
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Monstrous talent

A young boy could be seen swinging a thin sword in irregular paterns. He looked like he barely reached 14 years old, but the hidden strenght that his strikes carried could make a grown man tremble in fear.

This boy was of course Scar. Barely two months passed since he began his training, but he undergone tremendous changes. He mastered almost every spell on the first tier and started scartching the surface of the second. The phisical training had the highest visible result, because with his toned body he could easily pass as a teen.

Lukart pushed him past his limits over and over again, but Scar never gave up. After going trough all this hardships, he realized that this isn't a fantasy like those he read on Earth.

An old man watched Scar training an said sighing:

"I wish I could help him with his sword training. It seems like is his best trait."

Scar walked toward Lukart and asked while his sharp eyes looked him straight into the eyes.

"Uncle Lukart, do you think I could infuse first tier spells in my sword attack."

He sounded like a pampered kid, but reality was different. Scar already found a way to insert the tendrils coming from his monster core, but the sword's constitution was just too diferent from the human body. All of his attempts ended in a failure, and the small cracks on the floor were higlighting that fact.

"I told you countless times already, it should be imposible. Just focus on your sword tehnique for now."

Scar's sword mastery was one in a thousand and he didn't even train with a sword practitioner. His attack paterns were seemingly strange, but they flowed like water. With each turn they gained more speed and force and when the strike finally landed on the woden manequin nothing happened. After a second, the head fell on the floor.

"That should be about all for this day. Remember, tomorrow we will be having a special training."

"Is it to prepare for the annual tournament?"

"Where did you learn about it."

The atmosphere suddenly became cold. Lukart looked at Scar with a furious gaze, but the latter could only blik in surprise. His master was a very calm man and he never got angry.

"I overheard it when I went into the village. I'm sorry, I was just excited aabout becoming famos."

Lukart's face loosened up and let out a light sigh.

"I should be sorry, I'll think about letting you participate."

Soon , night fell, but Scar's training was far from over. He picked up his sword and ventured outside. A tight black suit was covering him and a comppresed grey fog was covering his face. He entered the city and rushed into a small bulding. A woman welcomed him, smilling.

"I see you will be today at it again, Swallow."

"What is in today."

"A tier 3 constable's daughter needs protection while he is out of town. He will return in the morning.His name in Jacklin Andres and the king folds him in high regard. I'm only entrusting this mission to you , because I'm trusting you. Don't fail me."

After Scar got the necessary information, he headed to the location of Sira Andres. His job was to protect her from the dakness while her father was gone, but failure could mean his death. A tier 3 constable was very rare. He got this kinds of jobs almost every night since he entered the Shadow Pavillion. It was a tier 3 organization that had a big influence on the first floor. He stumbelled upon them by mistake when he targeted a thief band. They weren't an assasin organization as one might think, they were a security one. The only similarity was that they still did their job secretly. For Scar this was like killing two birds with one stone. He was paid and he could train.

He arived to a big mansion where he was greeted by an old butler. It exuded a powerful pressure, but Scar didn't fell back. It would've been embarasing to be intimidated by the very people he was suposed to protect. In reality, Scar was far more powerful, but his main talents weren't magical related.

"The young lady wishes to go to the auction house this night. Her father hopes that you are suited for this kind of job"the butler said with a bit of disgust in his voice.

In his eyes, Scar was just a meat shield that was a last resort if Sira's real bodyguard failed, or just a mean to stall for time. Of course Scar was aware of this fact, but he let that pass.

He was here just to gain experience.