
Chapter 45

The gate was opened without much struggle and I pondered on the Seke palace security before all this happened, if we could manage to open the gate this easily.

I sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and I heard Wina scream.

" Kill them worriors of Sekeletu, Kill these murdering Letuyako." There was roar from the Sekeletu worriors and then a horn of warning from the Letuyako worriors.

We wraithed through the gate.

The confusion from the Letuyako worriors forced them back. They choked the palace in their panic and effort to make a stand was lost. We cleared most of the palace, leaving dead and wounded lying in their own blood.

Half dressed Letuyako worriors ran about in confusion out of their sleeping quarters, sleepy​, bewildered and unprepared. spears where flung at them before charging.

We made our way to the King and Queen's quarters.

" Zae, that's Mokomena's brother."he shouted, pointing to a medium height and massive build man , grasping a panga and a spear in his hands, two Sekeletu worriors at his feet. I ran like a mad woman, A Letuyako swung his spear at me and ended up  sprawled on the floor. Blood pursing from his gash at his bare chest, numb to my pain. 

The floor slippery with blood.

I threw my spear and got my bow and fixing an arrow, I shot an arrow that missed him by an inch. The other one shot his leg. His grin flashed. As he limped towards me.

It was clear that he had spent a little too much time training.

That in itself can be a disadvantage because those kind of people tend to think a lot.

" Ok, you got me." I said with a grin.

" A worm like you dare to use witchery to hurt my sister?"

" She deserves it, I'll kill you and follow her to Letuyako and kill her too."

" How dare you?"

" No, how dare you come to my palace and Kill my parents, either ways you are dying today."

" Maybe but that's after I kill you Princess Zae."

" Exactly how are you planning to kill me? because that's exactly how you will die, you can choose any part just not my stomach okay?" I said irritating him.

" Don't be confident, your witchery doesn't work on me."

" Ok"

I took an arrow and thrust my thigh, rooting him on the spot as pain surged through and blood sipped out.

I got a knife and sliced my throat, he fell on the floor with a thud.

" That was too easy Letuyako Prince, too easy...am embarrassed."

He gagged on the floor, bewilderment clear in his eyes. He didn't expect that.

" You will die slowly, giving you time to seek forgiveness from the owner of the palace you invaded."

Thrusts, withdrawal, from the Sekeletu worriors and by midnight, the entire palace only had Sekeletu worriors​.

"I had fought hand to hand for hours, my back and front covered with sweat and blood stains. I was bone weary and sickened by the carnage.

"Send word to King Sepo, informing him of our success." Wina told a worrior.

Pain came back as I went to the room I last saw my parents. It was the different as it was the same in the things I found nostalgic.

The. Seke palace maidens who where still working in the palace didn't remember me. And I was too tired to start chatting, so I went to my former room, the bed was still the same but the smell told me , a man had occupied the room before now.

I saw a maidservant and asked about Nanny. And prayed she would be alive.

" She was killed, after they found out she had buried the King, Queen and their son's mutilated corpses."

A pain seared through my chest, so intense I felt weak as my knees gave way to the heaviness of my upper body.

I sat crying on the veranda... A pain bit into my shoulder and I knew King Sepo must have been hit with a weapon as blood came running through my baki. I felt weak from the loss of blood and numbness in my heart.

This is not worth it, I had Killed Mokomena's brother but the same emptiness still lingered.  Was this really what I wanted or was the death of Princess Mokomena the one to heal my beaten up spirit?

It was two days later when Prince Sepo came with a few of the worriors, They had lost a number of worriors including Lonki.

He had him wrapped in the white cloth and sent back to Kele. That should make his hate for war worse, the loss of cherished people.

" I wasn't​ hit many times." He told me smiling at me.

" No, You did just fine."

" I bought you a present, he told me." his face was  a mixture of anger and sadness.

" You did? what is it?"

" Come and see for yourself."

When I walked to the side, a weak, looking Princess Mokomena came into view.

" With her here, I think, I have kept my promise. She too has lost everything. When I looked at Princess Mokomena. I felt neither anger nor hate towards her.

" I think Princess Mokomena...We are even. Let her go."

I told Prince Sepo looking at Princesses Mokomena.

" Just kill me, you little swine, just do it."

" You don't tell me what to do." I smirked. " I have thought a lot these past day, I know that It is only into angry action that we do have a good chance of losing our own sanity."

" You had so much wanted that which did not belong to you that your family ended up dying because of you Princess Mokomena.

" What rubbish are you sprouting?"She looked at me challenging. What about you? You think your family members were all righteous?"

Princess Mokomena started Laughing hysterically.

I didn't want to see through her words, because that would be a start of my distraction.

" How do you think we found out about your coming of age ceremony?"

"You shouldn't come for something that isn't yours, you knew that he was yours from the beginning.

It all started when you saw Prince Sepo in the forest when you went hunting. You had fallen in love with him at first sight.

" you had disguised yourself as a lost traveller to get more information from Kele villagers.

You went home and told you parents, you wanted to marry him and only him.

But when your courtiers failed to convince Prince Sepo. You instead convinced your father to attack Seke palace, that way you and your greedy father each got what you wanted. Him half more of the Sekeletu Kingdom and you; Prince Sepo."

" Shut up..."

"What you didn't foresee was the fact that I wasn't​ killed along with my family."

King Sepo was astonished.

" He was mine, I did it all for him ,am not a bad person."

"You don't say..." King Sepo muttered.

" You should have been content with what you had, your future was bright."

Her face dropped momentarily.

" You are free to leave." I told her.

Tears sprang to her eyes. Where mercilessness would have failed, me her enemy for years, had conquered with kindness.

She was speechless as she sat there looking at me.

" I asked this of you Princess Zae, kill me, please kill me."

" It is not my wish to kill my husband's wife."

" There is still hurt coming for you, it is not my place to tell you that, you should know you are an Oracle." She smiled that smile told me she just wanted me to kill her.

" Go in peace, Princess Mokomena."

She did not know what to do with my resistance. So she gave up.

I still sensed some resentment of me from Princess Mokomena but I couldn't blame her, I had all that she desired. In any case I was just happy that everything returned to their place. Or Did they?