
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Ice Crystal

Looking closely at the vial, Scar realized that small, star like particles could be seen. They shined like little gems and were moving in strange formations like they were alive. Strangely enough, no one seemed interested in the blood vial. From what Scar knew, a creatures blood could have various uses, from potion concocting to weapon refining.

The Patron didn't seem discouraged by their reaction. After everyone settled he continued his explication.

"I can undersand your disappointment, but you should let me finish my explication. With each floor you ascend, your whole existance becomes superior. It's like comparing a man to a god. When you ascend the limit of your power disappears and it takes you some time to reach the standard level of power of that floor. If proprly refined, this blood will help you accelerate your speed growth on the next floor and even give you this monster's specific affinity."

"If ingested on this floor, will we become more powerful?"a voice from the crowd was heared.

"I suggest not doing so, because it would be a huge waste."

A lot of people frowned when they heared the last sentence, but the shock gave by it's overpowered ability nullified the disappointment.

Scar was onto his own train of thoughts, reflecting over the new information. He competly forgot about the vial thinking more deeply about the floor sistem. If a creature would unlock more potential with each floor, wouldn't that mean that a creature from an upper floor literally lives in a higher plane of existance. That means Scar stands no chance even with the weakest one in the next floor. This realization shook him to the core and admist his thoughts he didn't realize the bidding frenzy that was going on outside.

He only woke up when the Patron yelled the final price of an outstanding forty gold coins. The strange thing was that the one who bought the vial was the same one that bought the ascension ticket. Soon, rumors started spreading across the room. Some said that they could be part of the royal family, some exagerated ones sayed that they could be even humans from the next floor.

After all the agitation stopped, the next item appeared. A shining blue crystal could be seen next to the Patron. A shiver was sent down Scar's spine when he tried inserting a infim amount of energy in it. It felt like he starred at a giant frozen lake and his senses were numbed by the coldness it emanated. Scar unwillingly took a few steps back , but right after he snapped out of his daze he turned back.

"As some of the more fortunate of you might know, this is a transition crystal. It is the only thing that allows mages to wield elements beside the legendary Elemental Gods. If used correctly, the energy that passes trough is converged into a powerful element. This one that we have here is an even rarer crystal, the Ice Energy Crystal, an elemental deviation from the water element. All the energy that passes it becomes icy cold and even two tier magic can be used like a third tier. The starting price is 40 gold coins and the raise will be of two gold coins."

Sira's eyes lit up after hearing the crystal's description. She took out a small metal tablet and inserted her energy in it, while playing with her hair from impatience. A unknown voice responded.

"Master, can I borrow a few gold coins for the item I told you?"

"Why would you need it, I can get you anything from the floor I am in now?"

The last sentence made Scar hearth pound like it was trying to escape from his chest. The voice coming from the phone like device was very silent, but it couldn't escape Scars monstrous senses. After a few more dots connected in his head questions started pestering him. Was she from the new batch of geniuses? But she was a constables daughter wasn't she? Was she actually adopted?

After Sira's phone call ended, she entered the bidding that reached forty eight gold coins. Soon after she placed her bid, the price was raised again. Unfortunately for her, the bidder didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. After the price reached fifty two golden coins she frowed. After all who wouldn't? The more money she spent, the more work she would need to do for her almighty master. After the price was raised again, she snapped out of it and yelled.

"Sixty gold coins!"