
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ย้อนยุค
38 Chs

Chapter 35

Princess Alesa woke up with the noise coming from downstairs and the guest room as she heard laughter of some young females laughing and gossiping, as the canopies were been arranged downstairs for the upcoming event.

She sat up on her bed as she listened to the voices she was hearing downstairs, "Soon am going to become the next Queen of our Kingdom, watch me and see," stated a girl whom was slim and dark in complexion, although Alesa did not know whom just boasted about becoming the next queen, her heart panicked as she listened to them.

"Don't be so proud Nora, you and I know that you can't compete with Chief Austin daughter, that girl is the dance Goddess," replied another girl, whom was chatting with Nora.

"Who cares Amara, I will try my luck and if you like don't try yours, Victoria can never be the next queen, never, even though she can dance and swirl, she wouldn't win this contest, just watch and see," threatened Nora.

"And how do you intend doing that?." Just when Amara wanted to question Nora the more, their female coach came out.

"Okay girls, the event will commence tomorrow, you girls are to settle in the guest room and not fight one another, there will be an opening ball ceremony tonight to mark the beginning of your contest and as you know Prince Ali and Queen Mahama will be in attendance at the ball which will be ongoing in this palace, Girls are you all listening?!," questioned the female coach.

"Yes we are ma'am," chorused the girls as they all gathered in the hall room downstairs on the first floor.

"Good, first of all, let me introduce myself to you girls, My name is Lady Fiona Brown, and I will be your coach for this season, as you can see am still single and not yet married too, I would have shoot my shot at the prince also, but you see there's age limit to whom the prince will choose as a bride, aside the fact the prince hasn't slept with anyone yet to determine his bride as it's against our custom for a prince to touch a woman whom isn't his wife, so we will start with the age selection first," stated Lady Fiona, and Princess Alesa ears shook having heard the female coach stared, what does the woman mean, she wondered, just as she wanted to continue listening to their conversation downstairs, she heard a knock on her door as she had the new room to herself, compared to the old one that she was given after her recovery. Queen Mahama and the proposed new maid came into the room as the maid closed the door behind them, Princess Alesa stood up immediately.

"Good morning, Your highness.." Princess Alesa greeted them first as she bowed her head low.

"Good morning," came the curtly reply of Queen Mahama, "Here's your new maid I spoked to you about," She said as she gestured for Mary to come forward.

"Mary will be staying with you here in your chambers, as I wouldn't like you to come out of this room and parade yourself in this palace, you are to remain here in this room, if you are in need of anything you let Mary know so she can run the errands for you, is that understood?."

"Yes Your Highness," replied Princess Alesa.

"Good, and Mary be a good girl, you can go in and keep your bag," spoked the Queen as she turned to leave the chamber, she stopped by the door.

"Did Ali visit you here today?," She questioned Alesa as she turned back to look at her reaction, "No he didn't," replied Alesa as she bowed her head low.

"Good, he is to stay clear away from you and you should do same, unfortunately even as you are our guests we do not have the time to show you around the palace, but I will be glad to do all that, after my son is crowned king and finally settles down as king having a good queen beside him,"She spoked as she turned and left the room, not turning to look back at Alesa again as she exit from the room.

Princess Alesa still stood even after Queen Mahama left, she wondered why the Queen hate her so much as she couldn't remember anything she might have possibly done wrong to offend the queen, still in her dazzling state, the new maid brought to her, snapped her out of her thought.

"My Princess are you in need of anything?," questioned the young maid, whom was shocked to see how beautiful Princess Alesa looked, no wonder the Queen had asked her to monitor her closely, how can one be this beautiful, wondered the maid, whom quickly lowered her head and looked downward as Princess Alesa stared back at her, she shook her head in response, "No, you can arrange your things am not in need of anything as for now."

"Okay my princess," replied Mary as she went to keep her bag in the second room in the chamber as the chamber had a smaller private room in it, most of the highly furnished rooms in the castle had another private room in it.

Princess Alesa watched as the new maid went in to keep her bag, she was silent and wondering how things will turnout, in as much as she love Prince Ali, she cannot be his bride nor his queen, a tear drop fell down the corner of her eyes and she quickly wiped it off to avoid herself from getting upset or annoyed as she feared what magical ability might manifest, and if at all she wanted to know if she as powers, it wouldn't be in front of the new maid Queen Mahama brought, no, she wouldn't trust the maid so easily even though the maid had that innocent look on her face, she cannot just trust her.

She turned and went back to sit on her bed, sitting down, she looked around for what to do and keep herself company, just then she heard another knock on the door and her heart raced wondering if the person knocking was Prince Ali, unfortunately he wasn't the one knocking, it was Tacha, her former maid whom was working alongside with Chika.

"Good morning Princess," Tacha greeted her as soon as she stepped foot into the room, she was all smiles and Alesa knew the smiles was all because of the ceremony that will soon commence in the palace ahead of Prince Ali coronation she frowned.

Tacha noticed Princess Alesa frowning face and she smiled sweetly and walk up to her bed, "Why do you look so unhappy princess, wouldn't you prepare and dress up for the day, to see how our event turns out to be?," questioned Tacha as she came to sat on the bed beside Princess Alesa, just as Princess Alesa wanted to say something, the new maid whok Queen Mahama had brought, came out from the second room.

"Oh, you have a maid here with you already," spoked Tacha, "I was about to ask, have you had breakfast?," she navigated the topic about the ceremony as she knew this new maid was working under Queen Mahama directly.

"No am not hungry," replied Princess Alesa as she looked away, and look out the window.

"I just wish I can go home and forgot all that had happened," said Princess Alesa.

"What's wrong Princess, you still need to eat," spoked Tacha as she look at Princess Alesa with worry, "Not to worry I will get you something from the kitchen." Not waiting for Princess Alesa reply, she stood up and left, walking past Mary as she didn't like Mary either, even though Mary was younger than her.

Princess Alesa sighed as she watched Tacha leave the room, now she felt like a prisoner in another's man land, even though she normally stay all day indoor in Acan palace, she never felt like she was in bondage compared to how she was feeling now, she sighed.