
Sign you? Ok

Arth sighed before letting the flushing Scarlett down.

"Was it really necessary to blast her hand off me?"

Scarlett immediately changed her face to a glare, causing Arth to raise his hands.

"I'm sorry for treating you roughly. I had limited options and I didn't want you to get hurt."

Scarlett let out a smile.

"I didn't mind it rough. In fact, I think I prefer it to be rough. . . ."

Hearing the unbelievable words that could cause a misunderstanding, Arth let out a sigh and rustled her hair.

"Oh you little troublemaker. . . . Why are you so behaved until it involves me?"


Scarlett seemed to enjoy his touch as she closed her eyes and smiled as his hand stroked her hair.

It was at times like these that Arth couldn't help but find her adorable.

It reminded him of the time were she wore no emotions on her face.

Beautiful, yet cold.

He preferred this way more.

"I love you Arth~"

"Yes, I know."

Arth hopes that magnet the rest of the school would be better.

How wrong he was.

It wasn't just the people in the Grand Hall.

The Hufflepuffs, who were usually on excellent terms with the Gryffindors, had turned remarkably cold toward the whole lot of them. One Herbology lesson was enough to demonstrate this. It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that he had stolen their champion's glory; a feeling exacerbated, perhaps, by the fact that Hufflepuff House very rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any, having beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch.

Ernie Macmillan and Justin FinchFletchley, with whom Arth normally got on very well, did not talk to him even though they were repotting Bouncing Bulbs at the same tray. He thought even Professor Sprout seemed distant with him - but then again, she was Head of Hufflepuff House.

For Care of Magical Creatures, predictably, Malfoy arrived at Hagrid's cabin with his familiar sneer firmly in place.

"Ah, look, boys, it's the champion," he said to Crabbe and Goyle the moment he got within earshot of Arth. "Got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going to be around much longer. . . . Half the Triwizard champions have died.. . how long d'you reckon you're going to last? Ten minutes into the first task's my bet."

Arth just sighed and took out a quill.

Before Malloy could even react, he signed his forehead.

To my dearest fan, Malfoy.

"Here is the autograph you wanted. Although, it doesn't really go well with your hair. . . Whatever you want I guess."

Arth watched Malfoy run away with an embarrassed look and had to say, some of the stress that had been accumulating had gone away.

Hagrid then came out with a teetering tower of crates.

"Today- hold still- we will be- stop moving around in the crates- walking the- oh no- skrewts."

Hagrid dropped the boxes causing all of the Skrewts inside to break out.

Immediately, the entire class ran away from Arth.

Yes, Arth.

The moment the skrewts got out, they headed towards Arth and started to run around him.

Imagine, a hundred shell less scorpions doing a cult dance.

For that was the only thing Arth could relate it to.

And it was adorable.

"Come over here my babies~"

The whole class flinched again.-