
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs


Isaac was living on the streets for seven days now, but the only reason he wasn't starving was that he learned how to fish in the little time he had spent with his so called family. If food was his only problem, he would be having the best time of his life, but the police was still chasing him. Every time he tried to get hired somewhere he would be recognized by the owner and the police would be called immediately after.

His biggest succes was when he was hired at a local fast food restaurant, buat after two days some cops recognized him when they came to eat there. Luckily for him, they were paid hourly and he got to make some money.

He was thinking about going to another city when a cop showed up and pulled out his gun.

"Stay right were you are!" He shouted.

Isaac didn't even bother replying him. He started running the moment he saw him, but the cop was behaving strangely. He wasn't chasing after him, he was just standing there smilling, when he suddenly pulled the trigger of the gun.

A big hole opened on the right side of his chest and he tripped on the ground. The cop was laughing at the scene, but Isaac was screaming on the top of his lungs. The only thing that came out was a soft gurgle of blood. The cop that was oddly resembling his father said .

"Hope you like how it feels. It's exactly how my brother felt after you, leech, stabbed him. I can always say that it was collateral damage after you tried to kill someone."

Right after he finished speaking, a rock made him faint. A short girl with blonde hair came out of the bush.

"You looked like you were in trouble. Did I interupt family bussines?"

"Who are you?"After just a few days homeless he became wary of everyone.

"A thank you would be enough."she said while scoffing"My name is Chloe. I ran away from home four months ago. What about you?"

"I was homeless for about two weeks, but I have yet to find somewhere to stay."

"I figured you were knew here. You know we have a place for people like us to stay,wright?Let me show you the way there."

Chloe started walking at a fast pace and didn't stopped before entering a tunnel. It was one of the few sewers that had acces to the surface. Isaac remebered hearing rumors about homeless people living in the sewers, but at that time he didn'i belived it. She went deep into the tunnel and light a flashlight. He yelped when he saw a huge staircase going down. The further they went down, the stronger the scent was, but he forgot about it as soon he arived.

There was a huge hallway with green walls an poorly lighted. There were a few people warming at a fire, while a group lead by a brown haired youth waved at Chloe.

"Who's the newcomer?"a short boy asked.

"He's someone who ran away from an abusing family, like us! I saved his a*s from a crazy cop that was trying to kill him."

"Why would we let him live in our tent?"asked the leader, looking at him with annoyance.

"Why wouldn't we?! We are suposed to help each other!" said Chloe loudly.

A few heads turned toward them, so the leader had no choice ,but to allow Isaac to stay with them. The only rule was that he wasn't allowed into the tent. Having no other choice, he build a small house out of cardboard boxes that were lying around.

The night passed quickly with a safe house and the next day, Isaac started wandering around the tunels. He was only walking trough the one iluminated, afraid of what was hiding into the dark ones. He looked at the watch he stole from his house and realized it was already night.

He went back to the camp where he left all of his belongings into the improvised house. His hearth stoped when he saw his 'house' ravaged and Chloe's tent dissapeared.

He realized that they never meant to help him. He was just the new prey they found that could bring them money.