
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ย้อนยุค
38 Chs

Chapter 22

Princess Alesa sat quietly in the carriage stating from side to sides as she watch the road they were riding past, She thought of using her magic power since she had one but she didn't even know how possible she had magic. She didn't know where her mother was from and also she as heard some of the old maids gossip that her mother was a maid whom King Matthew had admire a d married, but she was younger then and couldn't really remember her mother or anything she had told her. While she grew up she heard most of the maids gossip about her and calling her all sorts of name because she's very beautiful and none of them beauty could be compared to hers, She shook her head again thinking about her she has been treated since her mother left her. First it was her stepmother and later the maids whom maltreated her since her childhood until she stood up against them, Only her father that had the soft spot towards her and cared for her.

Princess Alesa wondered if truly her mother was from Jalin kingdom, she sighed. She has also heard her stepmother saying that Jalin people are blessed with magic powers to heal or restore and some could use it to destroy if annoyed or provoked, she sighed again, stretching her hands forwards she thought of how to escape from the carriage with the two mighty guards seating beside her, she gulped as she tried to stare at one of their face.

Noticing the princess was staring at him, The guard became uncomfortable and almost peed on himself, he asked the Coachman to stop so he could ease himself.

Princess Alesa was left with the remaining guard, she knew the first guard whom let could have urinated nearby, but because she was a lady, he had to shift up some distance. Princess Alesa knew if she didn't try to escape then she wouldn't have another opportunity again, so she went sideways and when the guard notice he stopped her, "Where are you going my princess?"

"I want to ease myself too," she lied and quickly hurried into the bush. She had thought the guard will follow her and stop her but he didn't, so she used the opportunity and ran away, continue running as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Where's the princess?" The first guard whom had gone to urinate before came back.and asked, "She had gone to urinate" The second guard replied.

"And you allow her go?" The first guard questioned

"What was I supposed to do, stop her or follow her to go and urinate?" The second guard asked.

"What if she escape?" The first guard questioned, "She wouldn't dare too" replied the second guard.

"Okay let's wait a little for her then."

The two guards stood waiting for the princess to return but time passed and she hadn't returned, "You see, I told you, she might have escape, quickly let's find her, what path did she took?" Asked the first guard as the both of them ran into the bushes asking the coach man to wait for them to return as they explained to him about the missing princess

Princess Alesa hurried her steps but she became weak and fell to the ground, the thick bush couldn't let her run to fast as it kept poking and tearing her clothes, she tried to look forward if she could see any town or village but she kept on seeing only bush, and tall trees, she didn't know how farther she will run, before the guards knows about her trick and caught her.

Princess Alesa stood up back and continue running, she came to a close end and couldn't pass to the other side, she wanted to go back and take the other road, bit she heard footsteps approaching, it was the footsteps of the Kande guards whom she had lied too, she thought of hiding in the bush but she wouldn't fit in, so she came out and walk forward just then the two guards caught her.

"What where you planning to do my lady?" The first guard asked and she stiffened while she look away, "Escape? off course not you wouldn't be able to escape from here, as the forest didn't lead to any town apart from people's farm," he said.

"Let go dragged her back to the carriage" Said one of the guards, but Princess Alesa cloths had turned in some places revealing some part of her body and skin.

"Wait Lawrence" The second guard said as he eyed Princess Alesa, Lawrence walked back to him and asked, "What?."

The guard spoke quietly so Princess Alesa wouldn't hear them, not knowing she heard loud ears, "Don't you see she's very beautiful, what if she's not truly a Princess, if she was she wouldn't have escape knowing that we are taking her back to her family home."

"You are right, so what do we do, kill her?" Lawrence asked, and the second guard replied "No, she's very beautiful, let's sleep with her instead."

"What? We can't do that, there wouldn't be enough time, let just take her back to Acan, replied the first guard. "No!" The second guard eyes travelled on Alesa bare skin down to her bossom, she used the scarf to cover her chest, revealing her beautiful face, the second guard said, "See, don't you see how beautiful she look, let have her quick."

The first guard wanted to refuse but as he saw Princess Alesa face he gulped and wanted to feel her warmth, he shook his head and agreed, ad they rush up to hold her, she tried to fight with them but they are stronger

"Let me go!" She screamed.

"Stay quiet, else you have me slice your throat" The second guard warn as he pinned her to the ground

"Get away from me, help!" The second guard forcefully choke her by her throat, want her to shut up as the first guard struggle to remove her cloth, they tore it and princess Alesa screamed, Her voice cracked the floor and the guards shook afraid of what just happened as the almost got deaf.

Prince Ali whom was riding his horse back to Acan to go to the Soso River and get her clothes as he wondered if her clothes will still be there, he wanted to take it and keep it with him and treasure, so whenever he misses her, he will snift in her clothes or just bring them out and touch them as he hadn't forgotten her taste and scent. He saw the carriage that had left since still parked by the side of the road closer to the border, he pulled his horse with force stopping it and came down.

He hurried to the carriage and saw only the Coachman, "Where's the princess?" He asked and the Coachman whom was shock to see Prince Ali.

The Coachman stammered while pointing to the forest the guards had taken, "There . they went to urinate, to look for her" he stammered pointing to the direction Princess Alesa and the two guards had gone into.

Just then Prince Ali and the Coachman heard the loud breaking high-pitched scream that almost had them dead for ten seconds, he blocked his ears and he staggered not to fall.. Frightened the horses wanted to run off but the Coachman was quick to force them to stop.

"What was that my prince?" Asked the Coachman whom was already visibly shaking.

"I don't know, stay back let me found out" Prince Ali replied

"But you can't go their my prince, what if is a witch or wide animal or monster that is in the forest" replied the coach man as he tried to stop Prince Ali.

"Stay back!" Prince Ali warned the Coachman not to stop him and he hurriedly went into the forest in search of Princess Alesa, "What could she be doing in here, did she try to escape?" Prince Ali asked himself as he didn't even know which path to take, he heard her voice again and he hurried his step to the direction the voice is coming from.

"Get away from me?" Princess Alesa tried to push the guard whom had caught her again as she tried to escape, he used for e to pull her back making her collide with his body and the guard immediately wanted to tear her patch cloth naked, frightened the guard where determined to sleep with her, she subconsciously did a magic and the grasses beside her came forward and seize the guard leg, drawing him into the tick bushes while some plants pierced hard into the guard, sounding him badly and leaving him to death, the second guard was so shock as to what he just saw, he stammered and moved backward as he had already pulled off his trouser, he stared at the first guard whom seemed lifeless to the princess whom was struggling to cover up her body as they had torn her cloth, "Witch! You are witch!" As the second guard wanted to pick up his sword and slice it thru Alesa body, Another plant grew out and seized his hand, he screamed, just then Prince Ali came and saw what was happening.