
The Proper way of abusing fans (World superstar)

Agwa, a pure Filipina crossed to the parallel world in the body of a top idol star in Korea with hundreds of thousands of comments and millions of follower on SNS. Due to the original body's series of frame-ups, plagiarism of new songs, hidden marriages and being fostered, her reputation is blacker than coal and down the gutter. The start is HELL MODE fortunately the rebirth package comes fast and [star making system] is available. [smoke] 5 star coins [drunk] 5 star coins [Farting] 50 star coins [rejection] 10 star coins [ sum total star coins 70 rewarding host with "1hour disease" and a Nursery Rhyme] "WTF system, do you have some misunderstanding about STAR MAKING!!!!" All kinds of bizarre rewards like "depressed kit" "never damage my lung pill" "holy aura" "1 hour disease" etc. pop up from time to time. Good thing I'm smart. Reverse the overall situation. Fans prepare to be abuse. WORLD SUPERSTAR HERE I COME!!

tarzan23 · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Beginning

When she opened her eyes, Agwa felt like her soul was forcibly pulled out and pushed back again to her body. The strong urge to vomit and dizziness made her unable to return to her mind for a long time. After more than a minute, Agwa was awake and the extra memory in her mind tells her that she had traveled to a parallel world. A world that was similar to the original world history, but the development of literature and art was very different. She knows because she's someone who aspired to be an artist, but with her ordinary looks and talent it was a pipe dream.

"What am I doing before crossing over" Agwa tried to recall.

She stayed up late reading novels and watching YouTube videos of kpop idols. A typical thing to do when she's on a day off. She worked as a call center agent and it's a routine not to sleep and waste her much-awaited day off. She lacks sleep and is full of caffeine, so it's no wonder she's dead at the age of 28.

The feeling of vomiting struck again and Agwa couldn't hold back and vomited on the ground.

'Feels like i have hangover and my stomach is a little uncomfortable'

Agwa rushed to the kitchen sink, poured two mouthfuls of tap water to rinse her mouth, then propped her left hand on the cooking table and pressed her right hand back and forth on her abdomen several times until the pain eased. She took two steps and slumped on the chair in the dining room and began to sort out the original body's memory.

The cooking table was made of white marbles. The tiles were cold and so was her left hand resting on top. Her right hand covering her stomach is warm. The hot and cold feeling is so much like Agwa's undulating mood at the moment.

Elementary school, junior high school, university, signing up as a company trainee during high school, etc. All experiences are like a series and they are quickly played into Agwa's mind. The thing is, the body is a half-Korean, half- Filipina, which brought a huge shock to her since she's a pure Filipina.

'Thanks god our name sounds the same' she thought

"I'm no longer in the Philippines and the body I possessed was a top notch little fresh meat"

Agwa opened the original mobile phone and checked SNS account - callme-AGUAH

[Certified singer, Representative of works "Path", "Beautiful you" and "My Love".] (12.23 million followers_1.7B likes_23 followed.

callme-AGUAH: Good morning world [picture]

It is an ordinary photo of the rising sun. The angle is ordinary. The composition is ordinary and it belongs to mediocrity. But this dynamic has 200,000 comments, and Agwa realizes the exaggeration of the top.

[ Aaaaaaaaaaaaa this sunrise can't match my queens beauty!]

[My wife why are you up already come back to bed and breakfast is ready in a while😘😘]

[ My baby's shooting skills are awesome, not much inferior to professional photographers]

[ Baby why didn't u post a selfie? I got a disease that would kill me if i didn't see my queen Aguah]



[Selfie + 2]

[Selfie +3]


Before crossing Agwa hate those extreme fan especially saesangs. She felt that the fan circle was getting more and more immature and toxic, so she never joined a fandom. However, seeing these comments and her being the center of it all, the object of affection, feels really great. Think if there are thousands of people who will support you unconditionally no matter what you do, who doesn't like it?.

Agwa continues to read, if the original body posted a selfie, the comments would directly exceed 300,000; all of which were comments such as the skin is too good, my queen is the most beautiful, wife etc.., and comments such as I'll go bankrupt supporting you or I'm willing to die if I could have half an hour with Aguah were exaggerated. In terms of business capabilities, the sales volume of all endorsed product in 24 hours exceeded 10millions; one example is the endorsement of a certain sunglasses, a large number of fans go to online shopping and stores to boost sale and some directly buy from the official flagship stores until they're out of stock.

Unfortunately, the above glory that call for wind and rain are all 6 months ago, and now the latest messages are...

[Disgusting Whore!!]

[ Die you bitch]

[This kind of slut can be a top star?? What happened to Korea's entertainment]

[ That's why I'm always wondering why she rose to fame Soo fast, isn't it because she sleeps around for resource]

[ Hidden marriage and then divorce when your popular, how heartless]

[ Come on everyone, we should cancel this kind of scum]

The words were so disgusting considering the age of the original owner who's barely of legal age.


The original body suffered the "explosion fame" and was about to be canceled. The SNS was riddled with her black materials that it couldn't be more black. The top star's collapse stardom is no trivial matter. For 6 months it appeared on SNS hot search frequently.

The black materials of playing big names, plagiarizing songs, being fostered and hidden marriages were exposed one after another. Agwa understood from the original body's memory that she was framed.

At the Business meeting reception 6months ago, Aghua and her agent went together and took a photo with a sponsor at the reception.

The next day the news about her being fostered was revealed with photos taken from the reception, but from a different angle that makes it look intimate. The SNS was instantly detonated like a bomb. There's also a hidden marriage from university, and the so-called "husband" broke the news. In the following weeks, more and more black materials were thrown on the internet, like setting off a fire in a fireworks warehouse, and the chain reaction was a series of explosions.

Among the loud noises, only the plagiarism of the title song and playing big names were true. The former was due to the company paying money to collect songs in the circle so she could set up an image of a genius song writer. The latter was because the original owner lost herself and became arrogant.

For newcomers or even top idols who have no famous work with only appearances and mediocre talents, there would still be fans willing to support you. You can even play big names or make unpatriotic remarks, and there will still be brainless fans who have no three views that'll stay. But you must never fall in love; otherwise you will understand what "love begets hate". Most especially if you're a female artist, it's the biggest factor that'll hammer away your fame and nail your stardom to doom.

Moreover, Aguah's scandal was hidden marriage and being fostered, that right there was an instant death. The rumors should have been clarified the first time it broke out by Juson Entertainment, which is the original body's company, and take legal action. There is a saying that "justice may be late but not absent", public opinion and rumors can be clarified with substantial evidence.

Big S, SNS, Media and portal websites have all started fabricating the black materials of Aguah for clicks and traffic. A lot of marketing accounts pop up and spray the original owner; Navy controls the rhythm, and so-called insiders break the news. Aguah was drowned with black materials, her reputation down the gutter but Juson Entertainment did not take any action with an excuse that legal action and assistance were suspended due to the company's shortage of resources.

'like a medium size company comparable to the three big giants would ever have shortage of resources'

Because of this, more and more fans and passerby believe that all the rumors were true, or else why would Juson Entertainment give up on a top star like Aguah, she's the biggest cash cow and brought huge amount of income to the company.

Under pressure and shouldering the full malice of the world, the original owner was depressed. She wanted to commit suicide and end it all, she tried a couple of times but stopped at the last moment, she couldn't end her life for the sole reason that if she died her younger siblings would have no one to depend on. Instead of succumbing to grief and killing herself, she devotes it all to composing; trying to come up with excellent work that would shock the world and counterattack. She also looked for evidence to disprove all the rumors. She works so hard, stays up late and neglect her body. She would down bottles of strong energy drinks combined with caffeine and, just like herself from past live, die.

Until her death the original body did not know why she suffered this. Until the last moment, she's still thinking of her twin baby brother. The original body was an orphaned. Her parents got into a car accident when she was 15 and left behind a twin baby. Thanks to her aunt's family, they took care of her baby brothers until she was old enough to provide for them. It's also the sole purpose she's in the entertainment industry since the money is quick.

"Judging from the actions of black materials,navy and marketing accounts, it is regular and organized and will cost millions of dollars. It is not for no reason"

This is the case if it involves an interest. Before Agwa crossed, she was a person who was good with analysis. She found the suspect based on the original owner's memory---the original owners, the previous brokerage company "SSV Entertainment".

SSV Entertainment is one of the three giants in the circle. It has a perfect trainee model and selection system. The original body signed up as a trainee at the age of fifteen, and because of refusing the unspoken requirements of the deputy director of the music department, she did not get any opportunities for 3 years. She signed a short term contract with the company thanks to the help of the original body's uncle, whose a lawyer, with conditions that they can be prioritized once contract ends. This is also one of the reasons why the company neglected her and did not tilt any useful resources.

Aguah (original owners name) did not renew her contract after it expired and turned to Juson Entertainment.

SSV Entertainment didn't care about the little trainee either. But who would have thought Aguah participated in the variety show "goddess of tomorrow" as an amateur and became popular overnight with her looks.

Goddess of Tomorrow is the gathering of talented and beautiful girls age 18 to 26. It showcases originality and all sorts of talents with the purpose of introducing the new "it girl" of this generation. Due to her good looks that surpassed most Korean star , a very good figure, peculiar personalities, and considerable talent, netizens and fans abruptly sent her to championship and the number of votes doubled that of the 2nd place and 3rd place.

Activities and endorsements came one after another, and she took off and rose to the top in an instant. Seeing that the former trainee made money, SSV Entertainment was more uncomfortable than seeing the company's stock plummet so she was sued to the court for violating priority regulations.

"The court ordered one million compensation only. It would be strange if SSV Entertainment just let go"

SSV Entertainment can't do it on the bright side, so play it in the dark. Anyway, it's easy to destroy the original body with their capabilities. Now it looks like the plan is successful.

"I know that entertainment industry was dirty but I did not think it could be this disgusting" Agwa figured out the situation.

The solid wood dining chair was a little hard and it hurt her butt. She stood up and walked to the living room and directly laid down on the sofa and hugged the pillow. Her eyebrows were wrinkled and the situation was not good. In the two years of popularity a lot of money has been earned, but a lot of black material has emerged. Etude House, Nature Republic, LG and other endorsement have terminated their contracts and demanded compensation. There's no reasoning with capital once your reputation is damaged, they're out. Not only did Aguah pay for all the liquidated damage. She's also in debt.

Agwa listed out all her debt on her mobile phone and it summed up to 50 million. Her head suddenly hurts. God granted her wish of becoming an artist, but she was dumped on a body that's near impossible to turn over.

"God why must I start HELL mode" She massaged her head to relieve herself. After a while she stood up, ready to find a solution when she was suddenly hit with dizziness.


[ The star making system wakes up and starts to bind]

[ Your AI is at your service]
