
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ย้อนยุค
38 Chs

Chapter 19

Prince Charles knocked on his father's door and went in, King Matthew stared at his son and calmed down, he was his true reflection and even if he had wanted to hate his son, he couldn't but calm whenever he sees him.

"Father!" Prince Charles said as he hugged his father. King Matthew calmed and sat down on the sofa with his son.

"I have been hearing your voice father" Prince Charles said as he looked up to meet his father gaze.

"I Know son, your sister is missing from the palace" King Matthew replied as he dismissed his remaining guards in his chamber to go out and find Princess Alesa wherever she might have gone too.

"Am sure Princess Alesa is fine wherever she might have gone too" Prince Charles said, and King Matthew sighed, "I Know son, just that we have to look for her and bring her back to the Palace, once the Jalin Crown Prince comes here to look for her, I don't know how he might react with the news of her disappearance, you know they are wizard and not ordinary humans like us," King Matthew explained.

"But why will you even agree to Princess Alesa marrying him, knowing that his a wizard and not human father?"

"You wouldn't understand son, He won the challenge and I am left with no other option that to let Alesa stay betrothed to him, and now she has ran away."

".." Prince Charles frown, "Don't worry too much father, she will be back or maybe the crown prince of Jalin, wouldn't even be upset as ou have thought about him."

"You don't know him son, I can't just tell" King Matthew replied, just then a guard came in and delivered a news to him, it was a scroll containing some news letter to the King of Acan from Jalin kingdom.

King Matthew sat up straight and ask the guard to read the scroll.

"Your Majesty, The Royal family of Jalin and all it household as decided to shift the marriage between Crown Prince Fedina of Jalin and Crown Princess Alesa of Acan until after the the burial of the late king approximately in two months time as the Royal family of Jalin are still mourning their King whom passed away last weekend, Thanks for your patience with us, Signed Crown Prince Fedina," The Royal servant read the scroll and King Matthew relaxed, "So their king is gone," He shook his head while he breath a sign of relief knowing that Prince Fedina wasn't going to come to the palace to ask him of Alesa any time soon

"You can leave." King Matthew dismissed his loyal servant, and stood up.

"Father didn't I tell you that the Crown Prince might not ask of Princess Alesa?" Prince Charles said and his father just stared at him not replying.

"The former King of Jalin is gone, that's why his son wouldn't be coming anytime soon but that doesn't mean we wouldn't find your sister, Come let go and see Grandma" King Matthew said as he walked out of his Chambers with his son following him to go see his mother, whom was already ageing older.

King Matthew got into his mother chamber, Queen Rosa hasn't been happier either since Alesa left the palace without saying goodbye to her, she worried of something had happened to her daughter, hearing the sound of the door, she turned and saw her son walk in.

"Have you found her yet?" Queen Rosa asked staring at her son and grandson.

."No mother, bit the guards are searching for her, I believe they will find her son."

"Okay," Elderly Queen Rosa replied, "She as always been indoors am worried whom must have seen her and taken her away, you know she's very beautiful like her mother, she's more beautiful than when her mother was young at her age," Elderly Queen Rosa said.

"I know mother, but am sure she left with her veil, she wouldn't dare to reveal her face or identity to anyone" King Matthew said as he sat down opposite of his mother, while Prince Charles went to seat beside his Grandma.

"How about her betroth?" Queen Rosa asked. "They lost their king, his father his home so he wouldn't be coming anytime soon," King Matthew replied.

"Hmm.." Queen Rosa sighed, understanding why the whether hasn't been friendly with them, she had withnessed some past events similar to these and had suspected it to have something to do with Jalin kingdom especially with the seven day heavy rainfall, she sighed and spoked to her Grandson to ease the tension in the room.


Back in Kande Kingdom

Kande Royal Palace.


Crown Prince Ali hasn't been himself either, he had fully recovered from his shock and was fully fine and fit. But his mother has been in agony since her husband sudden death.

"He was fine and breathing just well Ali" Queen Mahama said to her son as she was still in tears even though the weather hasn't been friendly and had been raining for complete seven days.

"Hmph." Prince Ali sighed as he comfort his mother

"Mom, you need to be strong, all will be fine" Crown Prince Ali said, as he patted his mother, seating beside her in her room.

"Ali all can never be well, since the day you brought in that lady, a lot has been going on in this palace, you need to send her away."

Prince Ali stiffened as he heard his mother. He had never thought of it, and has not even gone to check up on Princess Alesa since the day he had woken up, he had been with his mother comforting her most of the time, as he wouldn't want her to faint or become sick or suicidal due to his father dismiss.

"Son, you are not saying anything, I don't want that girl in this palace," Queen Mahama spoked as she stood up from the side of her son she was seated before, standing up now she face him, "You need to take her away from this Palace before she kills all of us" Queen Mahama spoked wanting to go out of her chamber to throw Princess Alesa out of the Palace.

Prince Ali immediately stood up and stop her, "Stop it mother, you are overreacting!" He said as he held his mother by her hand to stop her from going out of her chamber.

"Overreacting?" Queen Mahama laughed, shook her head and looked at her son, "Do you mean to tell me you don't believe me, Or Wait.. What's your relationship with that Princess, Don't tell me you have fallen for her, not because she's beautiful son, you have to send her away, she's a curse" Queen Mahama yelled as she shook her son, turning him to face her.

Prince Ali looked away, not wanting to comment anything on what his mother just said.

"Son ain't you going to believe me and send her away, or are you beginning to pick side with that Witch?" Queen Mahama questioned.

"She's not a witch mother" Prince Ali finally replied.

"Then if she's not a witch, tell me what she is son? The same day you brought her here you fainted for the very first time." Prince Ali looked away from his mother as he walk to the window, but his mother continued, "Tell me son am I lying? The following day your father is gone and you are doing nothing about it until am gone too, is that so?" Queen Mahama questioned and Prince Ali screamed, "Just stop it mother, Stop!."

"Are you now yelling at me because of her, I can see she has bewitched you too, you are now blinded by her beauty." Queen Mahama didn't wait for her son response, She immediately dashed out of her room, going down the stairs to the second floor where Princess Alesa was.