
The Prodigy of The Forgotten Realm: Lost Forever

Being forsaken by his own family left Isaac had no other place to go. He left his family and started wandering the streets, hoping to find a better future for himself. Not having a place to stay, he settled in the sewer with the other homeless people. Unknown to them, a tragedy hit the surface and no one bothered about them. Next thing Isaac could see was a poorly luminated room.There were multiple tunels leading to more rooms and on the wall next o him there were some words inscriptioned with blood. "Only the chosen can ascend" A long and dark journey was waiting ahead of him and all the things he belived up until now will be shatered. Only making a name for himself can save him from the sufering.

MrSlypy · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Energy Training

When the time allocated to meditation ended, Scar nearly broke into tears. It was so relaxing and now he needed to train again. His willpower was the only thing that allowed him to continue.

"The Energy Art is the most important power of a fighter. It has multiple branches and tiers. It's mainly split into two parts: the body strenghtening part and the force rule part. The body strenghtening is self explained, but is the rarest, because only certain people with special constitution can master it."Lukart said.

"What do you mean by special constitution?" Scar was curios, because he was sure that he had it.

"It's a consitution that is called Energy Exoskeleton and it allows to store and process mana trough the whole body with the help of small tendrils. A normal mage stores it into the brain with the help of a core created near tha hypothalamus.You can use force rule with both, but the Exoskeleton is necesary for the body strenghtening and the core helps the energy to materialize faster."

'So my body is a combination of both constitutions. I have both the core and the energy stored in every part of my body, but I don't know what the tendrils are.'Scar thought to himself.

"I will teach you only about the force rules that are separated in six tiers. To tier one there are only a few possible uses. Some examples are telekinesis, pure energy beams, or an etheral mist, but you can't manifest solid objects. At tier two you unlock the ability to create solid objects such as bariers and spikes. Tier three is introducing new uses like magenism and gravity magic. Tier four is the last tier I learned and it allows you to bend space at will. The only things i know that from tier five and up you need the Blessing from one of the Elemental Gods."

Lukart finished his short speach and went to take something out of his drawer. He came back with a few papers with strange patterns in them.

"To utilize force rule corectly you need imagination, coordonation and talent. You need to perfectly visualize how your spell will look and ciculate the energy in your body in a specific pattern to not harm you when you manifest it. You need to think of your flesh like of a intangible membrane and let the spell out without harming yourself."

Scar was quickly stuck at the first tier, because the patterns were easy, but his control over enrgy was inexistent. For telekinesis you needed to circulate the energy in a spiral pattern, for the beam you just needed to shot it in a straight line and for the mist a strange zigzag patern was needed.

Five hours passed and Scar was only able to manifest a beam as hot as a black car left outside in a hot summer day withouth hurting himself. Lukart was realy proud of his achivement ,but Scar felt that it wasn't enough.

The next lesson was the one for wepons. Scar chose for himself a long and thin one edged blade that looked similar to a katana. Lukart explained that he couldn't teach him abut wepons, but they were really important. On the Upper Floors he saw powerful swoedsman that could use energy with their blades and make it far more powerful. This story alone made Scar exited to start, but soon he realized he didn't know where to start.

He tried a few swings until they seemed natural to him and after a hour he started loving the feeling the sword gave him. He felt like the sword became a part of himself, but after moving in front of a mirror he saw that he had a lot of wasted movement in those swings. He tried to draw a line in his head and than follow it with his blade. He familiarized himself with the movements and started training with a dummy. He drew those lines near the weak point of the dummy and slashed . He was surprised that his metod worked and started training vigurously.

He opened a new path to power.