
The princess with the unusual heartbeat

A magnificent castle comes into view as Anastasia is seen trying to escape through the window of her chambers as her friend Christiana passes her a thick long rope which she easily uses to climb down unhurt. They both sneaked out of the castle unnoticed as they head towards the town in excitement. Anastasia exclaimed delightedly, "I finally made it out here alive"! I thought I was going to die of boredom. Christiana feeling concerned. I hope this was a good idea by sneaking you out of the castle. His majesty will have my head if anything were to happen to you. Anastasia assures her. You don't have to worry Christiana. I can take good care of myself. After a tiring long walk, they're about to reach Christiana home as they're suddenly surrounded by a group of thugs. Christiana begins to panic as she speaks nervously. This is so not my day! Leader of the thugs smiled, aren't you ladies gorgeous? How about you both spend the night with my men and I inside our tavern and we will let you off without a scratch? Anastasia angry as she speaks out boldly. How dare you say such despicable thing to to us?! Do you have any idea who the hell I am?! Leader of the thug upset as he drags her roughly towards himself and tries to kiss her. Almost immediately, Anastasia heart begins to beat abnormally as she gasp desperately for air. Leader of the Thug exclaimed in panic. She had got the disease! We need to get  the hell out of here! They all left the arena in haste leaving Anastasia to her fate. Christiana in tears as she tries to get her unconscious friend to wake up.

Debra_daniel · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

The Princess with the Unusual Heartbeat

Princess Anastasia and Lucas are taking a walk outside the castle gate. I'm really excited to see you, Lucas. Finally, I get to leave my chambers. I feel so free and invisible whenever you're around. I get to be anywhere and do whatever I want. Anastasia smiled. I heard you've been causing quite a lot of disturbance since I left? Lucas said. I wonder what you've been up to? I was kind of bored just spending all day in my chambers. It's not fun at all. She replies. So, you thought the best option was to sneak out of the castle? You know how dangerous it is for a young lady like you to sneak out of the castle alone without your guards accompanying you? If I was your father, 'The King', I would have scolded you without pardon. She smiled. You know you can't Lucas because you're my best friend. Lucas replies. I guess you will always see me that way. So, you want to tell me about this little adventure of yours? Yeah. Said Anastasia. I plan on telling you when you returned from your trip. Alright. I'm all ears…. My friend Christiana assisted me in sneaking out of the castle and together, we went into town to spend the night at her place. Unfortunately for us, we were being attacked by a group of thugs and then, the leader of the thugs tried to harass me but I lost consciousness only to find myself in a strange cottage. Can you keep this a secret? Of course, 'Your Highness'. He assures her. You know you can trust me? I met a mysterious young man, forgotten his name already. I owe him my life…. You're quite strange, 'Your Highness'? said Lucas. Why did you say so? she asked. You should never forget the name of your savior who helped you out in the time of need. He answered. It's strange that I keep thinking about him, you know…. even though I just met him once and he's the only man who had touched me and my heart didn't react. Lucas surprised. How's that even possible? I find it hard to believe. He stared at her charmingly. I'm also very jealous too…. Why? She stared at him puzzled. He achieved something I could never have the courage to do since I met you. The truth is, I always wanted to... their discussion was suddenly interrupted as a guard appears. Is something wrong? Lucas asked? The son of the Emperor of Tama has appeared and 'His majesty' seeks your presence. Lucas replied with a smile. Tell 'His Majesty' I will join him shortly. The guard bows as he takes his leave. The son of the Emperor of Tama is meeting with the King? but why? Lucas answered. His entire Kingdom is in danger and wants your father to join forces with him in battle. She smiled. I guess you have to go then. Good luck. Lucas tries to touch her cheek but quickly withdraws his hand. I will take my leave now. While I'm gone, I will send some guards to accompany you wherever you want to go. Promise me you will be of your best behavior while I'm away. She replies him. I promise. He bows politely and then walks away.