
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · แอคชั่น
83 Chs


(Buji vs lukang)

(Buji speaking )I wonder when did I came like the bastrads that kept me submitting to them my father, my mother and even my brother .I often wonder why do we keep playing this game of thrones?

(Lukang)I can't really say my mother was

the best person in my life until she wasn't.

(Lukang continues to speak ) wondering always causes overwhelming stress on oneself, I was faster if I had more money, if I wasn't my father child words are things we used to prevent our self from our own thoughts. We all use words to fool ourselves until we remember we a just living a lie with other people who believes in the lie more than us . So we can have a small chance at calm.

Game of thrones that's the same way as saying cat and mice at the end of the day you should aways do it because of your dreams tour own fear . To break the chains that blind you have to be able to break yourself.

Buji and lukang close the distance between them as lukang cover his fist with fire as buji made his blood boil lukang released a Fire fist which buji leaping into the air as lukang used shower fist as a ton of fire fist as buji moved clean though the attack he blizts lukang for a third time, while lukang was firing his technique buji landed a powerful punch in lukang stomach that sent his flying back but before his body touched the ground

Buji went at his body with full speed as buji landed black flash in the form of a kick to the head.

[Someone could be seen in the air]

MING clan

(Jin park sung ) looking down

(Lukang on the ground )

Lane in the distance slowly approaching.

Lukang jumped to his feet as he looked into the sky he could see someone in the air standing and looking down.

Lukang calling for help that's not fair.

(Buji) I don't know who that is.

Lane reach where buji and lukang is fighting

As both of them looked up in amazement five Chinese symbols could be seen in the sky as fire,earth,water,wind and light as she combined all five elements. Jin park sung ) started to chant five elements be destroyed Thor leaders "the clouds turned red as a red light shine through the clouds as several red beams of lightning rays could be seen densending as Lane press both of his hands on the ground as Lane cast a barrier to himself.

Protect me in my dark day noah ark!

A Spritural ark could be seen as red lightning Ray's clashes with the ark as buji and lukang was also were safe in the ark as more lightning rain down buji and lukang just looked dumbfounded as the lighting hit the ark with the ark with standing every hit .

Jin park sung ) I looked down the damage around the area was huge as the ark began to disappear, I realised that none of them cast the barrier spell. As I began to for the person or person's but at that moment a blade appeared in my back.