
A new world - II

~Palace of Astria~ 

"Is it true brother?" Anastasia rounded the strategy table and came to stand in front of Lethoris. "Creatures of the night real?" 

The commander general nodded, "They appear to be. The kidnappings are evidence of it. The most shocking discovery is that people actually see the kidnapped children after months and they appear to be healthy and not abused in any way." 

Anastasia raised her perfectly done eyebrows. "Hmm, it seems to be very . . uncommon." 

"That's one word for it." He agreed, "but rumour has it that it has already reached Melenmore." 

" What?" She snapped, taken by surprise. "How have they already reached Melenmore? We do not even know what they are, how are you supposed to fight them!" 

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "How late are we?" 

Her brother sighed, "Very." He said honestly.