
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs


A soft touch woke Him up. He looked around and saw a pretty girl around his age. She was tall, had black hair and blue eyes, a strange combination.

"What is going on? Why is there light outside this village?"He asked.

"What do you mean?This is the first Floor. We found you in the outskits of the village full of wounds.You must be one of the new batch."she responded.

'Batch?Floor? What is she talking about?'He thought.

"My name is Sophia. What's your name?You seem pretty young to be from the outside."

"You mean Earth? Yes, I'm from there, but for the name I forgot it. And I'm about the same age as you. " He said in confusion.

"You wish. If you don't take the wounds into count, you look about ten."she said poining at a bucket of water nearby. After he looked at the reflection of the water he yelped in surprize, not because of the huge scars, but because he looked like a ten years old variant of him.

"As for the name, you should be called Scar, with all the wounds you have on you." she said while he was still looking at the water.

"That doesn't sound bad at all!"said Scar after calming down a bit. He could see that he was somehow transported from the strange maze to the village he was now. He remembered everything except his name. The only thing that didn't make sense to him was that he looked ten years old.He even had the black marble that seemed bigger than usual.

"Seems like our guest finally woke up. Mind if you tell us how you got here, because we have yet to report our finding to the Baroness."said an old man while entering the room.

"Grandpa, he is still recovering!" said Sophia.

"I bet he can talk."

"I was in a maze when I got teleported here."said Scar letting out the most important fragment of the story. He didn't want to be considered a monster. THen he explained how he ran away from the shadow and the strange liquid.

"You were in luck young man. You escaped from a dangerous Wanderer, a being capable of turning other people into their kind. As for the maze I have no idea what it was. This is the lowest level, and the safest that exists. A human from the new batch couldn't be transported higher than the third one and there is no maze."the grandpa said.

They talked for a few more minutes and Scar realized this dimension where he was transported is very complicated. There are multiple levels and a infinity of variety in them. There were more sentiet species on the upper floors and there were thousand of explored floors by humans. Scar felt like he had fallen into one of the novels he read when he was smaller.

The village where he was staying now was called Eria and was advanced quiet far tehnologically. There were academies and a castle for the Baroness, but when he asked about the other floor, the only answer he got was silence.

The only piece of valuable information he got was that there was a type of magic that was practiced here. It was similar to what Scar did, but there was not a marble included. They simply absorbed the energy in the air and using it to refine the body. At every breaktrough, the body would absorb the matter in the suroundings creating a crater similar to the one that Scar created. He also learned about the three curent stages that were named after the greek letters: Alfa, Gama and Delta.

"I'm going to report it to the Baroness, you should get back to resting now."the old man interupted the conversation.

After he processed every piece of information aquired he slept like he never before.