and find a way to rectify all that has happened" Kara began walking forward again.

" You can't fix this Kara. It's not your place and it's not the place of our child either. There is already someone out there who can fix this. But you have to give them a chance" Gabriel pleaded.

" Not this time. No more chances. We have had enough of those..don't you think? " and with that, Kara continued on her journey to a place, only she knew. A home, she had made hidden away within the darkest reaches of the Underworld.