
The prince of water

Two men matter most in Ivy's life, two exceptional men, one a hero she has always admired, the other the ruler of an Empire she has always envied, two men with indomitable personalities and extraordinary powers who nevertheless hated each other long before they knew her. She loves them both. So who in the end will win her heart.

ashellion · แฟนตาซี
157 Chs


- I don't think it was just her body that you hurt. Sure, you probably tore her flesh. But it was mostly on the inside that you flayed her. Because I have a feeling that a woman to whom you would have opened your heart a little would never have left you like that.

Zion was silent for a moment.

- Maybe one day a woman will.

- I hope so. With that kind of overinflated ego, you need a similar failure just to get the balance of things right.

- Now you really should shut up Ivy or I'll tear your body apart even more than I did with her.

She was breathing heavily.

- Come if you dare.

- Provocation now? You don't think I could do it.

- I don't think so, I'm sure. It was her turn to laugh with amusement. Because deep down you're weak, Zion. Just weak. That's all.