
The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

I was just another failure of an author, writing stories nobody read, and that never sold. Seeking to improve my writing, I read the most popular novel at that time, Solo Player, to learn what made it so popular. However, as I read this story, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated about the story’s development, which had a terrible ending. Eventually, and quite bitterly, once I ended reading the book, I found myself transmigrated into the very world of this novel. Did I become the Protagonist? A Villain? Or perhaps even an Extra? No, it was much worse than I imagined. Because I ended up becoming the most worthless character that nobody ever cared about in the novel. A character that is often considered the motivation for the protagonist to grow stronger, but also his greatest burden. Someone every reader hated! “I’m the protagonist’s sister…” However, with my knowledge of this novel's events, my worthlessness was about to change. I’ve decided to not only become the strongest but also change the story’s terrible ending! “I won’t let you go inside a Dungeon, it’s too dangerous.” ...As long as I can get this incredibly corny and overprotective brother out of my way! And for some reason, the Constellations won’t stop bothering me. Ding! [The Cosmic Throne {Butterfly That Flies Across The Universe} seems interested in your tenacity!] [She has sponsored 1000000 Plot Points and the [Demon of Calamity Transformation Technique (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} finds your chaotic nature amusing!] [He has thrown the [Umbral Chaos Stone Necklace (S Rank)] at you!] [Not enough? He launched the [Immortal Heaven Peach (SSS Rank)] right on your face!] There was something really wrong with the Constellations this time around. Ding! [The Cosmic Throne {Jester Filled With Lies} is happy that you’re bringing despair to your victims!] [He has gifted you the [Jester’s Last Laugh (S Rank Privilege)] and the [Master of Manipulation (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} seems happy you’re growing stronger.] [She has gracefully sponsored you with 2000000 Plot Points and Fully Heals All Your Wounds!] [She has also begun to wonder if you could plant some trees for her, gifting you the [Divine World Tree Seedling (SSS Rank)]!] [The Cosmic Throne {Warrior That Seeks Calamity} is satisfied with your battle performance but asks for more battle!] [He has sponsored you with 500000 Plot Points and [Beheading Sword of Destruction (SSS Rank)]!] They simply couldn’t stop gifting me things as if I were some sort of famous streamer for them. “I am grateful, but please just leave me alone already…” Chapters are long, 1500 ~ 2000+ words. During its serialization, this novel will be available for free forever, no premium. However, you can read advanced chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/pancakeswitch Copyright 2023 PancakesWitch. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a review. This novel is also being posted on Scribblehub and Royal Road. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Thank you.

PancakesWitch · แฟนตาซี
217 Chs

Chapter 11: Demonic Humans



A large blazing sword clashed against Jack's daggers. His was face filled with anger, ferociously glaring at the face of the bastard in front of him, who was grinning maliciously.

"Why the fuck are you here?!"

"Why? Are you seriously asking why at this point, little dog?"

Jack couldn't simply say he didn't know this man. A month ago he slaughtered his entire team inside a Dungeon after they attempted to assassinate him. Barely managing to teleport away using an Escape Stone, Adam and his last subordinate, Han, were the last survivors.

He would otherwise be happy to meet them again, honestly. Jack had already gotten accustomed to killing people, especially bastards who deserved it. And he wouldn't mind having a rematch with Adam and making sure to cut him into pieces this time… If it wasn't because this was an urgent matter, he had to find his sister before she was eaten alive by monsters. This bastard coming here was only delaying him.

"Move aside! I'll make sure to fucking slaughter you later!" Jack roared.

His entire body exuded a dreadful Dark Aura, encompassing his surroundings as dozens of furious wolves made of shadows appeared, attacking Adam with their monstrous jaws. Jack wanted to distract him with these Shadow Wolves and go look for Anna.



"I am not the same as before, Jacky~!"

Adam laughed with a cynical smile, as he was suddenly attacked by the Shadow Wolves, his entire body was being bitten and torn apart, blood pouring out of everywhere. However, unlike how Jack was accustomed to hearing his victims scream in agony as his powers devoured them alive, Adam was looking at him straight into the eyes.


A monstrous, red aura emerged from his bloodied body, as his entire musculature was enhanced. Adam grasped the Shadow Wolves and crushed them one by one while his wounds started to regenerate. All the blood he lost became red tattoos around his body, revealing the true nature of his powers.

Jack swiftly noticed that one of Adam's hands held the tattoo of a ferocious red snake with sharp fangs, which connected through magical runes with the rest of his body's red tattoos… These weren't merely decorative, however.

This dreadful and powerful aura could only mean one thing.

"You've become a Demonic Human?!"

"Hah! Took you a little while to guess, shithead."

Jack gritted his sharp fangs angrily, his eyes glowing redder with ferocious fury. He had fought a few Demonic Humans already, but they always were a challenge. Their power was immense and unlike monsters, he was unable to devour or absorb their powers, as the Demons they contracted would devour the Demonic Human's soul and powers once they were killed, leaving nothing for him.

The worst was that a contract with a Demon often brought an incredible increase in power to Humans, if they were already strong, such as Adam being a B Rank Hunter, they would often become one rank higher, or even two… Adam was no longer B Rank, which would easily be slaughtered by Jack.

He had surely become as strong as an A Rank, if not… even higher.

Jack noticed red scales growing over Adam's body, and also his teeth transforming into sharp, snake-like fangs, while his eyes became even colder than before, like those of a reptile. As if that wasn't everything, his tongue extended out of his open maws, growing over a meter long.

"Heh! To think you've been enjoying this kind of power all for yourself, little Jacky~! It's not fair!" Adam laughed, suddenly disappearing in a blur of red energy.



Jack was suddenly shocked, his foe moved at an incredible speed. In mere seconds, he emerged right behind him! He quickly tried to block his incoming blow, twisting his body to greet him with a barrage of his own attacks.


Adam roared, his sword was swiftly imbued with his red aura, and countless snakes emerged out of it, fusing with the weapon and enchanting its attack power and weight, the blow was tremendous, impacting Jack to the core and throwing him away.



Jack gritted his teeth, jumping away after receiving the hit, his entire body suddenly felt weaker. That attack was rather weak, but it came with something… His eyes widened as he felt his body rapidly beginning to feel much heavier than before, while breathing became difficult.

"Did you feel it?! I went easy on you because I want to see you struggle in agony, Jacky~"


Jack quickly vomited a mouthful of blood, as he felt his entire body starting to grow weaker. He quickly put his abilities into use, activating Venom and Poison Resistance, but that only helped him resist it a bit better, the venom was not healed.

"I-It's not working…?!"

"Hah! Do you truly believe you can counter the venom created by Uroboros?! The moment it entered your body, your fate has already been written."

"Tch…! If I have to fucking kill you to get to Anna… Don't expect me to go easy on you like last time."

Jack's eyes began glowing with a red light, his power started activating further and further, as his shadows started shapeshifting into hundreds of ferocious wolves staring back at Adam.

"Hoh~ So scary~!" Laughed Adam. "Don't worry though, Jacky. I've sent my friend to go look for your sis~ It'll be perfect once the two of you meet in fucking hell! Gahahahaha!"


The moment he heard that; Jack lost it…

He would be okay as long as they fucked around with him all these bastards wanted. He would be okay if they came by the thousands to kill him. He would be fine if they insulted, poisoned, tortured, and made him suffer all they wanted. But if they were going to touch the only person he cared for in this entire world, the only family he had left, then he would not stop until all his enemies were dead.

"Fenrir, take out all limiters, even if it eats away at my soul."

"Gahahaha! That's what I like to hear!"

The voice of an old wolf laughed within Jack's soul, as countless shackles binding the wolf within him were broken, his powers quickly taking over Jack, as he was suddenly encompassed by pure darkness…

"Hah! What sort of shit are you pulling out now?!" Adam laughed.


A ray of darkness came out from within the shadows, reaching Adam.


Adam tanked the hit with his super regeneration, but the damage burned his skin and even his bones could be seen for a few moments.

"W-What?! That sort of power…! Don't tell you've got even more?!"

However, no human answered.

Only a monstrous beast.


A gigantic black wolf emerged from within the shadows, jumping towards Adam and ferociously attacking him! The half-snake man was barely able to react in time, putting his blazing sword in front of him and barely blocking a bite that could have torn apart his head.






[The Cosmic Throne {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos} is watching you.]

[She says there hasn't been anybody interesting for a while and feels relieved to see someone fitting to be her apostle…]

Just as I finished absorbing the Abyssal Dweller Queen's Crystal, I suddenly saw a strange message. I don't even remember this constellation at all! Was she even in the story? Well, the other ones weren't either. Though, I cannot accept her offer. I don't want to become bound to any Constellation if possible. Yeah, Hunters that become Constellations apostles gain great power, and their growth increases, but they're also bound to them, body, and soul.

I don't want to be owned by anybody.

"No, sorry. I don't want to become your apostle." I quickly showed my disinterest.

And then…


[The Cosmic Throne {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos} is greatly offended by your words!]

[She furiously roars, saying you're an ingrateful piece of garbage.]

[While clicking her sharp mandibles, she assures you that she will find a way to punish you for such insolence…]

"Ugh, yeah, sure." I sighed, waving my hand to shoo her away.


Violet seemed confused.

"Ah, nothing Violet. How about we go treasure hunting for now?"


Thankfully, the place where the treasure my brother finds in the novel is within the boss aura territory, so I can find it easily without having to worry about monsters showing up. As I walked towards my destination while looking around as cautiously as I could, mostly because I've become rather paranoid in this place, I checked my new Skills.


[Twin Cutter (D): Lv1]

[Skill EXP]: [0/100]

A Unique Skill that Monsters with sharp blade-like limbs can utilize. By imbuing Mana into any blade, it is possible to unleash a powerful twin-cutting attack made of Blade Energy, which can deal up to 150% Damage and Ignore -20% of a target's total defenses. Has a 10% Chance of being a Critical Attack.

Level Bonus (1): Increases Damage Dealt by +25%. Increases Defense Ignore by -15%. Increases Critical Attack Chance by +10%. Grants a 5% Chance to unleash an Additional Attack with no MP cost.


[Venom Secretion (D): Lv1]

[Skill EXP]: [0/100]

A Unique Skill that venomous Monsters usually possess. By spending Mana, it is possible to secrete different types of venomous toxins from the user's body. These toxins grow in intensity and effects with each Skill Level. The way toxins can be created is up to the user's ability and knowledge. As an additional effect, the user is immune to all venoms and poisons.

Level Bonus (1): Increases the intensity of Toxins created by +25%. Venom produced can ignore 50% of a target's venom immunity/resistance. Grants a 10% chance for the Venom to become Fatal Venom.


Ah, these Skills are so amazing! The queen didn't use her venom secretion though, why? She didn't know how to use it? Or maybe she had yet to awaken it, but this skill was within her true potential. Well, whatever's the case, I feel way more confident with these.

"Found ya."


Suddenly, a rangy-looking guy with gray hair and red eyes showed up. His creepy smile combined with those snake-like eyes, the knife he was licking with his long tongue, and that weirdly off-putting voice made my entire body shiver.

Who… who the fuck is this guy?

His aura…


[An intense killing intent is being directed at you!]

I don't remember a guy like this at all in the novel's story!

"Hehehe, are you scared, little girl~? Oh damn, you're so cute… I can't wait to cut you down piece by piece…!" He slowly began walking towards me. "Are you so scared you can't even talk now?"

Seeing his stupid face and his weirdly generic thug demeanor. This badly written and forgettable character is… Han Soo, a subordinate of the Demonic Human and Hitman, Adam Woo. But why is he here?! This guy is supposed to show up way later in the story! And that snake tattoo, he's a Demonic Human too! This guy was really weak without a demonic contract, but once he got one, he was as strong as a C Rank Hunter at the very least.


[The [] says that the world is a bit boring if it follows the script.]

[Therefore, unexpected changes will occur in the story, sponsored by the unpredictability of Chaos.]

[New Change: Adam Woo and Han Soo will appear in the Dungeon where Anna was trapped. Adam will hold on to Jack while Han comes to kill his sister.]

[Both Adam and Han are Newly Awakened Demonic Humans.]

[Adam's Potential has increased by +50%]

[Han's Restraint has decreased by -70%]

