
The Eckleis empire

Adelai had spent the entire day running a last minute investigation before hopping on to his horse and speeding back to the empire in hopes to catch on to the very last hour meeting. The double doors were sent flying away as he practically flew inside like a wild bull unleashed. He hadn't even had the time to fix himself. He could already imagine if he hadn't worn his royal robes then people would have already assumed he was a random lunatic who passed the guards. No one would be blamed from accusing him of it too. Adelai walked to the platform, looking ragged and tossed around like a doll. His usual soft features completely void of his face. Where his sea green eyes were now hung dark bags underneath, the usual indifference was replaced with a crazed look in his eyes. Adelai looked like he hadn't slept for days, and that's because he hasn't. His soft and neat blonde hair now lay like a tattered mat on his head, shimmering with sweat and dirt that clung to his brows which twitched dangerously close to one another as his thin lips curled into a scowl. With a scary look such as that, no one would dare say a word. "Let's begin."

Adelai made a beeline for his room immediately after that, every step he took made him flinch in pain. His back aching from hours and hours riding a horse through the outskirts of the country and back. Not to mention he had to deal with a number of bandits on his way here. He just couldn't have a single moment of rest. So when Adelai finally escaped his sister's passive scolding, he couldn't wait to take a hot bath off these sticky and dirty robes. His room was spacious, it hadn't been as big as his sister's who was the empress but his room could still fit at least ten grand carriages if allowed. What Adelai wanted the most right now was rest.

For Adelai, rest meant doing what he liked the most. So instead of being found curled under his bed for anyone to find, most would easily discover him in the depths of the library reading a book as tattered as his hair in this very moment, flipping through flimsy pages as he sat on a comfortable couch with warm tea in clean clothes. This had been an interest of his ever since he stumbled upon the book while researching about an issue of a past occurrence. Since then, he'd find himself holed up by himself with this particular book in hand. Unfortunately for his sister, this situation caused people to manifest his image as a charmingly stern prince, untouchable by the world. Fortunately for him, he had zero idea this was what had become of him of his own people. The book itself was no ordinary book. It's contents were pretty old and most words could barely be made out with how faded it had become with time. Centuries ago before Acriestelion had ruled over the continent, there reigned a previous empire. An even more so stunning and brutally authorative empire whose influence almost blanketed the world. The Eckleis Empire was ruled over a single Empress and bearing only one daughter. The empire itself flourished abundantly with riches and lands that no one could ever dream of acquiring. All this power could make even a god go mad with greed but not Empress Eckleis for Empress Eckleis showered her people with love and care. She was truly somewhat a goddess in everyone's eyes. However, a rebellion occured in which no one could have ever expected and specially not a rebellion lead by the empires own crown princess, Hera Ickleis. No further information came and about this crown princess but she had rebelled against the former empress of that time, her own mother and caused destruction of the entire empire. After the empires lose, the empress was killed and the crown princess disappeared after the war ended. The land which used to grow flowers in vibrant colors and fruits full and sweet were long gone with the calamity which befell them. Adelai brought this up to his sister long ago in hopes his dear sister had more to know about this old tale but he'd received nothing but a sigh from her. This had been nothing but a myth. An old folk tale. Aminesria at that time had tried rebuking his ideas and said "They must be an old tale written by someone from the past who never managed to publish it. nothing more than that. why dont you try doing something more valuable of your time? I need to attend a meeting."

But Adelai couldn't move on after reading about this lost crown prince. No other tales had mentioned nor made a retelling of this story. Even after hed asked every librarian he could find within the empire there was no one who could tell him who even the author was. So Adelai made his own research. The more he thought of this story, fhe more he believed this story had been real as he compared its history with Acriestelions own. Also, the book did not mention any hidden motive the crown princess had for turning against her own people. Why would she ruin an empire at its peak when she was next in line for the throne? It did not make sense. Even if this book had ended up being an old unpublished tale, Adelai thought he'd at least had a fun experience with it.

The more he thought, the more he drowned in his conspiracies and theories. Adelai sunk deeper into thoughts, so deep he failed to acknowledge the person approaching closer to him. A shadow of a person towered over him and he finally raised his head in surprise.

Lord Senia.

"What are you doing here?" Adelai stood, brows dangerously drew close to his eyes. Lord Senia was the last person he wanted to see. Even though he harbored a favor towards this person, it still did not change the fact that this cunning vessel of god smiling down at him was no more dangerous than a poisonous snake ready to bite its prey. Lord Senia raised a brow as she drawled out a pipe from her lips. The cloud of herbal smoke diminishing into air as she blew.

"What would I be doing out here? The empire's library is open to all nobles with permitted access to it. Or does his Majesty still detest me for last times incident?" What she said was true. The imperial library was open to all nobles with permitted access granted by the empress herself with only a number of nobles in list. Lord Senia had not only been one of them but is the most welcomed guest of all. Despite the on-going silent controversy with the empire and the vessel of god, Empress Aminesria could not deminish the fact that Lord Senia had become one of her most valuable asset in claiming the throne and it's people. With that, Lord Senia had been granted access even to the restricted books in the library heavily guarded by crossed magic. To keep your friends close meant to keep your enemies closer. Adelai felt his sister granting that kind of access had been risky, yet his sister waved him off.

"Lord Senia won't be making moves against the empire, so long as I keep the deal we've made." What she said concerned him more than anything. What kind of deal did she make with the vessel of god?

Adelai did not entertain her with an answer, the frown on his face hardening with every second as he repeated "What brings you here, Lord Senia?"

The young lady knew she'd be better off fishing on dry land at this point, however, she preferred to watch this young prince's face turn sour everytime his eyes caught sight of her. The very thought of getting on his nerve entertained her so much, most specially when this naive and stoic prince lost all his cool. There was really nothing special about this young prince at all that all the people adored. Lord Senia dragged another wiff of her pipe. Breaking down a person to bits is Lord Senia's favorite hobby of all time. In fact, that had been the trigger for Prince Adelai's first meeting with her.

Once in every fifty years, the empire would hold a special festival welcoming the blessing of the goddess to Acriestelion. Every fifty years on that festive day, an Acriestelion descended would walk up cobblestone steps and stand a top before the crowd to give a speech. This particular day had been one Adelai anticipated for so long, it was his turn as an Acriestelion descendent to speak in front of their people, sharing the honor and grace of Acriestelion to the entire continent.

But he had failed.

Adelai wore Royal ceremonial robes of white lined with gold and red as he strode up cobble stone steps. His hair had been not been in it's usual style for the special occasion, it was partly slicked back with pretty tiny jewels hung across his head. He donned the perfect expression of high nobility and silent intellect. Who could not be astonished by such a handsome face as that? Adelai drew off the impression of one respectful and intelligent individual that did not boast off his blessings. Those off the stands cheering on the young royal could never had known how Adelai's hands trembled by his side.

Just recite the speech you memorized. And if not, improvise.

Adelai had spent the past few weeks preparing for this day. He'd walk around the castle memorizing his speech down to every punctuation, at some point all the servants could almost repeat his speech by heart. But they remained quiet to not upset this pretty prince. They knew how important this day was to their precious prince, they couldn't just ruin it for him.

[Senia|Adelai backstory first meeting]

[Senia says she's not here to fight and tells Adelai a few info about the lost empire]

[She tells him if he wants to know , more he can visit her estate]

[Adelai hesitates and learns he still has to tell her about the curse]

[He ends up going to the estate]

[Senia in male form, they talk about the empire a little]

[Adelai brings up the curse and asks for assistance]

[Senia teases him and declines]

[Their little bond breaks and Adelai demands him bc it's a royal order]

[Senia agrees]