
The princess with the unusual heartbeat

A magnificent castle comes into view as Anastasia is seen trying to escape through the window of her chambers as her friend Christiana passes her a thick long rope which she easily uses to climb down unhurt. They both sneaked out of the castle unnoticed as they head towards the town in excitement. Anastasia exclaimed delightedly, "I finally made it out here alive"! I thought I was going to die of boredom. Christiana feeling concerned. I hope this was a good idea by sneaking you out of the castle. His majesty will have my head if anything were to happen to you. Anastasia assures her. You don't have to worry Christiana. I can take good care of myself. After a tiring long walk, they're about to reach Christiana home as they're suddenly surrounded by a group of thugs. Christiana begins to panic as she speaks nervously. This is so not my day! Leader of the thugs smiled, aren't you ladies gorgeous? How about you both spend the night with my men and I inside our tavern and we will let you off without a scratch? Anastasia angry as she speaks out boldly. How dare you say such despicable thing to to us?! Do you have any idea who the hell I am?! Leader of the thug upset as he drags her roughly towards himself and tries to kiss her. Almost immediately, Anastasia heart begins to beat abnormally as she gasp desperately for air. Leader of the Thug exclaimed in panic. She had got the disease! We need to get  the hell out of here! They all left the arena in haste leaving Anastasia to her fate. Christiana in tears as she tries to get her unconscious friend to wake up.

Debra_daniel · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

The Princess with the Unusual Heart Beat

Meanwhile, Diana, Lucas and Lex are walking across the bridge which leads directly to King's William castle. Along the path, they saw Alisa who's now having the appearance of Anastasia suddenly approaches them. Lucas and the others surprised. Looking for someone? Said Alisa. I was just on my way looking for you guys. Good thing you came to me. Lex perplexed. You don't act like Anastasia. Who are you exactly? Lucas interrupts. Of course, she's Princess Anastasia, who else will she be? ... Alisa smiled as she gently kisses the palm of Lucas as suddenly, she magically transformed into Lucas. The others surprised…. Lex exclaimed. I knew she couldn't be Anastasia! Who the hell are you?! Lucas immediately drew out his sword as he wields it towards Alisa. Tell me where she is right now or else?! ....

Alisa smiles. I won't do that if I were you. Trust me Lucas, your friend is in save hands. I know where she is? Diana speaks out. Then tell us? She has gone in search of princess Natalia who's been captured in Mullock castle, 'the invisible warrior King'…. Lex replied. That name sounds familiar. 'The invisible warrior King'. She smiles. You're right. He's the right-hand man of the evil witch, Melissa. Lex irritated. I should have known it! Oliver Mullock, the man who my mum was having an affair with before she was banished from Tama. Of course, she's good at seducing young men who're old enough to be his son. Diana mutters. What do you want to do then, Prince Lex? If your mum is really behind princess Natalia disappearance, are you sure you will be ok facing her?

Prince Lex answered. I have a duty and a responsibility to my father the emperor and also to the citizens of Tama. I won't back out from this mission. Alisa smiled. I guess you've made up your mind then. Follow me, I will show you the way.