
The Prophetress

Israel Rostavo is the daughter of a mafia leader. Alessandra Rostavo, and his wife Maria Rostavo. But is she really? Everything Israel have thought she knew turned out to be just a lie. After the death of her parents, nothing was ever the same. She came to realize that she was never the daughter of Alessandra and Maria. She wasn't even from their world. But Godfrey, the realm of supernatural. But she's not just from that world, she is the future Queen. Wait until she found out about her destiny, Will she fulfill her duties like a Crown Princess? Or will she rebel like a Mafia brat? *** Check out my other book: The Abyss of the Vampire-demon Reign of Terror Age of Ancient Darkness Boud with you

Sweetdreamer20 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Chapter 15

After Blake little tantrum, I sat in embarrassment as all eyes were on me. I went outside where I saw Blake leaning on the hood of his car. He was smoking a cigar and a blonde hair girl latched to his arm.

"Blake?" I called, walking over with my hands in my pocket. But he didn't answer nor spare me a glance.

"Blake, are you…" but before I could finish asking my question he cut me off.

"Izzy, meet Kia,"

"Okay," I nodded at her, which she returned with a small smile.

"Blake, can we talk?" I asked, but he just ignored me.

"Let's go," He said, tossing his cigar on the ground.

Knowing that Kia would probably take the passenger seat, I make my way to the back.

And I was right, she did take the passenger seat. After everyone had seated, Blake drove off. Sometimes throughout our journey, Kia spoke.

"So Izzy it's the first I'm hearing of you, where you from?"

"New Zealand," I mumbled, scrolling through my phone.

"Yeah, right," Blake scoffed.

"Is there something you wanted to say, Blake?" I asked, irritatingly.

"Can you just shut up for like a sec,"

"Excuse me?"

"Can you not trying to start an argument for once?"

"Stop the car!" I demanded.

"I can't just stop the car in the middle of the road," He answered as if talking to a crazy person.

"I. Said. Stopped. The. Fucking. Car! Or I swear to god I will jump out." I emphasize each word.

And he did stop the car, without a glance I unlocked the door and make my way out. Purposely slamming the door behind me, I watched as he speeds off down the road.

"What an asshole," I mumbled, walking on the sidewalk. Then suddenly I collided with someone.


Looking at the person who called my name, I was surprised to see Xander staring down at me,

"Xander what a surprise," I said giving him a small smile.

"It sure is, so what are you doing here anyway?"

"Long story, I don't even know where the hell I am."

"You're at 171 grove street, right in front of a Jimmy Brooklyn pizza parlor," He said with a boyish smile on his lips.

"Thanks for that somewhat useful information," I chuckled.

"Okay, so I was just going to go grabbed a bite," He started but trailed off, "Do you want to join me?"

"I don't...."

"Come on it will be fun, just have a slice of pizza with me and keep my company besides it's my treat."

"Okay," I nodded, following him inside.

Inside, the host directed us over to a seat down the far back near the window. After taking our seat, she handed over two menu cards.

"Someone will be over shortly to take your orders," He spoke.

Soon after, he had left, a young boy walked over.

"Hi I'm Ken, and I'll be your server, would you like to order?"

"Katrina, are you ready to order?" Xander asked.

"Yeah, I'll have two slices of the pineapple pizza, and a gin fizz cocktail."

After he had finished writing down my order, he proceeds to Xander.

"What for you, sir?"

"I'll have two slices of cheese pizza, vanilla Ice cream then drizzles with a chocolate sauce. With an Alabama smoothie."

"Your orders will be ready in a few minutes," He informed us, as he walked away.

Leaning back in my chair, I took in the luxury of the pizza parlor, then Xander begun talking.

"So Katrina, I've never met a lady like yourself, where are you from?"

"Why does everyone always have to ask me that? I mumbled.

Now I have to lie.

"I'm from a small place in New Zealand," I answered.

"Hmm but you...."

"Here are your orders, ma'am and sir," the waiter interrupted, placing my order in front of me and also Xander.

We thank him, then I took a bite from my pizza.

"So, as I was saying before the waiter interrupted, you don't sound New Zealand."

"Hmm," I said taking another bite from my pizza, "How I'm supposed to sound then?" I asked, after swallowing my pizza.

"I don't know, but that accent of yours sound like California,"

"Okay," I nodded, feeling irritated by him.

"I take it you from California," I smile at myself.

Not knowing what to say, I nod.

"But you do seem different, but I can't exactly tell, who are your parents?"

Wiping my mouth with a napkin, I spoke, "I don't like to talk about my parents."

"Oh, family issues?"

"No, we were happy, it's more because of their tragic passing," I said, holding back a sob.

"Katrina, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to opened fresh wounds."

"It's okay you didn't know," I mumbled, "Will you excuse me I have to use the lady's room."

Without waiting for his reply, I walked over to the direction of the restroom. Turning the doorknob and walking inside, I rushed over to an opened stall. Where I began puking my gut out, after emptying all my pizza and dessert, I flushed it down the drain.

Walking over to the bathroom sink, I rinsed my face and mouth, I feel awful. Walking out of the restroom, I went back to the table.

"You don't look too good, Katrina, are you okay?" Xander asked as I flopped down on the seat.

"No, I'm not feeling too well, can you..."

Third-person Narrative

Before Israel could get her word's out, everything turned black, and she fainted.

"Israel?" Xander called, making his way towards her.

He picked her up in bridal style and rushed with her towards his car. He placed her down in the back seat just then her phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Xander asked, looking at the caller ID, which showed Blake name.

"Who is this?" Blake asked.

"Xander, we met at the Den," Xander states.

"Where is Katrina?" Blake asked in all seriousness.

"She's here with me, I'm taking her to the hospital," Xander answered, making his way to the driver's seat.

"Why? What happened to her?" Blake asked eagerly.

"I don't know, she just fainted," Xander spoke, driving out of the pizza parlor car park.

"No hospital," Blake said in a hoarse voice, "Bring her to your house, I'm out of town, but I'm on my way heading back now. Just send me your address."

"Okay, will do," Xander said before ending the call.

Pulling up at his mansion, Xander rushed out of his seat, picking up Israel in his arm he flew inside.

"Meet me in the infirmary," He mind link his doctor.

Arriving at the infirmary, he laid Israel down on the bed. As he explained to his faerie doctors that she just fainted.

"Okay," the doctor nodded, "Could you leave the room, so we can diagnose the cause of her fainting."

Hmmm. I wondered could Israel be pregnant (: What are your thoughts my readers?

Sweetdreamer20creators' thoughts