
The Prince's who doesn't like to follow Rules

a boy who falls in love and tries to change the rules

Nate_fantisy · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter1 How i met this boy

It began when the prince of the vampires went for blood. He met a boy a werewolf, alone and  crying on the floor. The vampire went to the werewolf.

He was scared of him because werewolves and vampires are enemies, but the prince didn't care he never liked to follow rules anyway. He hugged the werewolf and just laying on the floor with him in the pouring rain. He asked for his name "M-My n-name i-i-is E-van."

He said with a cracking voice. "I'm Prince Jaydon ." He answered. Evan was shocked "You're the prince of the vampires, you aren't supposed to talk to me." Jaydon was confused and asked why. Evan answered him" Im the prince of the werewolves." Jaydon was shocked, he thought why was he crying in the rain in a dark street? nobody was there just rats being chased by cats.

Jaydon said, "Let´s get you  to my castle and you tell me what happened." "But what about the queen and king" Evan was confused. Jaydon said he doesn't have to worry about them. They were not really with rules like Jaydon.

When they were in the castle the guards didn't wanted to let Evan in "you cant enter you werewolf" the guard said!" "Let him in right now!" "jaydon replied angrily "Hes the enemy prince" " i said, let, him, in", the guards let it slide, he was still the prince so they had to listen to him

Just right before they went into his room his mother saw him. He tried to hide Evan but the mother saw him "Who's that "the queen asked. Jaydon explained that it was the prince of the werewolves and he found him crying. The mother said he could stay for a few nights but first she wanted to see him. She noticed that Evan had wounds all over his body.

She was shocked and told the maids to clean the wounds. After that Jaydon asked him what happened. "Well I'm gay and my mother, who is the queen said that I'm not her son anymore and doesn't belong in her pack," Evan explained.

The mother allowed that Evan can stay at the castle, she said "thats horrible, you can stay here for how long you want, and let me see these wounds." Evan showed her the wounds hesitantly.

"Those were pretty bad scratches, how did you get them." The mother asked. He explained that he had to fight his brother, as a punishment for being gay. The mother was shocked. "You're safe here now!" Jaydon said. "Well if you to want you can sleep in jaydons room." She said.

"But aren't you afraid your son will fall in love or become gay." He said. Both were laughing, jaydon said, " well I'm bisexual and it's ok for me I don't mind falling in love." Evan blushed.

They went to bed because it was pretty late. When Evan woke up,he felt that Jaydon hugged him from behind. Evan slowly got up and went to get breakfast.

He went to the kitchen to see that jaydons mother was there. He of course went to say good morning to her " Good morning queen!" he said. She answered with "Good morning and call me Juliet."

Suddenly he saw a little girl "Come on say hello." said Juliet" hello sir I'm Sydney princess of the vampires." The girl said, she was very quiet and shy.

He bent down and shook her hand "I'm Evan exprince of the werewolves but u can call me whatever you like." She was very happy. Then jaydon was behind him.

He said with a tired sad voice" why did u leave so early it was so warm and comfy hugging you!" "I left because I was awake and very hungry which I still am." He said while his stomach made sounds.

Jaydon laughed at him. "why are u laughing." Evan said in a sleepy voice.

Jaydon blushed "No reason, LET´S EAT NOW BREAKFAST." When they were by the Table an unknown face was there. " "Good morning sir!" Evan said politely. The man said, "Good morning ur Evan right im the king of the kingdom Christopher but call me Chris!"

Evan tried to eat very politely. "Do u guys want something too". He said to be polite. "Evan we don't eat meat we only eat blood we are vampires." juliet said "Oh right I forgot im very sorry miss." " It's OK, Evan."

"How can u know this u probably never learned it," Jaydon added to his mother ok. "That's true I didnt go to school and my parents never told me anything about vampires juts to avoid u, but i read a lot of books in secret." He explained.

"U poor thing, did u even have friends."

Juliet asked. "Well no but I had my brother, he hated me." Juliet was shocked, everyone was shocked. Juliet said to Chris. " we need to talk later Chris." "Of course honey, we can."

They were done eating breakfast. Juliet and Chris had a chat . "Chris, this boy can't go back and I like him. He's polite. How about we let him stay here, so he has a home, where people care about him."  "so Evan dear we decided that you can stay you will be getting ur own!" juliet said." i dont really want to get my own room i think its better if I share a room with Jaydon for now" Evan explained " if you change ur mind just tell us!" Chris said.