
Rage Against The Darkness

Rowan did not know where his Rage stemmed from, but from the moment when those eyes opened, he had recognized himself, before it was crushed underneath by the darkness, it was like watching himself being killed all over again.

Suddenly, he wanted… needed to kill this thing, who was making a mockery of his body and soul.

His Serpents were forbidden from touching it, he would butcher it with his hands.

He kicked the creature's arms open, exposing the chest as he lifted Envy. With one swift motion, he swung the Great Axe into the chest of the creature.

The Axe was stopped by a raised hand, this creature seemed to have an impressive constitution, but the vibrational force that Envy carried shredded the limbs to mush, leaving black bones, the next blow severed that limb at the elbow, and from the open wound it bled shadow and darkness. But it was still smiling.