
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs


Isaac could feel everything inside his body: his organ , his muscles and bones like they were visible. Just the small marble seemed out of place. It was pulsating and small tendrils were coming out of it and spreading trough his whole body.

He named it energy center, because he knew that his whole power came out of that small point. After a few test's of his newly acquired body, the conclusion he reached was that his body was abbout two times stronger than a trained athlete on Earth.

Full of confidende, he started searching for the creature that injured him. The walls changed their colores from green to red quickly and soon he arrived at the smiley face. The shadow charged at him imediatley after he stepped into the room. It's claws left marks on the walls that regenerated like it was a living beeing.

When it was Isaac's to attack he was left surprised when the punch went right trough the body of the shadow and broke the wall behind it. 'How can I kill an opponent that is intangible?'he thought.

THe creatures eyes turned bright red and started attaking with more fury than before and it left a few scars on Isaac's body. Conmtrary to his expectation, the black liquid was absorbed by the energy center and he felt like he was getting more powerful.

'The black substance is making me more powerful.'realized Isaac.

The fight turned into a masacre, because Isaac wasn't striking anymore, he was just taking the hits. The creature was turning more pale , but he was looking better than ever.

Suddenly, the creature turned red and got two times bigger. Now it's appearance was solid and it's eyes were brimming with rage. Another set of skeletal arms emerged from the back and then it lunged at Isaac.

Before he could do anything, three big scars were inflicted upon him. After realizing the serious danger he was facing ,fear kicked in and he wanted to run away. Unfortunetly, the monster was bloking the entrance. Once again he didn't have a choice, but to fight. It made him remember about his life on the other side and his helplessness when he wanted to make justice for himself.

The marble started pulsating driven by his feelings and expanded at double of it's size. His skin turned dark grey and his eyes a glowing white . His hair was set ablaze and the same happened to his feelings. His mind was stone cold and the only thing he could think of was how to end the battle in the fastest way.

He looked like a demon prince that emerged from hell. The space was distorted from the heat he emited.

The fight began right after the monster recovered from the termal shock. Isaac punched right trough the monster's abdomen and the blood splashed all over the room. The walls turned black , but the fight was far from over. The monster jumped furward and left a big scar on Isaac's left eye. Luckily, he couldn't feel pain in his newly aquired body so right after the monster attacked he stuck his hand in the middle of the chest.

He crushed the monster's heart and a waterfall of blood came out of it's mouth. He let the monster fall down and watched how the walls were turning into dust.

Isaac colapsed to the ground and he reverted back to his original body. The body fas covered in scars and the skin was burnt by the fire he emited. He looked at the collapsing walls and thought that this was the end of his short ,but eventful life.

His last wish before collapsing was that this wasn't the end.