
The prince of water

Two men matter most in Ivy's life, two exceptional men, one a hero she has always admired, the other the ruler of an Empire she has always envied, two men with indomitable personalities and extraordinary powers who nevertheless hated each other long before they knew her. She loves them both. So who in the end will win her heart.

ashellion · แฟนตาซี
157 Chs


The girl closed her eyes and put her face on the cage, not even feeling the cold or the effects of the dark magic. Then opening them again to contemplate this dark and icy place, ruled by a bottomless water realm, and abandoned by the light, she tried to take a better position that would soften the stretching of her body. And it was at that very moment that she saw him. 

  At first she only noticed his form, a vague, gigantic shape hidden by the misty veils. Then, when her eyes could get used to the irritating darkness of the Saharz night, she could make out his body, then his face. And when he revealed himself in his entirety to her eyes, or rather in all his monstrosity, Ivy was stunned and chilled by the shock and fear that this awful grandeur aroused in her, to the point of losing all reason.