
The Princess' Rearrangement

“Firstly, before you ask, I loved your brother dearly.” she said all in a breath. Noticing his hands stiffen, her clench grew tighter. His prior momentarily arousal vanished leaving behind a tainted slight scowl as he attempted to shove her hands off. *** Merely days before her wedding, she is informed of the tragic death of her childhood fiancé and must now marry his brother, a brother no one had heard about. From having to survive through plots, secrets and their very marriage, Ayisha must find her place in the castle as well as her kingdom.

a_lady_in_blue · ย้อนยุค
2 Chs

"A Rearrangement"

"Firstly, before you ask, I loved your brother dearly." she said all in a quick breath.


"Princess, Princess there has been an accident." The maid screamed however it was muted by the cheers of laughter.

"Whatever is it, that has you so down." The centre of attention asked.

"Whatever it is, it can wait. The bride-to-be needs no negativity around her." An older woman said as she held the younger girl in her embrace.

"But Madam, it is urgent." The maid worried.

"Fine, I will be right back." The older woman responded as she and the maid stepped out of the chattering room.

Minutes later, the previously buzzing hall was interrupted by the shrill of the older woman from the next room, which was later accompanied by a pound on the floor.

"Mother." The bride-to-be screamed as she ran out the room only to be confronted by her mother in the arms of a guard, unconscious.

"What's wrong." She worriedly asked, "What did you say to her?"

"Answer ME."

The maid opened her mouth to reply before abruptly closing it.


"What happened.?" The question burst into the room of men conversing.

"Father, did you hear the horrid rumours of Prince Isaac.", she wept, "Please father, mother has fainted as a result of it."

"Ayisha, I am-

"Your highness, say it is not true." She cried as she turned to find another man in her father's study.

The king looked at her, sorrow could easily be detected in his eyes.

"I know you cared deeply for him as he did you. I am sorry child." He choked while forcing a smile for her, "I had personally come to inform you, but it appears news travel fast."

"No need to worry about the marriage." He continued, "an appropriate replacement has already been found."

His words resounded with the weeping bride who broke down, her knees gave in resulting to her dropping onto the ground at that very moment. Her father dashed out of his chair to hold her, while a duo of maids reached out to balance her.

"What is the meaning of this?" the father roared, "We had an arrangement."

"Well then think of this as a ..... rearrangement." The King replied, "We are merely substituting the prince in this equation."

"A prince, you would mean a bastard" the father of the bride boomed.

"That is my son, you speak of." The King barked.

"But is he the Queen's son." The father inquired.

In response of his question was nothing. Just silence. Silence that confirmed all he needed to know.

"Matthew, please see the King of Ashgate off." The father calmly commanded.

"He may not be the Queen's son, but he is the general of our red army." The King announced, leaving the other two present speechless.

"Is the son you speak of, General Ashton?" The father questioned.

"The one and only." The King smirked as he moved back into his seat.

"Ayisha, why don't you go check on your mother." The father cooed to the red-eyed girl beside him.

Hey everyone. Thank you for reading my story. If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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