
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Hunter Guild

A few days have pased and Scar already took a job to bring money to Sohia's house. They took him in , because he had nowhere else to go so they decided to provide him with a room until he settled in. His job was that of a scavanger of the Hunter guild and the only thing that he had to do was to write a daily report about the beast spotted near the village.

He took his time to practice the usages of the black marble residing in his body , but after descovering that he could make parts of his body harder and grey at will he reached a bottleneck. His phisical power was a bit stronger than that of the village guards, who were peak delta worrior, but he didn't have acces to the magic tehniques they had. Scar saw them shooting down a wyvern with a compresed energy beam and tried copying it, without success.

Unfortunately, such tehniques could only be learned at the Academies in the Capital of the First Floor or into the army, not into some random village like this.

Sophia was a certified intermediate delta mage,a feat impresive for her age, and was selected by the local Baroness to enter one of the affilates of the Royal Academy. She would leave in one month, entering directly the second year and that was the time when Scar had to make his decision. He would either become strong enough to enter the academy four years earlier, or to leave the house and wander aimlessly the First Floor.

Two weeks before the departure, when Scar was learning the most besic things in magic from Sophia a white crack appeared on the marble. He twisted on the gound , because the pain was unbearable.'Why now!'He started questioning his luck.

"Was the training that tiring? I thought this was the basic training someone gets at your age."

"We'll keep going after I go to the toilet."said Scar after quickly making up an excuse.

He got up and ran towards the forest. His black marble was spinning at an amazing speed and siphoning every bit of energy left in the air. Unfortunately, it was barely enough and he relized that the plants in his suroundings were withering.'Thank God she didn't come after me.'He sat douwn and started to meditate. A small rustle could be heard into the bushes.

"Sophia, wait a bit more, I'm not done!"

Contrary to his expectation, a lizard as big as a hippo reveald itself and lunged at the defensless Scar.Or so the creature thought. As soon as it attacked , Scar turned his hand into a white grey and penetrated the lizard's defense.

Strangely, no blood came out and the beast was becoming smaller and drying up. In less than two seconds, it became like a mummy. Despite his shock, Scar understood what happened. He siphoned the energy that the creature had stored in it's body and made it his own. The marble was back to it's pitch black power and it was vibrating.

He sat down and tried to break trough the bottleneck he has been stuck for weeks. His pores opened and his suroundings turned into dust. His figure grew to two meters tall and was compressed back to the usual 1.55 stature without him even noticing. A wave of pain swept trough his body and he could hear his own bones breaking and healing at a very fast pace. His whole body underwent a transformation , but he couldnt hold onto the pain and fainted.

After being unconscious for an hour he woke up when he heard Sophia's voice calling him.

"Scar, hurry up, it will be night time soon and the guards warned us about a dangerous lesser dragon nearby."