
Chapter 8

Prince Pov

In the morning, I wake up and Alex wasn't there. What is this? It's his duty to wake up every day morning. Where is he? First I fresh myself and went to downstairs. Everyone was there. But I was searching for Alex. I asked a maid about him. She said that Alex's grandma is sick. The doctor told him to bring a medicinal plant. So he went to bring it. I quickly finished my breakfast and left the dining room immediately. But my father got mad at me. Because no one can leave the dining room before him. But this time I disrespected him. So I knew he would punish me for that. But I didn't care about it and left the dining room. I went to Alex's grandma to see her.

She was laying down on the bed. She seemed to be so sick.

"Prince Frank, you... yo.." She couldn't finished her word because of her cough.

"No need to bother yourself. You should rest first. Alex will come soon." I said and sat beside her. Meanwhile, a servant came with a bowl of soup. I told her to bring it here. I took the bowl from the maid and told her to leave.

"Here, it some soup. You will feel better." I said.

"I don't feel like to eat anything right now." She said and closed her eyes.

"Please grandma, you should eat some. It will help you to heal your sickness quickly. Come, say aaa." I feed her some soup. She hardly eat some.

"That's enough, I don't want to eat anymore." She said. I called a servant to take it back. Suddenly, she looked at me so strangely.

"Do you have something to say, grandma?" I asked.

"You are a prince. Why are you spending your time with a poor old lady like me?" She asked, made me feel awkward.

"Actually, your grandson Alex always takes a good care of me. And you are the one who taught him to behave like this. So it's my pleasure to spend some time with a great grandma like you." I said and I saw her eyes were shining. I understand that she doesn't expect this behavior from me. Everyone says that my father is a evil king. So, they think that I am also like my father. But I am not. I always tried to be a good person like Aniya's father. He was my idol.

"Anyways, grandma are you feeling better now?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head in the positive.

"You know? I haven't seen my grandparents. They died when my father was a little child. So I didn't have any grandparents. When I was little, every kid in my age was telling about her grandparents. But I couldn't say anything. Can you tell me your childhood story?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

" Of course, why not? When I was a little kid there was no school for us. Only the royal kids could have a school. So I couldn't learn anything. But I was everyone said that I'm very brilliant, my brain was very sharp. When I grew up I got a job in the Palace. Then I found a man in that Palace who was a soldier. I fell in love with him and then we got married. Then I got dear son. But both of my husband and son were died in a battle." She said, made me think of that story.

"Your son? You mean Alex's father?" I asked. She shook at my words.

"Oh oh, yes. I forgot about that. Yeah my son got married and left his son to me." She said.

"Then what about Alex's mother?" I asked.

"His mother? Oh umm... Oh yeah. She also died. She was attacked by a virus." She said. I was really confused.

"Prince, you should go now. I am feeling bad again. I should take a nap." She said and I left her room. I was going back to my room and thinking about her story. Suddenly, I recognize what she said. She said that in her time there was no school. But Alex told me that his grandma taught him to write and read. Then why is she telling that? It made me confuse. I decided to go to him. I was going to do that but suddenly father called me in his room. I think it's about the morning.

I went to his room. He was standing in the balcony and waiting for me.

"Why did you disobey me in the morning?" He asked. I got scared.

"No I didn't. I was just in hurry." I said in a trembling voice.

"I don't want to see this again. Now get lost." He said. He didn't look at me for once.

Who cares? I left his room and went to the forest. Because I knew that Alex could be there. Everyone go there to find medicinal plant. I reached the forest and started to find Alex. Meanwhile, I found him.

" Prince, what are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I'm here to help you. Let's find the plant together." I said. We started to find the plant together. And once we get it. Then we made our way back to the Palace. We talk a lot along the way.

"By the way, Alex who taught you to read or write?" I asked. He shocked.

"I told you before. It was my grandma who taught me to read and write. Why are you asking?" He asked shockingly.

"Actually, I talked to your grandma today. She said that there was no school in her time." I said. He seems to be scared.

"Actually, my father was a literate person. He taught my grandma and she taught me. That's it." He said. I pretended to believe him at that moment. But I knew that something was going wrong. I will find out what he is hiding from me.

To be continued.....