
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

18: Lonely

"Today, we gather around to remember the memories of Ivy Whitrose, Krea Whitrose and Ayleth Whitrose. They were true fighthers who fought the best in their life until the last breath..."

The funeral director took a deep breath before moving on.

"Here, lies Ivy Whitrose. A good wife, a strong woman who raised her daughters in such a great way, a fighter and a loveable lady of the house. May she rest in peace, alongside her beloved husband at the eternity," with that, the coffin was slowly descending into the grave plot. A wreath of daisies with a bouquet of white roses were put on the coffin. Two of her most favorite flowers.

"Here also, lies The Army Physician Krea Whitrose. A true saviour, a great fighter, a devoted daughter and a loveable lover. May her soul cherish the Heaven," another coffin descending into the ground. One of the barer was none other than Peter himself. He had done enough crying all the way from the north to Snowden. It's time to say goodbye and gave a proper closure to his first and true love. He silently stood there after the task was done, holding her physician's uniform in his hands.

He will grieving for the rest of his life.

"And lastly, here lies Ayleth Whitrose. An inspire archer, the Sun to her father, a lovely and lively child in the household of Whitrose and a true friend. May her soul rest in peace.."

The last coffin was slowly went into the grave. There was a bit hush in a crowd.

"I heard she had been beaten up so bad, they need to cover her face with an opaque satin instead of a lace handkerchief, unlike her mother and sister..."

"She must fight for her life so bad..."

"The intruder was none other than The Iron Hawk!"

"Someone must paid them to kill the whole family. But why?"

"Maybe one of them made someone anger..."

"Could be the young lady? She had been beaten so bad!"

"I heard she got raped, too!"

"That's nonsense!"

"They found her almost undressed at the river bank. How can you dismissed the idea of her being raped?"

"She must have done some bad things that made her a target! Poor thing! Just because of her, the whole family got killed!"

Kamui glared at the crowd, quickly identified some who recklessly threw some unnecessary comments about the incident. He then reached the crowd, staring deep into their eyes. With him in his royal guard uniform, it was hard to dismiss the deep tone aura that came from him.

"The Royal Inspector will handle the case and the perpetrator will be find out soon. Until then..." Kamui gave them a sharp glare. "Stop poking your nose into our business!" he warned them.

The crowd fell in deep silence. The rest of the Royal Guard and some of men from the army also joined Kamui, including Peter. With his red eyes and solemn face, he looked at them before spurred some words.

"Please respect the deceased and her family! This is a funeral!" he then left the crowd along with his squad. Kamui glared at his men. They sigh heavily, looking frustrated as well.

Aden stared at the grave. He felt a loud thumping in his chest. Keeping a major secret was thrilling. And dangerous as well. From his spot, he could see his brother, engaging a conversation with the king and some lords who attend the funeral.

Somewhere far from the crowd, behind a huge tree, Aden saw a sillouette of a lady. She hid herself behind a black cape. Aden slowly moved from his spot and walked towards the tree.

"Aden..." Hadrian stopped him in a midway. Aden almost jumped on his feet, but he managed to control his shocking face.

"Are you leaving now?" he subtly asked Hadrian. His brother nodded. He looked as pale as sheet.

"I need to lay down a bit..."

"You haven't sleep since last night," Aden held Hadrian tight.

"The incident is a serious matter. We were talking about intensifying the security, especially at the border. General Whitrose's family had occupied at the area for quite some time. The attack is a shocking news," said Hadrian.

Aden gritted his teeth. If only Hadrian knew The Iron Hawk was behind this attack...

"What do you think about it?" Aden pretended to engage with the conversation.

"I think, the bandits from the border are trying to penetrate our kingdom. By attacking the nearby village, or private property, they surely want to show us how capable they are as a threat to the kingdom," said Hadrian.

"What about the Iron Hawk?" Aden asked. He was trying to see Hadrian's reaction, in case of he had a doubt on the bandits.

"Iron Hawk needs motive to attack. They are not running loose and doing things in random. Whitrose must have a connection with them if we want to pinpoint Iron Hawk as the perpetrator," Hadrian replied.

Aden shut his mouth.

"Don't worry about this. I think, the Royal Inspection will handle the case well. We have to think about the border safety now. That's why I held you captive inside the castle..." Hadrian suddenly looked at Aden.

"Today, something that I'm afraid of happened to someone. I pray earnest to God, it won't happened to any of my family. I hope, you'll understand what I meant,"

Even though Hadrian sounded calm and subtle, but deep down inside, he was shaking to learn about the attack. He couldn't imagine if things like this happen to Aden. With his condition and the current state of the Royal Affair, they can't lose him.

Aden needs to survive even through seven hells and Heavens.

"Your Highness... It's time to go," one of his eunuch came to fetch Hadrian. He nodded at the man before glaring at Aden.

"You want to join us, or..."

"I have to visit Rufus. It's been a while and I have to grab some things from him," Aden replied.

"I'll let someone guard you..."

"Can I have Kamui? I mean, he's quite powerful and reliable," Aden purposedly demanding to have Kamui as his guard.

"Certainly. Yla, call Captain Kamui and ask him to escort Aden to Gardens and Herbs Lab," the eunuch dismissed himself.

Few minutes later, Kamui presented himself in front of Hadrian and Aden.

"Your Highness..."

"Kamui, I want to ask a favor from you. Please escort Aden to the town. He needs to see his teacher. I hope I can count on you," said Hadrian.

"Certainly, Your Highness..." Kamui bowed at Hadrian and later, he glared at Aden. Hadrian smiled and later, he left with his eunuch.

"She's here. I saw her..." Aden whispered at Kamui. The guard peek a glance around the graveyard.

"Go and find her. I'll meet you at Rufus' place," said Kamui. Aden nodded. He left Kamui alone at his spot, seeking for the figure in black cape that he saw just now.

Walking pass by a big tree, which was hidden a bit from everyone's sight, Aden saw the figure stood there, facing the graveyard.

"Ayleth... It's time to go," Aden called her. The lady turned around, eyes in red, looking at him.

Slowly, Aden walked towards her and pulled her into his embrace. The lady cried her eyes out, soaking Aden's clothes with her tears.

"Now it feels real..." Ayleth said, between her tears. Watching her family's funeral hit her into reality. She's alone now, and only to Aden she can relied on.

"I'll protect you, no matter what..." Aden swore to Ayleth. He brushed her hair softly while held her tight.