
The Princess & The Ruthless of a Wolf King

Princess Selene's perfect life shatters as the Wolf tribe conquer Brookshire. Now a slave in the brutal Wolfwood kingdom, she faces the ruthless Wolf King Dangel. Repulsed by his savagery, Selene discovers a hidden depth beneath his warrior facade. Forbidden attraction simmers, but Dangel hides a dark secret that could shatter their fragile bond. Meanwhile, a power struggle within the Wolfwood threatens to consume them all. War looms as a rival kingdom seeks vengeance, forcing Selene and Dangel to choose: love or duty? Can their forbidden bond survive as the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance?

Pantheress_Leon21 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


When he's done, I appear and feel like a special princess. The way he wrapped me made my breasts look very lifted and appealing to the touch. He returns with red jewels on a shiny gold chain and gives it to me. It is even more lovely than the beautiful one I wore yesterday.

I asked him, "Where did you get this? " He just lifts his shoulders, adding more paint to his body. I look at the shiny jewelry for a little while longer before deciding to wear it on my neck. I brush my long brown wavy hair to the front and then to the back. I feel unclean because I haven't taken a bath in a while. Maybe I will ask for one later.

He carries the container of paint to me. "He softly says, while offering the bowl, that he is painting you. " I stare at the liquid in the bowl and feel disgusted. It's a red, bulky thing.

"Is this juice made from berries? " I inquire

Dangel makes a loud sound through his nose. "Pig's blood" can be simplified to the blood from a pig.

I stop myself from throwing up, even though it feels like it's about to come up from the back of my throat. "I refuse to smear pig's blood on myself," I say firmly. "Eww, that's disgusting. "

He raises one eyebrow. "Do you realize how small and insignificant you sound," he asks, slightly entertained. We always dress in red when raids are happening. And since you are my mistress, you must show respect for my position by putting pig's blood on your face.

I suddenly feel bad about wearing red and I want to change my clothes. Why did you want to match clothes with him, silly girl? How can you feel good about sending groups of people to attack? You steal, destroy, and take lives. You capture people and force them to work for you. Dangel is paying close attention to me and acting like he cares about what I am saying, even though he ruins lives. "I don't have pig's blood on me. "

He becomes angry this time, his face turning red as he tightens his fists and clenches his teeth. "You have blood on your clothes. "

I placed my hands on my hips and looked at him with confidence and resolve. I don't like it. I won't help with this.

"I don't care if you agree or not," he yells in anger. I am very surprised and scared; I have done something to upset him a lot. "You were at risk of being sexually assaulted and physically attacked for disobedience. However, fortunately, it did not happen. I have the power to make your life a living hell, Selenebella. " Wait tongue is the muscle inside your mouth that you use for talking, tasting, and eating.

I immediately become frightened and my stomach feels upset. I trust what he says. I quit behaving like a kid and took a seat in the chair. I nod strongly, without enough breath. I see the fire in his eyes fade away and I watch the peaceful waves.

He puts his two fingers into the blood and starts to draw on my face. I allowed him. I shut my eyes as he drags his wet fingers across my soft skin, leaving three lines of blood on my cheeks and dots above my eyes.

"Finished," he says quietly, a small smile appearing on his hesitant mouth. "You appear to be a savage now. "

I don't feel good about that, but I'm really happy that he is not mad anymore. Cassandra had warned me about his anger, and I had stupidly nearly made him angry. I said mean things about everything that mattered to him.

The barbarians are people who commit crimes. They come from blood and death, people giving up things and making mistakes. I am standing while he opens the door to the hallway. I go outside with him and hear soldiers in red clothes covered in blood rushing down the hallway. They have weapons like spears, knives, and khopesh swords with them.

He takes me to the big room where his fancy chair is. It is a beautiful golden chair with animal skins placed on top and spears sticking out from the back, holding dead bear heads.

I feel uncomfortable when I look at them and see their eyes that look empty and emotionless, focusing on me. Dangel sits on his big chair and signals to the small cushion beside him. Do I have to sit there? He looks at me seriously, making it clear I shouldn't argue.

I sit on a soft red pillow and see the men quickly become quiet when Dangel arrives. I look at the people in the crowd. I look at Dangel's brother and right away, I feel my intense dislike towards him. Dangel told me the names of his brother, Iron Coyote, or his other name, Axel, and about the things he did.

Iron Coyote's prostitutes always leave his bedroom with injuries and blood on them, and he is always selfishly desiring Dangel's position of power and wealth. I am giving an angry look to him. He shows the bruises on my neck to another warrior. They laugh a lot. I think bad thoughts about them secretly.

Dangel looks at them with a very angry and intense expression. Iron Coyote and his friend become calm and quiet. He is standing, blood on his body flowing down the deep grooves in his abs and muscles. Then he does something that surprises me. He makes a loud noise like a lion, and his friends also join him in making the same loud noise. He picks up a special spear that is beside his throne and holds it up in the air. The spear is covered in deep red blood.

That doesn't appear to be blood from a pig.

Dangel talks to a group of loud and aggressive barbarians using his language. I don't understand where he is taking the group of fighters, but I feel a bit disgusted by Dangel as he speaks to the excited crowd, who are ready to fight and take things that don't belong to them.

He gets very excited when he talks. Instead of looking at his mouth, I watched how he moved. He moves his hands like the shape of the sun, like waves in the ocean, and shows off his incredibly big bicep muscles to show how strong he is. I can't help but stare in a way that shows I find something attractive. Athenodora was correct about something concerning Dangel - he was a great guy.

I know when he finishes talking. The men repeat the same words three times, "Za mu yi yãki, mu rayu ma yau da dare. " Then they quickly leave the big room and the castle.

Dangel stands up from his fancy chair and walks behind his soldiers at a slow pace. He looks back and stares at me intensely. "He says, 'I am fine. '" "Please come" Come with me outside.

I stand up from my spot on the pillow and begin following him at a slow pace. He opens the door for me unexpectedly and takes me outside into the extremely hot day. The roads have become dusty because a lot of men without shoes are running around with big pet wolves.

The wild wolves were brought by the barbarians during their raids to help them. The wolves would hurt and eat anyone they saw. I am standing next to Dangel, and I feel a bit embarrassed being the king's lover.

"He said 'Come here'," he repeats, gesturing toward the small stable located behind the castle. In the place, horses are making loud noises by whinnying and whining. I have a lot of experience with horses because my dad had a farm and I used to ride my favorite horse Pansy in the fields sometimes.

He enters the place where horses are kept and looks at each one until he chooses one. It is a powerful light-colored horse. I love the horse right away. I put my hand out, and the horse gently puts its soft nose in my hand. I chuckle.

"He said it belongs to you. " I stare at him with disbelief. Is he being serious? He looks happy and agrees with me as if he understands what I am thinking. His name is Rana Fashe. Sunrise

I say again, "Rana Fashe, Daybreak. " He gives a small smile and puts his strong arms on the fence of my new horse's enclosure.

He is showing a strong, black horse in the stall next to him. "Belongs to me," he says. My name is Tsakar Dare. In your language, he is called Midnight.

I am very interested. I didn't know that the barbarians liked horses. They often enjoyed walking without shoes to get to places or riding their oxen in their fields. I made a silly mistake when I thought they didn't use horses. I had never seen them attack villages while riding horses.

I press my lips together before I look back at him. "Do we get to go on them? " I ask him. There is a sparkle in his eyes that tells me that you can. I am very happy. Dangel did something nice for me for the first time since I arrived here, and also didn't ask for sex for two days in a row.

He begins to go out of the stables. I don't understand. "Uh, I mean Dances With Wolves, wait. " - "Oops, I meant Dances With Wolves, hold on. "

Dangel looks at me carefully with his dark eyes. "What is it? " I feel a shivery sensation from the smooth and deep sound of his voice.

I move around and wet my dry lips with my tongue. I am showing his artwork on his body. "I thought aren't you going to take Tsakar Dare out for the raid? " I am speaking nervously. I quickly look back at the black horse, who is breathing heavily and seems eager.

He just stares at me and says, "Someone has to be in charge of the kingdom. " Then he quickly walks away and leaves me by myself in the stables. My shoulders are slightly droopy. I touch my new horse's nose before going after him.

Dangel is way ahead and he doesn't wait for me to catch up to him. I am standing in front of the buildings where the horses live, and I am watching him go inside his big castle made of stones. He didn't call me or ask me to follow him.

I squint or make my eyes smaller. Okay, if he doesn't care about where I am, why would it be a problem if I took Daybreak out for a first ride? I hurry back to the stables where my horse is calmly waiting in her enclosure, and I let her out. I hold onto the horse's reins and guide her towards the sunlight.

The horse wants to be ridden, I can tell. I climb onto her back and quickly ride into the forest.

I am unable to rewrite the text as it is not clear and does not make sense.

The grassy area near the castle, which is a couple of miles away, is the most stunning meadow I have ever witnessed. Wildflowers are spread all over the grass as if someone had thrown a bunch of different flower seeds on the small area.

I guide Daybreak towards a tree and jump off her back. I tie the reins to a branch so she won't be able to run away. I have never ridden a horse that is as well organized and moves together smoothly. The birds are singing while I feel a soft wind on my bare shoulders. The wind blows my skirt gently, and I feel a nice breeze on my warm legs.

I have never felt so relaxed. I have likely been away from the castle for about thirty minutes. I'm curious if Dangel is searching for me yet. I don't understand, and I don't want to pay attention. I lower myself and grab a pretty wildflower called a poppy, taking a sniff of its scent.

After that, I placed it on my hair, just like how I used to do when I was a kid. I ran quickly through the field, enjoying the gentle flowers brushing against my legs, until I reached the edge of the trees. I look forward. I can only see the color green.

It looks nice.