

The white-haired man dismissed the Berserker Intent carelessly, he seemed to hate holding it, he looked at the dumbstruck look on the face of the alien god and he smiled, there was something simple and refreshing about this god that he liked,

"I won this technique from the God of War after his descendants lost a bet against me, this is the reason why Tiberius hates me. I have shamed his bloodline too many times."

Urroghat was nearly speechless before he spat, "Tiberius? The God of War? Is there any god out there that would be arrogant enough to take that mantle?"

The White-haired man grinned, "We the children of Trion are an arrogant lot you see, but we can usually back our bluffs, so that makes it okay in a manner. Also, I think you are beginning to understand why the children of Trion are so arrogant and… dangerous, I'm a child of Trion."