

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · วัยรุ่น
78 Chs

The call of the moon chasers

Chapter 12.


The first person to answer the call of the Moonchaser was a young man named Jacob. He was regarded as an outcast in his small town because of his extra Pinky finger, bullied and ridiculed for being different. But when he encountered Barbara , he felt a sense of belonging for the first time in his life. He decides to seek out the organization, and see if he can join. It's a long journey, but Jacob is determined. As he travels, he has to overcome many obstacles, and learn to trust himself and his instincts.

As the days pass, strange things begin to happen in Jacob's life. He starts to notice things he never noticed before - the way the light plays on the water, the song of the birds, the colors of the sunset. And he begins to feel more connected to the world around him. He starts to have strange dreams, in which he hears a voice calling to him. The voice tells him to follow his heart.

At the same time that Jacob is having his strange experiences, Ares and his friends are also feeling something new. They can't quite explain it, but it feels like they're being drawn to something, something bigger than themselves. They feel a connection to the moon, and a sense of purpose that they've never felt before. They decide to follow this feeling, wherever it leads them.

As Jacob, Ares, and his friends continue to follow the mysterious pull they feel, they find themselves traveling to a remote, abandoned laboratory. covered in dust and cobwebs, but there's something about it that feels familiar. And as they explore the laboratory, they find clues that lead them to believe that Dr. Stevens was present. They begin to wonder if this is where they're meant to be. And then, they hear a voice calling out to them...

"Ares, Jacob, Hermes, Ryder, Lee and link, welcome!" A tall, imposing figure steps out of the shadows. And it was Dr. Stevens, and there's a strange intensity in his eyes. "I've been expecting you," he says. "Come, let me show you what I've been working on." He leads them through the laboratory, and they see machines, computers, and strange devices they've never seen


Dr. Stevens stops in front of a large machine with a glass chamber in the center. "This is my latest creation," he says. "It's a machine that can harness the power of the moon." He gestures to the glass chamber. "You see, the power of the moon is more than just a force of nature. It's a source of energy that can be harnessed and used for good.

"I've been studying the properties of lunar energy for years," Dr. Stevens continues. "And I've created a way to harness it and use it for healing. This machine is designed to heal people of any illness, any injury, any affliction. And it can even reverse the aging process." Jacob, Ares, and his friends are stunned by this revelation. Could it be possible? Could this machine really hold the power of eternal life?, they asked each other.

"But to use the machine," Dr. Stevens says, "you must first undergo a rigorous training program. You must learn to control your emotions, your desires, your impulses. You must become one with your body and your mind. Only then will you be ready to use the machine." He looks at them, one by one. "Do you accept the challenge?" They look at each other, and nod their heads.

As the weeks pass, the training of the Moonchaser becomes more and more intense. Dr. Stevens pushes them to their limits, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And they begin to see changes in themselves. They feel stronger, faster, more focused. They also feel more connected to each other, like they're part of something bigger than themselves. As they train, more people arrive to join the group, including two young women. Dr. Stevens welcomes them and tells them they have a lot of catching up to do.

One of the new arrivals is a young woman named Emily. She's quiet and shy, but there's a fierce determination in her eyes. The other new arrival is a girl named Brianna. She's outgoing and friendly, with a quick wit and a sharp tongue. They join the others in their training, and the group begins to feel like a family.

The tension between the old and new members of the Moonchaser comes to a head when Dr. Stevens announces a test. They will be split into teams and pitted against each other in a series of challenges. The winning team will be given a special honor and the losing team will be given extra training and challenge s, This news causes panic among the group, and some of the new arrivals begin to doubt themselves. But Emily and Brianna remain calm and determined.

Dr. Stevens had devised a test to help the Moonchaser master their powers. The test was called "The Gauntlet," and it was designed to push the Moonchaser to their limits. There were three parts to the test: physical, mental, and emotional. Each part was designed to test a different aspect of the Moonchasers' abilities. The test would be held in a secret location, and only the Moonchaser and Dr. Stevens would know about it. They all knew that the test would be difficult, but they had no idea just how difficult it would be.

On the day of the test, the Moonchaser arrived at the secret location. It was a large, open field in the middle of the woods. Dr. Stevens was waiting for them, and he explained the rules of the test. First, they would each have to complete a physical challenge. Then, they would face a mental challenge. Finally, they would have to face an emotional challenge. The physical challenge was a race across the field. The person who reached the finish line first would win.

The physical challenge was grueling. The Moonchaser raced across the field, pushing themselves to the limit. In the end, Ares was the first to reach the finish line. He was exhausted, but he was victorious. The mental challenge was next. It was a test of the Moonchasers' concentration and focus. They had to stand still for as long as possible, without moving a muscle. The first one to move would lose. This challenge was even more difficult than the physical one. But, once again, Ares was the victor.

"You all have done well,I encourage you guys to walk on your weak point.

Congratulations Ares.

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