
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · สมจริง
13 Chs

Chapter 1 Fiction

My son is not here. Go home!

No please just let me talk to him. Just once- please-

I told you already, he's not here. He left for America last week-

I never got to hear what the lady said next. It was as if the certain word- left numb all my senses. Like I was paralyzed, unmoving, unable to hear and speak. My body won't move as my mind scream in silence.

Why?! This can't be? He promised- he promised that he'll stay- but why?! 

In a mere second, my concept of love shattered. It was as if, it never existed. Like it was never there. Like it's just part of the dream I can't seem to forget. In a mere seconds, my while life was destroyed. He was all I had. I thought I'll have him forever because he promised yet after he got what he wants he left me hanging. After he got what he want he threw me away like I was some sort of toy he got tired of playing with. Toy? So they were right after all, he was toying me. All he wanted was to make me fall for him and dump me like a disgusting trash. Was him accepting me as I am a facade? An act he perfected so I'll fall for him easily? Was everything staged like a book written fictitiously, everything was made up story- never believe it? Was everything a work of Fiction?

The whole class fell into silence as the man in his mid-thirties put the paper down on his desk. His eyes pinned on Craig whose just sitting there like all the states he get doesn't matter. Like he does not realize that the teacher just finished reading his output confused but felt something at the same time. Craig was just looking down on his notes and only looked up when his teacher call for his name.

Mr. Anderson. 

Yes sir? He immediately answered not bother with the states and his classmates whose like their teacher. Confused but felt something at the same time.

Your output, it's--

"Fiction, a work of imagination. An exaggeration of reality sometimes opposite to it. It's like playing with reality trying to make it more ideal and dream-like. " After that, Craig take his seat and continue writing in his notea leaving everyone more confused and dumbfounded.

The teacher in the front did not bother anymore because he realized that somehow, there's more to this poker-faced student. He continue reading outputs and Craig continue to right on his notes. His mind wandering around the most painful part of the story that his teacher read which he did not bother to write on it.

Fiction sucks!, he thought.

Sweaty, huffing and tired- Craig continue to run around the soccer field. It's time for P.E and they're playing soccer. Of all the sports, it's soccer that he hates the most. It's not because he sucks on it, it's because he's good at it and it brings nothing but painful memories to him. 

Soccer is the sports that the guy he hates the most- love. He often received compliments and praises from the guy way back when they were "Dating" or should he say, "way back when he was still toying me"?. And the memory of it does not just hurt him, it's making him remember how dumb and naive he was in believing the act that he perfectly staged.

Craig shooked his head as he accelerated passing every classmates whose running ahead of him earlier. 

I won't go there anymore, he thought to himself. It'll only bring him pain--

Yuki! Run faster, you're being left behind!

Craig immediately turn to look where the voice came from. And there he saw, Yuki Amon- laughing with his friends. The friends that he considered his friends before. Looking at the guy laughing suddenly makes his mood more sour than earlier. He immediately turn his attention back to running and accelerated so that he can distance himself from those guys and not hear them.  

Yuki Amon-, he was a transferee when they were just juniors. The moment he step into the grounds of this school, every girls even boys, turn their heads just to look at the angel personified boy who have this sheepish smile on his lips. He was a head turner alright. Aside from having that angel face, he's also good at playing the guitar and have a very nice voice. He's friendly and radiant- the total opposite of Craig. However, for some reasons, the angel personified boy noticed him. Him, whose not fond of talking. Him whose not as beautiful as the girls following Yuki. Him, whose trying to hide what he is in this fucked up world. 

Like the typical stories from novels, when Yuki noticed him- that's where his self started to changed. The Him, he was trying to hide would peak at Yuki that he'll eventually push back. The Him whose locked up and tied tried to touched Yuki whose not aware of it. And just like those stories in novels, he tried to avoid Yuki but he is persistent.  

Are you avoiding me?

N-no! W-Why would I ? Craig stuttered as he tried to avoid Yuki's eyes. 

You just avoided my eyes Craig. You are certainly avoiding me. Yuki exclaimed with frustration making Craig flinched. 

I- I-I'm not. He retorted back which he's sure that didn't help either because he just make the frustrated Yuki now angry. He can feel it on it's grip on his arms. He tried to take Yuki's grip off his arm but to no avail, he just made it worst.  

Y-Yuki- it hurts. Craig mumble but Yuki only looked at him angrily as he walked faster pulling him. It was like that for how many minutes until they reached the rooftop of the school. And when he thought that Yuki would free his arm, he just pin him on the wall and put his lips on top of his trembling ones. His eyes bulged, unable to believe that the angel personified boy whose lived by many initiated a kiss and of all people - to someone like him. Craig's locked up self suddenly jump of happiness but he stopped it immediately. He waited for Yuki to distanced itself and did not bother to answer the kids it initiated. 

A few moments later, Yuki put a distance on their faces but his sparkling ones was pinned on his. Craig saw something on Yuki's eyes but refused to believe it. It just can't be. How?

Y-You W-Why did you- are you- Craig mumbled not knowing what to actually say.

I'm sorry, I just got fed up. 

Fed up? Craig's voice broke a little making him blush out of embarrassment but Yuki doesn't seem to realize it.

You've been avoiding me. I just- I've been trying to make you look at me the whole time. I even approached you first just to ask for your name. I endure how silent you are everytime I talked about things. I even turned down a date last week because I thought we were going to hang out at my place. Turn out you'll start avoiding me and won't even look me in the eye. Why? Did I do something wrong? Does inviting you to hang out at my place turn you off? Or is it because you realize the way I look at you? Come on, say something Craig. 

It was like Yuki was pleading. He was like a puppy wanting attention or cat who wants to cuddle. The boy whose 5 cintemeters taller than him suddenly looked like a child who wants a candy in his eyes. A hint of hope suddenly burst on Craig's mind. But not enough. It isn't enough.

Craig, come-on say something... Don't stay silent. I'm really nervous here you know? Please-

Do you like me Yuki? Craig suddenly blurted out .

-To be Continued-