
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · แอคชั่น
83 Chs

Aegon the disaster

the Anakin battle ship's

(lucky)"all ship's focus all of attack power at the man at the shoreline"full speed head! Full force fire canon's.(Aegon) I walked at the top of the battle ship as shots fill the air I wonder on how kuni was going to stop them .

(Mud in the far distance) flame emperor penguin flash Pilar cyst.(bfoof!!)(bang!)(Kuni) As I was wondering how to stop a massive wave of shots fire style user destroy all of them in one shot to top it off aura pressure was samiliar I couldn't believe it how long has it been since I seen him in a while so it's nice to sense his aura pressure even if it was only a while.I took out my sword leap forward to the battle field .(Aegon) I grined because the fight is getting started I jumped into the air where Kuni is .I Drew my blade and let my aura flow through my sword we were coming fast at each other.we both swing our sword clash without even touching sending termors though the ground causing a loud bust sending stones flying everywhere.

(Kuni) why have you come back?you didn't learn your lesson last time.(Aegon)yh we lost but saint Christopher lost something else.(kuni) just what mit that be.(Aegon) you lost the second strongest house of saint Christopher.(kuni) that might be but you are the ones who cause order 65 it had to happen.(Aegon) it's Ture but I am hear to offer a greatment I will stop my troops if we can we allowed back into saint Christopher.(kuni)why would you speak suck non-sense on a battle field!do you know what happened after Anakin Skywalker's left how dear talk so calmly about when you as well was in it Aegon the disaster.(Aegon) that is so true but at that time I wasn't the leader of the Skywalker's we are going to have a common interests soon the mullets are coming back I heard stories about how a boy froze a tusumi what caught my surprised me that his name was zume mullet so I decided now will be the best time to talk wouldn't you say.(kuni) I would have to talk about it later with Nolan, you would go and stand down.(Aegon) I am fine with that once you tell saint Christopher Forces also to stand down as well.(kuni) you are after all the invaders.(Aegon) I will stay by the Anakin Skywalker's estate ."do you read me Lucky"

"lucky yes I read you Sir" "stand down Order all our Forces to stand down as soon as saint Christopher Forces stood down.for now order them to retreat to the Anakin Skywalker's estate.

(lucky) why Sir why such we stand down we have been fighting for more than three days our troops will not like it.(Aegon) I don't care just do what I tell you.¥merlin, bullet and henick can you hear me ¥ (bullet) Is it time sir (Merlin)yes sir we are at the aquarius noble household .(henick) I am fighting with Beelzebub so make it quick (Aegon) you have to retreat to the Anakin Skywalker's estate