
Barthen, Day 14 (5)

As per usual, the culprit at the centre of disaster had no idea as to the massive wave that she had unleashed. The tides were about to shift again, and there she was, slumbering in her room as if it had nothing to do with her. 

Verinia hadn't expected to sleep so soundly, nor for so long. When her eyes opened once again, the world was dark from the night, and the second moon was beginning to rise, still somewhat hidden by the horizon. 

It was not too late in the night, but it was much later than she had thought that she would be sleeping. If the positioning of the stars were any indication, she had slept for ten measures, and was now in the fourth early measure of the night. 

By this time, everyone should have been in their rooms. The servants would have gone to their quarters and dressed down to sleep, which meant that no one would be able to catch her leaving her room.