
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Monster with human face

After venting his stress, Scar couldn't think straight. He remained paralized in the middle of the the room trying to comprehed what was happening into his life. He realized that he had taken what happened to him to easily. A part of him knew that it was because he had nothing left on Earth, but he felt inhuman. After all that place was his home for 16 years.

As he recalled his memories a deep fear surounded him. He had forgotten almost everything he did in his childhood. His skin went darker by a shade when a realization hit him. The marble he aquired after absorbing the energy of the Wanderer, his superhuman abilities and the transformation.

"Am I human?"he said outloud.

It couldn't be. He could accept leaving Earth, but completly abandoning humanity was out of question for him. 'I have to many things to do. I can't just be outcasted because of this, right?'he tried to convince himself. He didn't have the chance to live a happy life, have friends and find the love of his life.

A knock woke him up from his meditative state.

"Is someone there?"a female voice could be heard.

Scar panicked. He was still in his monster form and when he tried to retract it, the marble expanded more, making his bloodshot eyes to gain a glowing white color.

"We are the guards from Skegen, open up."the woman voice persisted.

The door opened so fast that Scar was dumbstruck. The guard was a red haired girl wearing a military uniform and looked like it was barely 13 years old. She screamed on top of her lungs when she saw the monster in front of her and grabed her weapon.

"Wait, I mean no ha..."

Withouth waiting for him to finish, the guard lunged at him, leaving a deep cut on his chest. If Scar could shed tears in this form he would. Not because of the pain, but because it confirmed his deepest fears. No matter what he said he was still a monster in their eyes.

He raised his hand and in the blink of an eye appeared behind her. She was nearing the peak of the Gama stage, but after Scar's new breaktrough, she was like a regular human. A punch made her fall to the ground with a hard sound, that left wandering if he killed her. There wasn't any emotion left in his eyes and his head was clear again.

I should rename the marble. From now on I will call it Monster Core. It's both the cause of my pain and the cause of my power. As he calmed down, Scar regained his human appearance. He was still starled, because he could never accept the real him, the monster that was now sleeping.

He totally forgot about the fire firgures outside and when he regained his calm, he realized that they looked like humans. He ran down the stairs and was left surprised that there was no one there.

'Is this an an announced event that didn't hear!?' Scar thought annoyed.

When he got outside, the figures all turned towards him and a soft voice said.

"Our new sheep has finally gotten out."

They got their response in the form of a punch followed by a gust of wind. The punch did nothing, but the wind following made the figure fliker violently.

"Quiet a strong fellow we have here. Too bad we are here just to talk."the figures said in unison.

Scar never talked in a battle. It was a big distractions and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. He reaplayed what happened in his head and reached the conclusion that the could only be harmed by energy tehniques. The only problem was that he knew none.

An idea popped into his head and tried to circulate the energy coming from his Monster Core trough the tendrils coming out of it. He channeled it trogh his left fist and released it with all of his might.

His skin erupted in a fountain of blood, but at the same time an etheral grey energy shot towards the fire figures. After they took the hit, they flickered a few times before they vanished still wearing the cruel smile on their face.

Scar felt like he had the whole warld on his shoulders, but his knees didn't give in. He slowly walked on the road keeping his bloody hand close to his body. His mind was so dizy, he didn't see the suple figure that walked out of the woods.

"Captain was right, the new batch really is different. He used a Energy Art, without learning one."spoke the figure to itself as it watched Scar dissapearing into the distance.